![]() Eight Grade is DeadlyA Chapter by djl_2463![]() Chapter Two of Twelve![]() Each year after that
summer was fine. I got to hang out with my girlfriend Maria and with my friends
without any problems. There were also no sign of monsters or my powers, I think
for sure that this time it was all a dream. It
was now the last day of my eighth grade year here at North middle school, still
in Nampa. During our last day of school was our yearbook signing and I was
going around to my friends so they can sign my yearbook. Then while my friend Ruby
was signing my book over heard the announcements “Drake Luna please come to the office, thank you” “Drake you’re in trouble!” My friend Markus
said from behind me “Shut up!” I laughed I was curious heading
to the office. I wonder who would want to see me. when I got to the office
there was a women with black hair and a red and white poke a dotted shirt, a
blue purse, and blue wrangler jeans standing there. I got up to the office
counter and Mrs. Clara was working on her files “Hi Drake.” She said laying her pile of
folders on her desk. “Hi Mrs. Clara, what’s wrong.” “This lady wanted to see you.” She said
pointing to the Poke a dotted lady. “Why?” “Because I have questions to ask you” the
lady said in a snake like voice. She walked up and put her hand on my shoulder “Okay.” I said moving closer to Mrs. Clara “Do you have a room
we can use?” she asked turning her head to Mrs. Clara “Yes, you can use the library.” She said
gesturing down the hallway “Thanks.” she said
with a hiss “You’re welcome.” Mrs. Clara had a worried
look in her eye’s I turned to the lady and she started to walk, I started to follow when Mrs.
Clara grabbed my arm “Hey Drake, take
this.” She handed me a little control panel with a
red button on it that said ALERT. “What is it?” I said examining the little
control panel “If you feel threaten push this button and
help will come.” She said. “Okay, thanks?” “You’re welcome.” “Are you coming.” the lady hissed “Yes.” I caught up with her, we walked towards the
library when I looked back I saw Mrs. Clara looking at me reaching towards the
phone. We went into the library and sat down; it felt weird being in here with
this lady. “Nice outfit.” I was looking down at my cloths. Why she
would complement a green sweater and blue jeans. “Thanks?” I said in a curious tone “Drake can you tell me what happened three
years ago during school as well that
summer?” “Well….” I told her everything except the
monster and powers part. She started to get tense she folded her arms and you could
she her veins sticking out of her hands “Okay.” she hissed “What about the monsters?” she said staring
into my eyes “What monsters?” “You know what monsters.” Her eye’s shot at
me with anger “No I don’t.” “What happened to the Germa and the
Dragon?” she got up and slammed her hands of the table making a dent “How do you know about them?” She started to shake,
she looked up and her eyes were like a hawks. She then through the table across
the room. “Don’t you dare lie to me Drake!” I looked toward the
door and ran, but she got their in a flash and in front of my eyes the lady
sprouted batwings, claws, talons, with fur all over her body. I ran to the
other side of the room and jumped over a bookcase. I looked over the bookcase
and she was looking around the library trying to find me. “You can’t hide from me!” I looked up again and
she threw a blade at me but it wasn’t a blade it was a claw, how could a claw
do that. I crawled over to another book shelf and when I passed the biography
section something started to glow and the book slid out of it place and landed
on the floor. The book opened and flipped through its pages. it stopped, and a
section of the page was glowing “Darkness can always
be stopped by the one who is filled with light. But the only way darkness can
be obliterated is by making people forget what has happened and then living
with the truth when others will never know.”- Bridanos “That’s it! that tells me a lot!” I
panicked The book shelf went flying across the room “There you are” I blinked my eyes. I
thought it was the end. I opened my eyes and the lady froze in midair same with
a fly that was passing by “Oh My god, it’s happening all over again!” I do have powers. I looked at the door and
ran, when I left the room she unfroze. I heard a scream as I ran to the office “Drake what’s wrong?” Mrs. Clara said “We need to get the students out of here!”
I said running up to the desk “Why?” she said walking over to me “You know that lady!” “Yeah?” “She’s a monster!” I turned around and she started walking in
a fast pace down the hall but in her human form. “I’ll lead her out of here; you get all the
students to the gym.” I said “Why?” “Just do it and call the police!” I ran out of the building and I heard Mrs.
Clara saying over the intercom. “All Students to the
gym at once!” I stopped to look
which way I should go, I looked left and right. Then I ran to the left, behind
me was the lady still in her human form. I tried to freeze her again but it
didn’t work. I just made her even
angrier. She started to change into her monster form and she flew after me. I
ran as pass the basketball and tether ball courts. I ran to the bus area trying
to get back inside the building. I knocked on the double doors. I could see the
monster coming from far across the football field coming towards me “Help let me in!” I said pounding on the
doors “Drake!” Mrs. Marshall said, “What were you doing out side? All the
students are supposed to be in the gym.” “Look and see for yourself!” Mrs. Marshall looked outside and saw the
monster flying towards us. “What is that!” “That would be a Monster.” “Let’s go warn the others.” She said
pulling me in and she locked the doors “You go warn them and I’ll lead her away!” All the students were in the gym that was a
good thing. Mrs. Marshall went to let the staff and students know what’s going
on. I ran to the six-one hallway, I got up the stairs when she broke through
the window and fallowed my scent into the six-one hallway, I ran down the
hallway into a dead end. I turned around to go back but the monster was there. “Don’t run from me
Necropolis!” she said blocking the way out “Necropolis? What is a Necropolis?” “Why you are Drake.” She started to get
closer to me “Why do you want to destroy me? “ “Because you are a threat, because you are
a true necropolis not a half one like the others we’ve destroyed over the
years. And plus our master wants you gone!” she said punching a hole in the
wall “But why?” I said flinching at the hole in
the wall “I told you why! Now stop talking and die
already!” She jumped at me swinging her arms, trying
to cut me but I kept backing up until I hit the wall. I knew it was the end for
me, but before she got a chance something stopped her, like how someone stopped
the Germa and the dragon. She flew back “If you dare try to stop me. come to the
gym and try to save your friend” she spread her wings out and flew away
laughing. I blinked my eyes and looked over to see this man who was a little
bit taller than me. He had dark skin like me, also black and brown eyes like
me. “Who are you?” “There is no time for that. You have to
stop auras!” “Who?” “The Batry!” “The Monster?” I said stepping closer to
him “Yes!” He grabbed my arm and we ran down the
hallway “It’s a dead end we have to go down the
stairs.” “No we don’t. Jump!” “What?” “You heard me jump!” We jumped off the balcony and landed
without a single scratch. We ran towards the gym doors and they flung open.
Auras stood there with a student in her hands. “Drake what took you so long? Well no
matter you’re here now. Oh I see you brought a friend what’s his name” she said
looking over at him “My name is Daniel!” the stranger said
stepping closer to auras “You! how can you be Daniel he died over
twelve years ago!” the Batry screeched “Then why am I here still!” “But didn’t Wilgo destroy you?” “No!” he said laughing “No matter, you both are going to be dead;
all of you in this room will be dead!” she said facing the students smiling.
you could see her fangs stretching out of her jaw. I looked at the students and
they were all scared “Drake when I tell you freeze the room.”
Daniel said walking up behind me “Ok?” which I had no idea how, it’s been a
long time. “Hey Auras! Let go of the kid and I’ll let
you kill us instead!” Daniel screamed “Deal!” she said throwing the student to
the side and came flying towards us. “Now!” I blinked my eyes like I did when I was
little and the whole room froze even the Batry. “Drake! Say bridanos!” “Why?” “It will destroy the Batry and erase the
memory of all the students and staff!” “Okay… bridanos!” A bright light came from the Batry and all
of a sudden. She was gone and in its place was a beautiful white rose, Daniel
walked up to the rose “Darkness can always be stopped by the one who is filled with light. But
the only way darkness can be obliterated is by making people forget what has
happened and then living with the truth when others will never know.” Daniel picked the
rose up and smiled at me then a bright light came from the rose and the room unfroze and I was in my seat. I looked around the gym and
Daniel and the rose were gone; I looked down and there was Mr. Wiles finishing
his end of the year speech “Good bye everyone and see you next year.
And to you eighth graders good luck in high school!” © 2013 djl_2463Author's Note
Added on June 10, 2013 Last Updated on June 10, 2013 Author