;) ............ how deliciously we spend ourselves on the blank screen and papers ....... and look at what you created instead of laying idle ... i have such a contented smile on my face in your ".... muse of yesteryear" ...just look at how you have kept it alive :)))))))))))))))))
When a poet has nothing to write about, she or he must write about not writing! :) Thank you, E. .. read moreWhen a poet has nothing to write about, she or he must write about not writing! :) Thank you, E. Have a great day. Lydi**
6 Years Ago
and truly you have done it so very well :)
6 Years Ago
You are a sweetheart, E. Enjoy your day. Lydi**
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This is the best possible way to describe how my own poems manifest. Me & Dave (retired schoolteacher here) often chat about how our poems are a mere glimpse of what we are remembering as we look back toward our more frisky times! *wink! wink!* We would run out of ideas without those "muses of yesteryear"! -- great title! (((HUGS))) Fondly, Margie
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Ah yes, they keep us writing. thanks so much, Margie. Lydi**
Hmmmm and sometimes those lip licking moments are the best- remembrance with a smile in your dial and the knowing of the lessons been learnt- laughing at ourselves with ourself🌹
those muses can be very fickle Lydi, they come and go, come and go, and there we are stuck with small thoughts or horror of horrors, no thoughts at all.... but Lydi, clothed or not, sensual or not, your poems are always "NICE" and even arrange themselves when that muse is away on vacation.... but then Lydi, I find it hard to believe that muse will leave you alone for very long... nope there are just too many words roaming around in your mind.... ;0)
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
That muse is a very fickle one...she runs off with Superman whenever I turn my back! LOL Thanks ag.. read moreThat muse is a very fickle one...she runs off with Superman whenever I turn my back! LOL Thanks again, my friend. Lydi**
Funny thing...the Muse...she never seems to walk in lockstep as we age. Always the same young beauty...remembers the words to our favourite songs...still wears those wonderful old clothes with flair.
We on the other hand...
Well done, Lydi. A good write.
Posted 6 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
6 Years Ago
Yes, the muse is timeless and ageless...but the poet, well, that is another story! :) Thank you, T.. read moreYes, the muse is timeless and ageless...but the poet, well, that is another story! :) Thank you, Ted. Merry Christmas to you. Lydi**
There is absolutely nothing wrong in singing old familiar songs, not when perfectly punctuated with a knowing smile, half hidden behind tantalizingly teased and tongue moistened lips... in fact.. it is an absolute must do when they invoke such obviously meaningful recollections and are likewise responsible for my Friday fix.... :) N x