Chapter 3

Chapter 3

A Chapter by Elysa Kristen Lavelle

Jeremy and I have been planning to find out more about our school's rumors for a few days now. We've exchanged phone numbers so we can talk over night discussing about it. Sometimes we don't even sleep! I've been thinking bout the whole plan and sometimes even in my dreams.

"Chris! Hey Chris! Wake up!" I heard a voice calling out for me.

"Hey it's already recess! Wake up Christie!"

I slowly sit straight rubbing my eyes trying to see things clearer. It was Jeremy. Looks like I've been asleep through the whole period back there... My stomach was growling for food because of not eating breakfast this morning. I was in a hurry to school.

Anyways, we've planned to stay late after school today. We both walk to school so we'll walk home on our own too. Of course, we won't stay that long or else our parents will get worried. We've checked on the school library's schedule. It will be open until 5 in the evening. Perfect for our plan. We were terrified by everything we saw last time so we've decided not to do so much of that this time. All we have to do is to figure out what's all the rumors about.

The last bell of they day rang as everyone rushed out of class waiting to get home to do whatever they usually do. But I bet most of it is either watching TV or playing the computer.

Jeremy and I set our bags down somewhere at the bench. We didn't bring anything precious so we weren't afraid anything would be lost by the time we get back. We went to the library without looking suspicious. As always, it was huge. Full of books with all kinds of categories.

"Darn it! The librarian is at the counter! We have to search for the book of records on every counter in this library and there is 3 floors! How are we ever gonna find it?" Jeremy whispered to me.

"Relax. We have plenty of time. It's 1.50 right now. We have to leave before 5 or we'll be suspected if they found out the book is gone. One of us will have to create a distraction to let the teacher go away. Then one of us will have to search as quick as possible there."

"Great! And as expected, no students will ever come after school. We're on our own Chris"

"You do your job" I instructed J.

"Okay so you'll distract the librarian and while she's gone, I'll search for the book at the counter." Jeremy explained the plan to me.

He search for a book to fake read while I think of a way to distract the teacher. Jeremy flipped open his book and started 'staring' at the book pretending to read.

I walked up to the librarian normally.

"How may I help you young girl?" The librarian said to me. And without any hesitation, I asked her

"May I know where the school's record is? I would like to know more interesting activities that have been held for the past few years."

"Our school's record? Hmm... Oh! I remember now! Come, follow me and I'll show you where it is"

And so I followed behind her. I couldn't believe she really didn't suspect anything! Seemed like she was bring me to the end of the library. I turned my head back once while walking to see what was Jeremy up to. We was already at the counter, squating down searching for the school's record. Seems like he was having trouble finding it.

I almost bumped into the librarian when I turned my head back. She suddenly stopped!

"Well I think it's somewhere here..." The librarian said while she squat down and search for it.

I turned my head again looking at Jeremy. He was doing some actions and I guess he was trying to tell we he couldn't find it. I did some small actions back to him asking him to stop searching but I guess he didn't know what I meant since it was all just actions. We were both talking with actions and without understanding each other like weirdos.

"Ahh! Here it is! The school's record! Here you go little one! You know, it's actually nice to see a young girl like you interested in school's activities that has already passed..."

I let her talk while I do small hand signs telling Jeremy to go back to his act of reading immediately because she's going to finish talking soon and if she turns around, he might get caught.

After few second, Jeremy finally understood what I was trying to tell him. He ran quietly back to where he was standing. He took his book and continued staring at it as he didn't really plan to read there.

"Well enjoy your book now" The librarian said and it was a good thing I heard it!

"Thank you" I said in an innocent tone.

"My pleasure" The librarian said while she turns her back and walk back to the counter.

I suddenly thought. 'Did Jeremy clean up the mess he did?! What if he didn't?! He'll get caught!'. I turned my back immediately and checked on the counter if it was messy. I was surprised! I was as clean as how we saw when we went in!

After the librarian was all settled on the counter, Jeremy walked towards my direction. I whispered to him as loud as possible.

"Hurry up! Faster!"

Well at least I guess he understood what I meant since he started walking faster than usual. In just a blink of an eye, he was already in front of me!

"Wow she really gave it to you?" Jeremy asked and stared at the book looking amazed.

"Yeah cool right? Anyways, let's go find a seat. Please somewhere where it's not cold..."

"Okay then how about there?" Jeremy asked while pointing at a table for 2 at the corner of the library.

We sat down and started going through the whole book and screened through the deaths and the location of death.

"J go ask the librarian for two pens and some papers please" I asked as I was actually lazy to even stand up.


While he was gone, I've read about how the students passed away. Some says they were too stressed out so the went to the highest level of the school and jump off. Some died in pain cause in the classroom. And I'm guessing, The class room both Jeremy and I went in few days ago. The image of the classroom suddenly popped into my head and I was freaking out! I slammed the book closed. Jeremy saw me.

"Chill girl. Don't think about it too much. Now lets write down the locations of all deaths." Jeremy said while patting my back trying to calm me down.

He sat down and put the papers and pens onto the table. I took a blue pen and a piece of paper and started flipping the pages of the book till it reached the records of all students' death. As I was writing, I could imagine how hard it was and how painful it was.

Time passed quick. By the time we finished writing, it was already 4.50!  The library will be closed at 5 so we can't stay for long.

"We have to keep this book first. We can't take it home so we need to hide it. Here. In the library. We might need more information next time. We have to hide it so no one can take it away." Jeremy said in a rather serious tone.

I pointed a hole between two shelves. "How about here? No one might look here"

"Brilliant! But we'll have to push two shelves closer together after sliding it in so it wouldn't be that obvious. And alos don't slide it in too deep" Jeremy said.

I slid it in between two bookshelves then we both worked together and push both bookshelves together.

I looked at my watch to check the time. 4.57! We've got to go! Jeremy and I rushed out the door and back to where we left our bags. We picked our bags up.

"Hey Christie?"


"It's really nice hanging out with you. I just feel like we're more than friends now. I mean... I think we should me more than just friends..."

"What are you talking bout? We're best buds! Come one it's getting late. My mom will be worried if I don't go home soon. And so will your parents."

 "Okay then... See ya tomorrow Chris"

"See ya"

We waved at each other and went hope separately.

I was thinking about everything the whole night. Like where will we check out next? What will there be there?


It was just my phone... It really shocked me! Guess I was thinking too much... I picked up my phone. I have no idea who was calling me. It was just phone number. No name. I picked it up.

"Hello? Who is this?" I asked.

"HEY MITCHY!!! How's it going?! I was BIG news!"

"Raelene? Raelene Jackson? How did you get my number? I've missed you so much! What's the good news?" I said in an excited tone. Raelene was my primary school classmate for 5 years. She was my one and only best friend.

"You gave it to me last time when you bought a new number remember? Anyways, my dad have been thinking and thought that Tompson High wasn't such a nice school. So he says I'm going to R.S Middle School! And the Headmaster already told my dad that I'm in class J1 I! That means we're gonna continue being classmates!"

She's in my class? But she rumors aren't rumors anymore! They're all true! What am I gonna tell her?! I needed time to think...


"Hm? Is something wrong?" Raelene asked in full curiosity.

"Oh it's nothing. I'm just not feeling so well... I have to sleep now sorry Rae talk to you next time... Good night Rae"

"Is that so? I apologize for disturbing you... Anyways, good night Mitch. Get well soon" She said before she hung up.

After hanging up, I lied down on my bed thinking of a way to fix everything. Things are getting worse and worse! I was really tired but I still had to think. And not sure how many seconds later, I was already in my dream.

© 2014 Elysa Kristen Lavelle

Author's Note

Elysa Kristen Lavelle
There's not much horror in this chapter. I was going to put excitement into this chapter but in the end, I've decided move all the horror and excitement to the next chapter. Hope you guys will like it!

FYI, All the characters in this story are all my real life friends. I just changed their names but their first letters stays the same. I put them in my story is because they've been helping and supporting me all this time. Cheering me up and all so I repay them by putting them into the story.

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Added on February 13, 2014
Last Updated on March 6, 2014
Tags: Horror, Romance, School Life, Novel


Elysa Kristen Lavelle
Elysa Kristen Lavelle

Christian, Malaysia

Writing has been my hobby ever since I was in kindergarten. My parents, teachers and friends supported me every time I join a writing competition. I love making friends with everyone and meeting new p.. more..
