![]() When Fire Meets IceA Chapter by Nikki Richardson Very few humans had ever seen Leilani’s uncloaked human form
as they did this instance, and even fewer humans witnessed her dragon body. However, none of that mattered the moment
Damocles’ eyes locked onto Jura, recognition glowing in his twisted smile. Leilani knew she could not let Damocles
reveal Jura’s heritage in front of all these humans, not with the slayer taking
what appeared to be a serious interest.
Her arrow never wavered in its aim toward the broad man’s throat, the only
part of his body not riddled with armor, while her eyes trailed to meet her
sister’s. “I applaud you, Princess, for your act of stupidity.” Damocles stepped toward her, drawing her
attention back to him. “We both know
that arrow will not fly tonight.” “Not while the innocent are present; shall we venture out
into the night and test this game of chance you have started.” Her voice drained of all emotion. How could her father promise the
self-entitled Fotiά Clan anything, let alone what he claimed to be his most
precious treasure? “As if she understands innocence,” the slayer
whispered. The crowd mumbled similar
insults. Jura’s fists clinched around
the silk of her skirts. “I have come to fetch you,” Damocles growled. “Your father has returned to find you have
abandoned your post, and he is not pleased.”
A scowl moved across his sharp cheekbones while his eyes scanned the
human faces watching their exchange.
Silence filled the room as his eyes returned to Leilani. “What shall he think when he finds this is
where you have run to?” She lowered her
bow, and replaced her arrow in her quiver. “I have no post, remember; I am not…” “Your home, Leilani, is your post!” Damocles’ eyes glowed with his fury. “How dare you?!” She
spat on his boot before storming toward the door. “You will not speak to me in such a
manner. I shan’t stand for it, nor will
I stand for your unnecessary anger. My
father wants me home; I will obey. You
want me home, and I will remain here, amongst these…” she scanned the crowd,
not coming up with the word she wanted. Murmers filled the background. “She
can’t stay here?” “What horrors does
this thing have planned for us?” “We
will kill our own dragon tonight!” Jura watched in horror as the broad man, who made an even broader
dragon, marched after her sister. His
shoulders stiffened with each word she threw at his ego. She could not stay here amongst this mob, nor
could she leave with him either. “Lei…?”
Jura started to speak as she stood up from her table, but Leilani’s white
blonde hair fell around her shoulders as she shook her head. Her trek toward the door stopped as she
turned to face her younger sister. “You got to me safely; you will find your way home.” She glanced at Jura’s new friend. “Be wary of your company.” “Be afraid, she means.” Damocles laughed cruelly. “Though, I see no threat.” “Let him believe the rumors he has spread, Jura.” Leilani glared daggers at Damocles before she
glanced back at her sister. “He amuses
himself by thinking he slayed the last of the Págos, but the dragons will survive.”
will all perish as that ice queen did,” The Slayer half growled from behind a
shaking Jura. Leilani’s fingers curled
into her palms as her veins burned with the ice that longed to freeze this man’s
tongue. She grinned at him through her
fury, a grin full of dark, angry, mischief.
may have killed my…” she trailed off with glistening eyes. After a moment she began again, “…the ice
queen, but you will not destroy me.” Her
eyes locked onto his, boring into the darkest corners of his soul. “You killed my mother, Slayer; take care
before I decide revenge is a greater quality to possess than forgiveness.” She stepped away from him, heading toward the
door again.
Fotiά. Father loathes waiting, and I
would prefer to be out of your company as quickly as possible.” She growled at Damocles as she passed him.
fire breather smiled one last time at his future sister-in-law. “Do you think me the luckiest of dragons, to
be promised such a creature?” He sent a
grandeur wave toward Leilani, whose glare grew stronger.
laughed her own cruel laugh this time.
“I think she will chew you up and spit you out before you have the
chance to wed her.” The humans gasped
around her. None of them would have
dared speak to a monster, let alone use such venomous language. Leilani couldn’t help the smile that crossed
her pale features.
said move, Fotiά!” She growled, hiding
her smile.
have a name, Leilani!” He barked.
said I cared?”
did not wait to follow Leilani and Damocles out of the tavern. Afraid to sit next to the handsome slayer
again, she forced herself into the cool night air. The pale blue dress seemed frail against her
skin now that she wanted to disappear.
Drunken scoundrels gave her sloppy grins as they tried to take steps
toward her, but stumbled back against the tavern posts and walls.
‘You got to me safely; you
will find your way home,’ Leilani had spoken with such faith in her sister, such
assuredness, but Jura wondered how she could avoid getting into trouble on her
journey through the poverty-stricken areas of the village. Luck was on her side this instance with the
drunken men, but what would happen when the thieves in the alleyways decided
she looked like she had more than just a sparkly dress on her person? Jura walked quickly, keeping her head ducked
low. She nearly screamed as clammy
fingers wrapped around her upper arm, pulling her to a halt.
did you say that thing was your sister?” The dark haired slayer’s voice was
gruff. Anger colored his cheeks bright
red. Jura snatched her arm away from
did you tell my sister her entire family was doomed to death?” She threw back. Her voice grew shrill in the night. “She has feelings too, you know!” Jura crossed her arms over her chest.
is a monster; they all are!” He
hissed. His fingers pushed his dark hair
away from his eyes as he turned his back on her. His eyes met those of a man who was sober
enough to begin lumbering toward them, but not sober enough to have good
intentions. He blocked the man’s line of
sight as he turned back toward the small, almost-human girl. “Why did you say I told her that her family
was doomed? Are your families not the
stamped her foot, not bothering to take notice of the hiccupping man coming
toward them. “I told you once, Slayer,”
she said, poison dripping from her lips, “my sister and I share a bloodline,
nothing more. Our father summoned her,
not me.”
you?” The Slayer asked quickly.
shook her head, walking around him and into the arms of the half-drunken
man. “For a price,” he whispered in her
ear, “I can get this boy to leave you be.”
His brow shifted suggestively.
have nothing you want, Sir. Now, let me
go!” Jura gritted her teeth and yanked
her arm. He dug his fingers into her
are exactly what I want.” He
laughed. She felt his warm breath on her
ear; it made her stomach retch.
slayer hissed under his breath before he took the man by the shoulder. “The lady said leave her be.” He spat at the drunkard. A lumbering fist missed the slayer’s head by
a mile before his own fist blooded a nose.
fell back with the force of the drunkard’s release before he stumbled to the
ground. His hands cupped around his nose
as if he could hold the blood pouring from his face in place. Muffled curses sprang from his lips. “Come,” the slayer ordered. “I can’t leave you here with these buffoons.”
you any better than them?” Jura
said. She automatically regretted her
words because he had just saved her from an unfortunate fate, but she could not
yet forgive him for the way he spoke to Leilani.
can tell me the answer when we arrive on your door step without a scratch,” he
said. She thought she heard a little
pain in his voice, but she agreed to let him walk with her. © 2015 Nikki Richardson |
StatsAuthor![]() Nikki RichardsonGreat Falls, SCAboutThe only place I have ever felt at home is behind a pen. I write because there is so much inside my soul that needs to come out. No one has told the story I’m looking for yet, so I might as we.. more..Writing