

A Chapter by Megan

Maddison's pov


I’ve always kept everything from all my friends. I called that a habit. It hurt so bad every time I had to tell them a lie or force myself to do something drastic just so they know how serious I am.
    My mother also kept secrets, from everyone. Maybe that’s where I got it from. She never left the house, only once a month to send the bill out. She always made me do everything, the shopping, cleaning, cooking and what not. She was always beautiful with her tight red curls bunched up hanging just below her chin. Her sapphire eyes always glittered with love. I loved her dearly so I never said no to any of her crazy requests. My father was never home so she would seem very happy all the time. It seemed like every day she became more happy once I got home from school. I didn’t go to just any old school either, my mother sent me to a private school and I went there all year long. She told me I have to be smart to survive in this world and so I obeyed her request for all year round knowledge.
    My father was a different story. He was a kind gentle guy with short silky brown hair. Every time I saw him he always looked so content and calm. Well, except when he was near my mom he always looked uneasy. I saw him maybe twice a month when he came to drop off the rent money. I never knew what his job was but I never wanted to pry on him and ask. He hardly ever gave any attention to my mother when he was here. He always held me until he had to leave again. I know that he was a kind man and very responsible. He always told me he loves me more than anyone in the world and I always asked, what about mom? And every time he would chuckle and say, Its not the same.
    All in all my mother and father loved each other dearly they just never had enough time to show it.
    The most painful memory but also the most wonderful memory I have of my mother happed when I was nine years old. I started to notice the change in her schedule about a week before this memory took place. She had left one night mumbling to her self about a noise outside. I followed her silently down the hall and out the door. She went to the back yard and shined a flashlight into the woods. I didn’t see anything but she started walking towards the woods then suddenly stopped and gasped. I was too afraid to follow her when she continued walking into the woods. I stood at the entrance of the woods and watched as the light from the flashlight got further away. Suddenly I saw the flashlight fly back towards me and land by my feet. I jumped back slightly and never grabbed the flashlight. After a minute the light flickered off and a loud scream came from deep in the woods. My mother was screaming in excruciating pain. Tears filled my eyes and rolled down my cheeks but I was frozen. I couldn’t move even an inch more towards the woods. I ran inside and covered my head with a pillow and eventually the screaming stopped and I fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning I heard my mother in the bathroom. She was barfing. I really did not want to know what happened to her so I pretended that nothing happened. The days went by and every morning for about one week she started the day barfing in the bathroom. Every week her stomach got bigger and bigger. This gave me a logical explanation to what happened in the woods that night. She was raped. My mother was raped. The only thing that made no sense to me was that the baby in her womb was growing at an alarming rate and my mother was growing frail and very pale. I couldn’t help but wonder what sick creature could have raped her. Everything I had learned in school was starting to make no sense to me. All logical answers were whipped away from my mind the second I thought them.
    After a few more days of her suffering pain a large box was delivered to us. I brought it to my mother and opened it for her. Inside was a cup with a straw and bags of blood. Without question or hesitation I filled the cup with blood and handed it to my mother. I had no idea what the purpose of this was but she seemed to have known where it came from and what she should do with it so I helped her. She drank the blood and as time passed she started to look better, more like the mother that I had loved.
    When my father came back she was in labor. She laid on her bed screaming as I held her hand. Worry covered my face as my father came rushing in the room. It was eleven forty eight pm. My father rushed to her side and she handed him a piece of paper with writing all over it. It was not her hand writing. She whispered read it after, I love you to my father and he nodded and shoved the paper in his pocket. He lifted her shirt up to reveal the huge bulge in her stomach. There were bruises and you could see the baby moving as if it were trying to tear her apart to get out. My mother continued screaming and breathing heavily. My father kneeled on the bed with his hands placed on the lower and upper parts of her stomach and started to sob.
    Suddenly blood started squirting out of a puncture on her stomach. The child had broke through my mothers stomach and her skin started ripping away. When the hole was big enough my father reached in and grabbed the baby boy. The baby did not cry one bit, he just smiled and glared at my father with his huge emerald eyes. By the time we looked back to my mother she had gone quiet with hardly a breath left in her. My father grazed his hand across her cheek and with her last breath she whispered good bye.
    I didn’t cry then. I knew this was coming. My mother had replaced herself with my new born brother. I felt angry at the thought of that but when I looked at my brother his emerald eyes put me in a daze. I couldn’t help but love him.
    “Maddison honey…Hold your brother while I take care of this” My father said holding my brother out to me but before he could hand him to me my brother bit my father on the arm, drawing blood and making my dad drop him on my mothers corpse. I grabbed my new brother and looked at him. His eyes were now blood red. I had no explanation for what he was at the time. I just held him tight against my body, not frightened that he might bite me or anything. I just held him tightly with love and carried him to the bathroom. My father was on the bed next to my mother’s corpse. He was twitching and I could tell he was in pain. I could hear his grunting from the upstairs bathroom while I cleaned off my brother and wrapped him in a towel. My brother looked calm and content but also very angry and hungry.
    I held him tight to my chest and went down to the kitchen to fetch one of my old bottles and filled it with some blood. If this is what my mom had to drink for him to grow well then obviously that’s what he needed so I fed the blood to him.
    My father never left the house again after that. My father was the same in all aspects except now his eyes where the same color as my brothers had been that night, blood red. His eyes never changed back to his original color though like my brothers had.
    My brother’s eyes changed at midnight to blood red and changed back at six am to his beautiful emerald green eyes. We fed him food during the day and blood at night. My father would leave at night and come back in the morning every day. Sometimes be brought blood for my brother and everyday he brought thousands of dollars for us.
    The paper that my mother had given to my father had a long explanation on it about something I was not allowed to know about, but on the paper stated two names for my brother. It said, Daily name: Jake Powers. Nightly Name: James Cavern. We did obey the request of the names given and called him by those names.
    The memory of my mothers death was most painful. I had never loved her more than when I saw her giving her life up for my baby brother.
    Before any of that happened, before my mom had found her way to the bed and she was just sitting in the kitchen reading a book drinking down some more blood. I heard a car pull up. I thought it might be my dad so I looked out the window from the kitchen. It was my best friend Rinata. I had never invited her over in fear that my mother would notice my feelings for her. My feelings that I never shared with Rinata. I love Rinata dearly even though I know she doesn’t feel the same way. She’s the only one I know who accepts me for who I am and never asks questions. She was absolutely perfect for me and I loved her so much for that. I’d tell her I love her everyday hoping that she would tell me she loved me back with the same intense loving eyes that I had when I told her. When I saw her walking up the sidewalk I knew I had to act on impulse. I have never done anything so mean to her in my life. I wanted to cry right when I saw her face when I opened the door holding the butcher knife securely in my left hand. I threatened the love of my life just to keep her safe. I felt horrible when she ran away. I walked inside and dropped the knife on the floor. Rinata is beautiful even in tears. She had short spiky dark brown hair that she kept never changing just because I asked her to stay the same. Always when I spent the night at her house I would run my fingers through her hair and stare into her deep teal colored eyes, more blue was encased in her eyes making them the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen.
    I then slid down the door and started bawling my eyes out until I heard my mothers pain screaming from down the hall.
    At sixteen years old I was given the responsibility to keep my brother unknown from the world. My brother had grown fast, faster than me. He was already at the size of a nineteen year old but he was only seven years old and smarter than I was. I always taught him everything I learned each day at school but his memory was more vivid than mine so he remembered things easily.
    On my sixteenth birthday my father explained everything to me and told me what exactly he was. He told me everything there was to know about vampires and the hybrids, my brother is a hybrid. My father told me that my mother was raped in the woods one night by a vampire named Marius Cavern. Marius is an evil vampire, well, what vampire wasn’t evil? My dad was an exception though, he had been bitten by a hybrid, a half pure soul. My father mentioned that Marius has a plan to take over the world with an army of hybrids.
    After an entire day of explanation my father left and never came back. When people came to the door to tell me of his death deep in the woods I wasn’t surprised. They tried to take the house from me but my brother took on the responsibility of supporting me. When Rinata asked about my dad in school I told her he was killed by a pack of wolves, just like the guys at the door had told me but I knew what it really was that killed him.
    Its my 20th birthday today. I’m finally older than my brother, in growth anyway, I surpassed him in years long ago.
    For the first time in fourteen years I’ve invited Rinata over. I am scared to death about it. The last two times I invited friends over my brother came downstairs and introduced himself. I never saw them again until I read the obituary. I’m taking a large risk having a party at my house but I warned Jake that if he came downstairs that I would kill myself and his new prey.
    I stared out of the kitchen window out into the road to wait for Rinata. The sky was calm and bright like most days in North field. Minnesota was a great place to live, especially if you hate the heat which I do.
    I saw Rinata pull up in her hand-me-down newly improved black muscle car. She loved that car so much even though she hates cars believe it or not. She stepped out and my heart started racing. My love for her grows more deep each and everyday. I started for the door but then my phone rang.
    “Hello?” I said flipping the phone open and placing it next to my ear.
    “Maddie? Uh…I’m having car problems…could you…maybe just come get me?” Elizabeth asked with hope. We weren’t that close of friends but still good friends. She depended on me a bit to much though. I debated for a moment if I should go get her. I’d be worried the entire time and in a rush to get back. I thought for a second to just bring Rin along with me but I know that Elizabeth wasn’t talking for just herself. There was Tanya and Lindsy that she was responsible for picking up so there would be no space. I also couldn’t send Rin to go get them, she doesn’t know where any of them live even in this small town. I know I’m taking drastic measures and extremely high risks when doing this but it has to be done.
    “I’ll be there in a flash,” I said all cheery like trying to hide my anger. I hung up the phone then. I would have just gone and fixed her car but there’s no time for that now.
    I ran outside quickly to confront Rin and tell her to wait for me.


© 2009 Megan

Author's Note

Please Please!! Tell me what you think! Arigato!! :)♥

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Added on August 24, 2009



Tokyo, Japan

My name is Megan. I'm 18. I'm completely obsessed with Lil Wayne and anything Asian. :) Inside I am 20% White, 30% Black, and 50% Asian. :) Thats what my heart says. hehe. That's all you need to know .. more..

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