Hellspawn chapter 10

Hellspawn chapter 10

A Chapter by Jacob leitch


"they're is eight of us here, over." I shout into my radio.
We're running up the stairs as quickly as we can. Below I can see demons many flights below us, but they're faster then us and slowly gaining. 
"we'll be there in ten minutes."  
"ten minutes? We could be dead by then!" Thompson shouts, his face I beet red and he's shooting down at the demons.
"we won't be dead if you keep running! And hold your fire, you won't hit them from that far away." Sims says, it looks like she has finally Come to her senses.
"but those fuckers will catch us if we don't shoot!" he said as he shot another burst of bullets down.
"they'll catch us either way, and I rather have ammo when they catch us."
No one fired down at them after that. We made it out of the Bone Pit and back to to village. The buildings all around were ablaze and others were trampled. It was night, but there was no moon nor stars. The only light came from the buildings, and in the distance three sets of lights.
"there's our reinforcements!" Maeves pointed out to the others.
"looks like Mitchell and Williams got us some backup." Thompson says in relief.
"we don't need backup, they'll get killed! We have to get to them before they get to the village." I shout at the others.
We hurry off into the distance, not long after we left the village into the darkness I notice many demons stepping out of the Bone Pit, some come towards us, but many turn the other way and run off into the night.
"keep moving!" Sims roars at us.
"wait!" Cheing shouts from the back. We stop and he digs into his pockets, finally he pulls out a flare. "we're going to need this!"
"your a genius, private!" Maeves says from the back.
We don't make it much further when Sims calls the order to stop.
"set up here, there's no point running anymore." she says to us. We check our ammo and take aim on the demons, who are approaching fast. There's seven demons, they all look identical down to the horns.
"open fire!" 
A large volley of shots comes from our guns. One of the demons is killed but the others charge on. One reaches Dane and gores him with it's horns. I turn my attention it and shoot the demon until I run out of ammo, the creature then turns to me and rips Dane off his horns and tosses him aside. I check my pockets for ammo but I can't find any. I spot Dane's gun on the ground still strapped to his lifeless body. When the demon reaches for me I roll away and leap for the gun, I c**k it back and unload the rest of the clip on him. The gun clicks to let me know it's empty, and the demon slumps to the ground.
The helicopters are within range now, there's three large chinooks, like the one that dropped us off. I turn to Cheing who has just finished off a demon with his knife.
"Cheing, the flare!" I scream at him, he tosses me the flare and I strike it off the ground. It lights and I start to jump in the air so the helicopters can see. Their lights shine down on us and I cover myself from the light. I toss the flare aside and turn back to help my squad, but it looks like the last one was just finished off. They look beat up by still alive.

The chinooks land and a large amount of men pour out. They take a look at the bloody demons on the ground and trudge on reluctantly. One of the men stops and addresses Sims quickly before continuing on.
"in, let's go." she says tiredly.
We don't need to be told twice, we enter the closest helicopter and collapse onto the seats. All the fight has left me, and now I feel like I could sleep forever, but I know its not yet safe to sleep. We can still be attacked at any time. We wait in silence for twenty minutes, something seems wrong so Sims goes to talk to the piliots.

“why cant we leave yet?” Mathers asks.
“because now there’s other soldiers we have to wait for, we cant leave them without a ride.” I point out to her.
“Really? Because I don’t remember that being the rules, what happened to our ride then, huh Corporal?” Thompson shoots at me.
“They obviously had to go somewhere else.” I say uneasily.
“Well they certainly left us to die. Or did you not see what that big demon did to your buddy Derek?”
I stand up now.
“You think I can just forget about how my friend died in front of me?” She stands up now too.
“Well it sure seems like it! I didn’t even see you blink when we lost all those men!”
“Says the one who was the first to leave Private Vegrent to die!”
Maeves steps in and restrains Thompson, while Cheing and Sterling hold me back.

“Stop! Both of you! Listen!” Maeves says to us both. We fall silent and hear shouting coming from the front. Apparently we aren’t the only ones fighting. The shouting gets louder and louder, I recognize Sims voice being the loudest.

“We’re leaving now!” She shouts.
“That’s not our decision ma’am, we’re under strict orders to remain until the threat is eliminated.” A voice comes from the front, one of the pilots.
“Does this look like I’m asking nicely?”
“put that away, Sergeant!” a second voice comes from the front.
We rush to the front and Sims is holding two pistols to the pilots heads.

“Sergeant, what are you doing?” Maeves asks her.
“We’re leaving, now. I’m not letting my squad stay here one more minute.” She then turns to the pilots, “Get the thing in the air if you want to live!”
“You’ll get arrested Sergeant!” Cheing says to her.
“I don’t care, now get this thing up in the air, NOW!”

The pilots look at each other and slowly turn on the helicopter, it takes off and we fly directly overhead the village. Below I can see the massacre has already started, what looks to be hundreds of demons are now pouring out of the Bone Pit and killing the soldiers below.

“There, now we don’t have to worry about not having enough room.” Thompson says blandly to me, she turns and sits back down, and within minutes is asleep. The others slowly follow her, and after fifteen minutes only Sims and myself are standing.

“Are you prepared to go to prison?” I whisper to her, I can’t see her face but I can hear sniffling.
“It doesn’t matter if I’m ready or not, Cooper. That’s where I’m going now. My record isn’t very impressive and only my lawyer kept me out of jail last time.” She replies quietly. I didn’t know she had a record, nor am I ready to pry.
“I’m sure someone will get you out, after they hear about the demons from all of us.”
“And if they don’t let me out?”
“Then I’ll break you out, we cant work without our sergeant.” She turns to me and she’s smiling slightly, but tears are falling fast.
“Thank you, Cooper, but that wont be necessary.” She then walks off to sleep.

I turn my attention to the pilots, both look terrified and mutinous.
“You better get us home quick, trust me. Sims is in a good mood, you don’t wanna see her when she’s being a b***h.” And with that I walk off and join Sims.

We’re going home.

© 2011 Jacob leitch

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Added on April 28, 2011
Last Updated on April 28, 2011


Jacob leitch
Jacob leitch

Keswick, Canada

I love reading and writing, I love being outdoors and I love life itself. I'm a happy person and nothing changes my mood. :) more..
