![]() Chapter Five - Mixed MessagesA Chapter by ArcanineCross
I decided I should get clean
up a little if I was to dine with all members of Paige's family.
Friends or not, she was still a queen, her family also royalty and I
could hardly even call myself a prince anymore. I grabbed a towel and
wash cloth and after peering round a few doorways I found the washroom.
There were two large baths in the center of the room steaming with hot
water. Concerned that somebody else may be coming to bathe I tried to be
quick. I walked over to the stone basin, while waiting for it to fill I
removed my shirt and threw it to the side. When it was full I picked
up the wash cloth dunking it in the water and cleaned my face before
dunking it again and wiping down my arms and chest.
Just then I heard the door creak, when I turned around Paige was standing right in front of me. I jumped a little, startled before sighing with relief. "You know if you want me to help you, you should probably think about not killing me off from a heart attack." I stated, throwing the cloth on the side. She laughed before saying, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I move quietly and you scare easy apparently" She laughed again. I frowned back. "I don't scare easy!" I exclaimed. "What do you expect? I'm in a new place which happens to have residents with magical powers! I have every reason to be on edge. I thought someone else had run the baths so I was trying to get done before they returned." She moved to the shelves of towels and grabbed one before placing it over the side of the bath. "Yes, they had. It was me." she said before then grabbing my towel and placing it over the side of the other. I stood confused at what she was doing. "One for me. One for you." She walked down to the door and latched it shut then looked back at me. "Is there something wrong she asked?" I was still stuck to the spot. "N-no?" I replied . "Back home we just tended to bathe alone.. We had more than one bath in the room but there would never be more than one person in there at once. Unless they were..you know." She chuckled. "What is the point in having the extra baths then if you're not going to make the most of them? Didn't you ever think it'd be nice to have conversation when you were in there? Friends and family bathe in the same room at the same time a lot round here so you should get used to it." She said smiling. "R-right.." I responded nervously. "Well I've kind of already washed now anyway so.." She moved to the side of her bath with her back towards me and began sliding her robes off down her shoulders. My eyes widened. "I'm not going to force you to stay, it's your choice. I just thought it'd be relaxing for you after all you have gone through recently." I paused as she continued sliding her clothing down her arms making the top of her back visible. "Yeah..Well thank you for the consideration but I am alright I think..Enjoy your bath.." I said before quickly leaving the room. As I walked back up to my room I decided there was defiantly something weird going on for sure but what was I supposed to do about it? More importantly, did I feel the same way? Once I got back to my room I remembered I forgot to grab my shirt before I left, so I went to the wardrobe and pulled out a baggy black shirt. I then thought I might as well unpack the rest of my things to pass the time. I put my clothes in the chest of drawers and the wardrobe. My most special belongings in the the bed side drawers. I left the daggers and sword at the back of the wardrobe and covered them with the bags. I wasn't sure what to do with the small sack of money I had brought. Would it even be any use to me here? Regardless I put it with my other valuable things. Marie only had a few things since we were planning on buying items when we reached town, so I decided to leave her things where they were. Just as I was finishing up Paige entered the room. She had changed into a bronze and red silk robe with golden patterns, put her hair up and placed some sakura flowers in it, she looked extremely radiant. "Are you going to come down with me for dinner or run away from me?" she asked smirking at me. I figured it was best to not question what she had been trying to do at this moment. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry." I replied. "I'm just really worn out after everything. I felt it'd be better just to have some quiet time that's all." She smiled. "It's okay, I'm just joking with you. I really don't mind what you wish to do, it's completely up to you. I understand that a lot as happened. Shall we go then?" she asked. I nodded and we went down to the dining hall where the rest of her family were already gathered and conversing loudly. She sat at the end of the table closest to where we came in and I sat at the side just round the corner from her. All of a sudden I noticed it had gone silent. I looked up to see tonnes of eyes blinking back at me. "Stop staring at him will you!" Paige screeched down the table before sighing. "Luke, this is my bizarre family." She started pointing and naming them from her left side round to my side. "My sister Neima. My other sister Gale. My cousin Akemi. My aunt Fleur. My uncle Torro and my other cousin Marco." They all smiled at me and waved as I said hello. Afterwards Fleur raised her glass. "How about a toast to a new friend!" Everyone else raised their glasses also shouting, "Cheers!" before tucking into their meal. I took my first bite and a ray of flavour burst in my mouth. I didn't quite know what it was but I enjoyed. Throughout the meal lots of stories were exchanged and I learned a little bit more about everyone as well as the city itself. It soon got late, one by one the others retired to their rooms until just Paige and I were left. "How do you feel about starting training tomorrow then?" she questioned. "So soon? What do you even expect me to do? I don't have powers like you, I told you that." she sipped her drink before responding, "Yes, you do. Just because you haven't learned how to use or activate them that doesn't mean they aren't there. In fact many people in your world have the ability to use spells and what not, they just never get shown how to." I paused while thinking. "So, why come for just me? Why not find others?" She leaned on the table to move closer. "Because, most of them are servants or villagers. Most of them have very little passion and would never be able to adjust to a world like this. You are a prince and one with a lot of soul and determination. Also, I can sense that your potential abilities are very strong and that is what we need. Someone with powers that are actually beneficial and not just good for nothing fancy light shows." I frowned a little while taking in the information. "So what exactly is it you 'need' me for then?" I inquired. "I will explain that closer to the time. I doesn't effect you right now. Anyway you should probably go to bed. Tomorrow marks the beginning of your future my friend." I sighed. Before getting up and going upstairs. What is she not telling me? I wondered. I slumped through my bedroom door closing it behind me before pulling off my shirt and throwing it across the floor but just as a undid my belt I heard a voice. "Mmm, that's nice body you have there." I looked around and saw Gale stand up from behind the bed. I panicked as she came closer and edged backwards. "You don't need to be scared of me," she said. "I'm harmless and I wouldn't hurt you." She came right up to me smiling, sliding her hands up my body and around my neck. I removed them before edging back further. "I-I am really not interested in whatever it is you want." I stated. "Maybe not yet but you will be. Just give it some time." She said, getting close again. Just as she was about to move her hand to my face the door burst open and a hand grabbed hold of her arm stopping her. I turned to see Paige with a frustrated expression. "You. Leave right now!" She said to Gale harshly. Before dragging her by the arm and throwing her out the door and slamming it shut. "Argh. I'm so sorry about her." she said. I was still backed up to the wall in shock. "I-It's fine." I said. "No, it's not. She's such a flirt. She does it to ever guy that sets foot in front of her. She has had over 20 partners this year already!" I widened my eyes in surprise again. "Woah. I'd have thought being part of such a high powered family would make her act like more of an elegant woman." She scoffed. "She's awful. She used to be perfectly behaved but when my mother and father passed away and I became queen she became or horrible jealously filled child and started acting in disgraceful ways and doing anything she could to make my life more difficult." I moved away from the wall and towards Paige. "I'm sorry about all that. It sounds like you deal with a lot round here. Maybe I can help you out with some things? I may not be able to do much at the moment but I'm sure you have some duties that I am cable of helping with right?" I smiled a little. She looked up at me. "I suppose there are some things you could help with," she replied smiling back. "Thank you for the offer." I was about to give her a hug but instead stayed where I was. "How did you know she was in here..?" I asked. Her smiled quickly disappeared. "Oh..Um, my aunty told me she came up this way and I knew she'd only be up to her usual tricks." I starred at her suspiciously. As I did she moved close. "Problem?" she asked with a voice of innocence. Once again I found myself distracted by her beauty. She really was like no girl I had ever seen. She always had a sparkle about her. Realising I had been silent for a tad to long I responded, "No..no problem." All of a sudden I found her placing her hands on my chest and feeling down my body. What was with the females round here? It was like they had never been near a male before but I knew in Gale's case that was clearly wrong. I couldn't help but wrap my arms round her waist pulling her close. I always felt strange around her and I began to believe it must be a feeling of attraction. She wrapped her arms round my neck, as she did I leaned to kiss her. I felt her kissing back and tug on my hair as she did. It was even better than the first time. She began moving backwards pulling me with her as we kissed. Soon we reached the bed and she pulled me down onto it and dragged her hands down my back. It was unexpected and crazy but I could tell we both wanted it to happen there was no lack of enthusiasm. However, I was still nervous and scared to be the one to make a move but caught up in the moment I couldn't stop myself. I started kissing and biting her neck. She gasped and dug her nails in my back as I did, breathing heavily. She wriggled about trying to slide down her robe, I was biting harder. When she got it so far down I got up and pulled it down the rest of the way until she was left in just her underwear. She smirked and sat up kissing my body as she undid my trousers. I kicked them off and jumped on the bed lying in the middle of it. She turned and crawled over to me, sitting on top of me, then leaning forward kissing me again. I never expected things to go this far. I had thought it was going to be another awkward kiss and goodbye. It may still have been a little awkward but it was also exciting, enticing and felt incredibly right. Just as she began kissing over my chest there was a heavy knocking on the bedroom door. "Paige? Paige are you in there? We need you for something! It's important!" a voice yelled from behind it. "D****t!" Paige hissed in a low voice before racing to pull her clothes back on. "Argh. I'm so sorry. I need to go." I sat up and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. "It's fine.." I replied. "Bye then." She straightened herself up and walked over to the door before turning to me. "Yeah..bye." She said before opening the door just slightly, sliding out and closing it behind her. I sighed deeply before lying back on the bed. She may be good looking and have a great personality but I felt like perhaps I'd be better off not trying to take things any further. I had enough to process through my head as it was without that added on top. I started questioning whether staying there was the best thing for me after all. However, I decided to leave the thinking for another day as a lot had happened and I was very tired. I stood up, pulled back the covers and hopped in. It took around 10 minutes for my brain to slow down enough to let me sleep for the night. © 2014 ArcanineCross |
Added on September 1, 2014 Last Updated on September 4, 2014 Author![]() ArcanineCrossSwindon, Wiltshire, United KingdomAboutOne day somebody will show me what I'm really here for. more..Writing