Hellspawn chapter 1

Hellspawn chapter 1

A Chapter by Jacob leitch

chapter one, enjoy!

"our mission is to wipe out any resistance in the village. Check your fire! Do I make myself clear?" 
"sir yes sir!" the marines around me chanted. 
"I said do I make myself clear!" a tall muscly man shouted, spit flying from his mouth.
"sir yes sir!" 
"good, now move your a*s corporal Cooper, your in my seat." I grin and slide over so the lieutenant can sit down.
"so I heard your getting married lieutenant." I say to him, everyone ooohs and laughs.
"that's right, real beauty she is."
"then why's she marrying you?" says a man next to me, private James.
"your not blackmailing her are you lieutenant?" calls out a man three seats down, sergeant Joseph.
"you know, next time we get sent out I'm bringing her, she'll beat all of your asses."  he says with a smirk on his face.
" so that's why your marrying her? Not tough enough?" I shout, everyone laughs, including the lieutenant.
"one of these days cooper, one of these 

days." the lieutenant says, laughing.

The lieutenant peers out the window then calls out. "ok marines, prepare to land!" everyone slings their weapons and checks their ammo while waiting for the chinook to land. I feel the helicopter give a slight bump as it lands.
"let's move out!" the lieutenant shouts at us. We all jump up simultaneously, a ramp comes out of the back and forty-two of us disembark, guns raised. I feel the sun burning down on me, tanning my exposed hands. I look around, a vast area of sand stretches around me, with a small pond not far from myself.

"where the hell are we? Hey lieutenant?" says Sergeant Sims, A thin yet very strong women who runs my squad. The lieutenant looked down at his map then up at his surroundings . "wait. We're supposed to be dropped off just over the hillside of the village, we must be a full days hike from here!" he walks back into the helicopter. The men start to mutter about themselves. I walk over to the small pond of water and stare deeply into it. I see a tall thin man staring back, my eyes set on the dark scar starting from the tip of my lip and running up to my ear. Short cropped black hair can be seen just under my helmet. 

Something catches my eye as I stare into the water, through my reflection I see a women at the bottom of the pond. Her eyes flash open and stare into my own. 
"there's someone in here!" I shout to the others, many heads turn and guns raise. I look back into the water and gasp. The women is gone. Many of the men give me looks and I look away, they all walk off and I hear someone mutter, "Cooper, f*****g nutter." I stare back into the empty water. I know what I saw. I think to myself. There was a women there, wasn't there? 

"you feeling ok, Cooper?" I jump, another person’s reflection is standing by my own, A dark man wearing glasses with a purple bandana visible under his helmet. I turn to him and give a small smile, "yea, I'm fine, thanks Derek."
"you really should call me corporal Barnes when we're on the field Cooper." 
Derek says with a grin. 
"not like anybody cares anyways, they all think I'm weird."
"we don't think your weird ,Cooper!" I shoot him a look, "ok well some of us do, but it's fine, aren't you rotating out  soon anyways?" I nod,
"last mission then I'm heading back home, first thing I'm going to do when I get back is see my baby."
"I'm with you there brother, Popping the question as soon as I get home." 
"your proposing? That's great!"
I slap him on the back so hard he almost falls into the water.

“Form up everyone!” The lieutenant shouts from close by, Derek and I both walk over to where a circle is already formed. 
“what’s the deal? I thought the plan was we were getting dropped off just a few minutes away from village?” asks a women in my squad, private Jones.
“Change of plans, new intel says the village has rockets so we cant risk it. It’s a day walk from our objective, so we’re gunna reach it around sunset.”
“so we makin’ this a night ops now?” asks private Mells, a young man who once told me he came from a farm.
“Mells, Loget, Buch. I want you three to go recon it as soon as we get there.” The lieutenant says, I can see two dark heads nodding close by.
“and what about us then?” Sergeant Sims asks quickly.
“we’re gunna wait till oh four hundred to head in and clear out an opposition. Any questions?” he looks around at all of us, “Good, now lets move out.”
Three hours into the trip I see the platoons radioman Private Vegrent, a very pale man with a cigarette always in his mouth, stop moving and pull out his gear. I stop too, and everyone follows suit. The lieutenant, who recently took point, stops and turns around.
“what is it, Vegrent?” He asks him. Vegrent doesn’t answer him right away, he starts fiddling with his equipment. Suddenly the equipment starts shooting sparks.
“Whats happening to it!” Sergeant Sims barks at him, the radios continue to send sparks everywhere, and starts smoking too.
“everyone hit the deck!” Sims shouts, and not a moment too soon. As my head hits the hot sand I hear the equipment explode, sending metal everywhere.
“what the hell was that?” the lieutenant shouts out, I turn and see his shoulder is bleeding, with small pieces of metal sticking out of it.
“I don’t know lieutenant! It just starting making sounds in my bag!” Vegrent says in a pained voice, I can see that a piece of metal is sticking out of his side.
“anybody else injured?” the lieutenant asks quickly, no one answers him. “lets push on then.”
“what about Vegrent?” Derek asks, supporting Vegrent as he struggles to his feet.
“No, im fine! Lets just keep going!”
And so we do, the next ten hours are exhausting and boring. The most exciting thing is watching the clouds go by, and the occasional bird. The sun starts to set and in the distance I can see a small village. No one is very happy and no one is talking, we all trudge on in silence. We set up camp just a hill away from the village. Corporal Loget heads off with private Buch and Mells nearly fifteen minutes later. By the time I set up my tent im ready to fall asleep. I can hear the lieutenant telling everyone to be up in six hours but I ignore him, he wakes us all up thirty minutes earlier anyways. I slip into my tent and fall asleep within minutes.
 I’m running into the village. Everything seems so different. The lieutenant is nowhere to be found and everywhere is on fire. Suddenly a boy runs up into my arms. “are you okay?” I say to the boy, he looks into my eyes. “TEAR. RIP. LET ME KILL!” the boy screams, his voice is too deep to be natural. I’m about to ask him what he means when he grabs me by my throat. I’m dying. I’m going to die right now. I think to myself. This is so unreal. this cant be happening. The last thing I see is the boy ripping something out of my neck.

© 2011 Jacob leitch

Author's Note

Jacob leitch
this was written on my ipod during history, so i just want peoples opinion if they like it, suggestions on how its written, etc. im going to add more if people like it so please let me know!

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1 Review
Added on April 12, 2011
Last Updated on April 12, 2011


Jacob leitch
Jacob leitch

Keswick, Canada

I love reading and writing, I love being outdoors and I love life itself. I'm a happy person and nothing changes my mood. :) more..
