Seems as though you're here again... its always that way...
Even so my days never end...
You're always the steps behind me... just out of sight... echoing... stalking...
The shadows in my periphory... watching... waiting...
If only to spread and consume all light...
It creates a vision that blinds within... If you could only see it too...
The thought that burns me inside...
A feeling... a belief... that you will hurt me...
As if I've stared too long at the sun... the sight that burns my eyes...
And you'll catch me... and you'll kill me...
I wish I could flip the switch and start again...
Reset the machine and begin anew...
I get a feeling every now and then that your eyes are watching me...
Seeing me... feeling me... scarring me... My newest ink or brand...
It creates a flame inside of me...
I wish that you could feel it...
The thought that burns me inside...
A feeling... a belief... that you will hurt me...
As if I've stared to long at the sun... the sight that burns my eyes...
And you've caught me... and you'll kill me...
Did you feel me trembling? Shaking in you arms?
Forests have gone bare from less a shake...
I could have sworn I heard you say "I love you"...
Giving new breath... new life... to the flames inside...
They rage... now an inferno seeking its way out...
I wish you could feel it...
I'll show you everything... all my truths and mistakes...
The thought that burns me inside...
A feeling... a belief... that will hurt me...
As if I've stared at the sun too long... the sight that burns my eyes...
And I am yours... and I am soon dead...