Lydia, your poem brought childhood memories, of the times, my paternal side of the family, gather for the holidays, at my oma and opa place. Try imagining 26 first cousins, most under the age of 15, running around the house, getting into trouble, being their noisy selves. An aunt or uncle, telling us, to go outside and play. The smell of food would assault your senses, as soon as, the outside door was opened up. Hinting at the awaiting meal, soon to grace, your plate and stomach. Thank you, for bringing back, this memory to me, Lydia.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Therisa, you described my childhood with this review. I called my grandparents "oma and opa". We a.. read moreTherisa, you described my childhood with this review. I called my grandparents "oma and opa". We are from Holland, but I know that is what German people call grandparents as well. Where is your family from? Thank you for sharing your memories...which reflected mine. Lydi**
10 Years Ago
My oma and opa, with 9 of their 10 children, emigrated to Canada, from Amsterdam, in 1952. If they h.. read moreMy oma and opa, with 9 of their 10 children, emigrated to Canada, from Amsterdam, in 1952. If they had waited another year, Canada would have paid for their passage to northern Alberta. I know they came from northern Nederlands, but not entirely sure, what province or town, it was. Sadly, these family gatherings end, in 1996, when my oma past away, from cancer, she 2as 89 years young. I was, one of the 6 pallbearers.
10 Years Ago
Very Oma passed when I was only 8 and my Opa when I was 12, but I will never forget them... read moreVery Oma passed when I was only 8 and my Opa when I was 12, but I will never forget them. I am now an Oma to my granddaughters. Do you speak Dutch? I spoke it before I spoke English.
Sadly, only three of the cousins, in North America, speak Dutch. It was never encouraged by our pare.. read moreSadly, only three of the cousins, in North America, speak Dutch. It was never encouraged by our parents. It was the language of adults, when they wanted to talk about something, without us, kids, knowing about it.
10 Years Ago
Smiling cousins and I all spoke Dutch fluently by the age of 3. It is music to my ears.. read moreSmiling cousins and I all spoke Dutch fluently by the age of 3. It is music to my ears even today when I hear Dutch being spoken. Don't get the chance to use it often, though.
10 Years Ago
Except for one aunt, in North America, they all married Canadian spouses, thus English was the domin.. read moreExcept for one aunt, in North America, they all married Canadian spouses, thus English was the dominant language, at home.
Holidays are times to share, reflect and count our blessings. Your bittersweet memories are to be valued and cherished. In the heauty of your words and phrases, I hear and feel the echoes and sighs of a gentle, loving soul. Excellent...:)....
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
What a lovely review, Sami. Thank you so much. Lydi**
We need those "moments" don't we Lydi they hold us together at times with smiles held, tears lost, but always make us feel human and even loved. You always make me feel warm with your memories Lydia, thanks for this "nice" poem
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
And thank you, Curt. I always appreciate your reviews. Hope all is well with you and the family. .. read moreAnd thank you, Curt. I always appreciate your reviews. Hope all is well with you and the family. Lydi**
' .. then offer a sacrifice of dandelion fluff .. .. to the passing clouds .. ' beautiful lines
Your memories are so wonderful and obviously precious. - days to look back on and remember; emotions galore - even though perhaps they didn't seem so special at the time. It's the togetherness, the smiles, the laughter, the normality or tradition that sets a route, isn't it..
As often your words wrap smiles about this reader - thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
(amended, too many typos, :( forgive )
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Thank you so much, Emmajoy! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours too. Make memories. Lydi**
this poem brought me back to when i was a kid...this family from Brooklyn used to come and spend thanksgiving with us....was always a good time..
great dinner, and watching
as the years passed got harder to get together as we all ended up in different places.
but tomorrow will be good...i serve at the newman catholic center...every year since 1999---and it is so much fun....we serve anywhere from 600 to 900...
thank you for this poem....and the memories.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Thank you for sharing your memories, Jacob. How altruistic of you to serve at the Catholic Center.... read moreThank you for sharing your memories, Jacob. How altruistic of you to serve at the Catholic Center....wonderful! Lydi**
10 Years Ago
serving there is such a pleasure...i think i get more out of it than they do...
Those memories Lydi, some can be so bittersweet but also so much fun as well. I have very fond memories of Thanksgivings past, some I would never want to lose. This was beautiful and heart warming. Happy Thanksgiving Lydi.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
The same to you, Will. Thank you for your review. Lydi**
Hello Miss Shutter, this beautiful poem had a hint of a melancholic feel to it and then as I sit here recently turned 25, sipping on a cup of hot coco on this cold night, it takes me back to the days of my childhood. It's so beautiful the representation of the transition of life and I can hear the laughter in the air once more thanks to you. Great poem.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Keegan, thank you so much. May the laughter fill the air for a long time! Lydi**