he slices his words with a serrated knife hoping they will be easier to swallow but they are not she ducks as the barbs fly across the table landing in the coffee she was about to savor thoughts curl through her mind like cursive letters on an unlined page carrying her weightless like a frisbee till she arabesques into her safe place where not even he can hurt her
Retreating into a shell...You have brought a whole new meaning to this phrase Lydi! I love the way the poem flows and the tussle progresses, till she finds her safe sanctum. Your poetry conveys emotions softly and perfectly, to be savored slowly. Happy New Year!
Its a treat to read one of your poems each day. Your choice of artwork never fails to draw my breath.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
What a sweet thing to say, Divya. Thank you so much. I try to find artwork that complements my tho.. read moreWhat a sweet thing to say, Divya. Thank you so much. I try to find artwork that complements my thoughts. Happy healthy New Year to you as well. Lydi**
Your friend's hidden harboring havens are, tragically, not unknown to many who regularly encounter some form of abuse. When one's personality cannot be safely projected, it is--that further psychic injury be avoided--withdrawn to unreachable depths.
"Not even" is a perceptive little gem, Lydi--creatively fashioned and artfully displayed.
Retreating into a shell...You have brought a whole new meaning to this phrase Lydi! I love the way the poem flows and the tussle progresses, till she finds her safe sanctum. Your poetry conveys emotions softly and perfectly, to be savored slowly. Happy New Year!
Its a treat to read one of your poems each day. Your choice of artwork never fails to draw my breath.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
What a sweet thing to say, Divya. Thank you so much. I try to find artwork that complements my tho.. read moreWhat a sweet thing to say, Divya. Thank you so much. I try to find artwork that complements my thoughts. Happy healthy New Year to you as well. Lydi**
i just can`t imagine why people feel the need to abuse,what demon motivates this kind of treatment
we had a young woman back in the summer a mother of two her husband finally killed her
in the yard in front of the children mother dead father in prison who suffers
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Domestic violence is a horrible problem in our country. Thanks for the review, Ron. Lydi**
Lydi, you know that this kind of treatment women suffer from is something that drives me to both tears and anger... you have given her your love and strength Lydi with your words, you help her in her safe place to endure knowing that she has a friend and someone who stands with her... I hope she is able to come through all this horror and be able to LIVE... not just exist, but live a life worry of a human being... I think your poem helps in this Lydi.. Those last 2 lines are filled with hope and love.. I like that word "arabesques" here. anyway, its more than "nice" Lydi... yes, more than "nice". ~~redzone
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
I knew this one would strike a nerve with you, Curt. You are a staunch advocate for women...and alw.. read moreI knew this one would strike a nerve with you, Curt. You are a staunch advocate for women...and always have been. Thank you so much. Your review means a lot to me. Lydi**
Thank you, Lydia, for sharing this beautiful piece. I know how much it hurt my family to see me broken by the man who was supposed to love me. I see something similar here. It is not easy to watch.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
10 Years Ago
Your family surely felt what I feel for my friend. There's no doubt your family is relieved you hav.. read moreYour family surely felt what I feel for my friend. There's no doubt your family is relieved you have removed yourself from such a situation! Thank you, KL. Lydi**