Almost every evening I take a walk down to the old mail box to see how much junk mail they can stuff into my tiny little metal box, but this evening was a little different. After I made it back to my apartment I was enjoying a glass of tea on the couch while talking to my momma on the phone. When all of a sudden I glance down at the floor to see a WASP crawling out of the bottom of my pants! My first thought you may ask? Well to rip my pants off of course! Just in case he had any travel buddies. Luckily he was flying solo. Next order of business was to destroy this intruder who obviously was a little too close for comfort. So I grabbed a bottle of Lysol kitchen spray and went to town on that little spawn of Satan! Needless to say, he died, a slow, painful death. And let it be known to all of you other nasty little critters. You can buzz around my head, or land on my arm, but stay OUT of my pants!