Hellspawn chapter 6

Hellspawn chapter 6

A Chapter by Jacob leitch

Six large blood red monsters rise from the bone pit. These monsters all stand at least seven feet tall and their horns twist in unique ways. A demon who's horns stick straight out of it's skull grabs a nearby soldier, and with a flash of his muscles rips him in two.
"Fire!" Sims shouts, and they let loose a hail of bullets. The bullets don't even cause the demons to flinch though, and they start to spread out and attack. Within seconds everyone seems scattered and many fled, with a demon close on their tails. 
"They're trying to separate us!" I shout to Sim, it seems we were the only two who didn't flee.
"Then let's go and find our men!" I turn and see Pandora on top of a building, laughing at the battle around him.
"what about Pandora?"
"we can deal with him later! We need to regroup and deal with the other freaks first!" I try and ignore her, I want to kill Pandora now, but what she says makes sense, I can't see two soldiers being much threat to him.
"then let's go!" we run to where we know a demon fled down, and instantly as I round a building I see three soldiers trying to fight the demon I that tore a man in two. On closer inspection I see that the three soldiers are Corporal Maeves and the two Dane brothers, the older of the two with a bloodied arm.
"aim at it's head, not it's body!" Sims shouts to them, their fire switches and the demon takes a large amount of bullets in it's eyes. It flails in anger and grabs the eldest Dane brother, and starts beating him against the ground.
I'm suddenly sprinting at the Demon, full of adrenaline and fear. I leap on it's back as it leans down to crush Dane once again and cling to it's neck, I quickly grab my knife from my side and stab it multiple times in the head and neck, until finally it falls.
"Don't ever do that again, Cooper." Sims says as she catches up to me, although she looks mildly impressed.
"sorry Sergeant, won't happen again." I then turn my attention to Dane and Maeve. "are you two hurt?" Maeve shakes her head but Dane gives no indication he heard, he falls to his knees by his crushed brother, who hardly looks like himself anymore.
"Matt..." he moans, Maeves grabs his arm and pulls him up.
"there will be more deaths if we don't do something, we can mourn later Private but now is not the time." She says to him quietly, she quickly turns to Sims and asks, "Orders Sergeant?"
"we have to move fast marines. There's still six other demons out there and are men are scattered, we need to take the demons out one at a time and regroup with our men. Now let's move!" she replies quickly, we give a quick hoo rah to show our support and move out. 
After a quick search we find two demons shooting what looks like fireballs at a group of five soldiers, one who is being being supported as they try to flee.
"use grenades!" I quickly shout out, hoping the other soldiers heard me. I pause a moment to see the soldiers one by one throw a grenade at the demons, I add in my own and Sims, Maeves, and Dane follow suit. A flurry of explosions go off and we all duck as shrapnel flys by. I turn to see the demons a bloody wreck on the ground. One even try to limp away, but Sims walks up and shoots it in the head.
"Form up on me!" she shouts to the five soldiers and they walk over quickly. I recognise private Vegrent and Thompson from the group, and the man being supported is Sergeant Joseph. I remember the other two soldier's names are Sterling and Price, both lanky men who came from Joseph's squad. I know they both dislike me, but at the current moment I'm sure they can forget about me and worry about more pressing issues.
"what happened to Joseph!" she shouts at Sterling, who steps back nervously.
"one of em fucken Demons shot a fireball at em Sergeant, he survived, but Private Smith burned."
"I'm fine! I can walk!" Sergeant Joseph shouts and tries to shrug away Private Thompson, but he falls to his knees after wobbling violently and starts coughing blood.
"I want you five to stay here, bunker down and pop down green smoke if another demon attacks you. Let's go then."
We run off and find a demon, surrounded by corpses and quickly finish this one off, it seemed weak and wounded, and hardly put up a fight. I look around at the corpses and take in the bloody mess, it seems as if the demon tore each man limb from limb.
Sims quickly ordered us forward and we ran into the last two demons, they were fighting a group of four which was led by Private Cheing. Before we even raised our guns they killed one of the demons, and the last one tried to flee, only to be shot down.
"Privat Cheing, report!" Sims says to him as we approach them. I notice this group seems unscathed, except for one women who is missing a hand, who I quickly recognise as private Mitchell. The other two are Mathers, who is covered in blood that I don't think is her own, and Corporal Williams, a dark burly man who looks dazed.
"There was eight of us Sergeant, but we had three demons chasing us, I know three of us break off to try and lead one of the demons away. I guess it worked, have you seen them around?"
"they're dead, private." she says sadly, he gives a small nod.
"I see you defeated my minions you worthless scum." a voice echoes across the village. I turn to see Pandora still standing on the same building, though he isn't laughing anymore. His sharp teeth have turned into a snarl and he looks more vicious then ever.
"I'm going to kill you!" I shout at him, I start to fire but he is already expecting it and has jumped off his building. I can't see him but I know where he's heading. I run for the bone pit and see he is already entering it. The bones seem to be melting away however, and by the time I reach it the bone pit looks as if it has become a spiral staircase, formed from the bones.
"fight me in my world humans, then we shall see who is victorious." I can feel his voice ringing in my head, and around the whole village.
It seems as if everyone have joined me at the bone pit for I can hear talking behind me. I turn and see the dozen soldiers left of the original forty two. We all look worn and damaged, nothing like we first looked like.
I see Mathers put down an injured Joseph, his skin is now Pale and his breathing is shallow. I can tell by the look on Mather's face she dosnt know what to do.
"Sergeant! I think we're losing Sergeant Joseph!" she shouts to the crowd of eight in the other side. I see her rush to his side and grip his hand.
"we can't save him Sergeant. We don't have the time or equipment." Private Cheing says to her "I'm sorry."
But she didn't seem ready to admit it, she continued to grip his hand and just stare at him, oblivious to the world around her. I see Dane take off his helmet and take a knee, paying respect to the dead. One by one the others join him, they take a knee and some say a prayer, I join them but remain silent, feeling as if I have nothing to add.
I'm sorry Derek. I'm going to avenge you though. I'm taking this b*****d down. 
Sims rises, and I know sergeant Joseph has died, the others rise and shoulder their weapons and look to her for orders. I can tell they don't want to retreat now, they want to fight.
"we're taking this b*****d out." She shouts to us. I turn my attention to the bone pit now.
Pandora. I'm taking you down.

© 2011 Jacob leitch

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Added on April 28, 2011
Last Updated on April 28, 2011


Jacob leitch
Jacob leitch

Keswick, Canada

I love reading and writing, I love being outdoors and I love life itself. I'm a happy person and nothing changes my mood. :) more..
