There he was again, They call him 'Pokerface' he has skin of porcelain, eyes the color of Emeralds, and his face never changes, he carries a smile and Never, EVER! loses...
again he plays his cards, and again he wins, sitting there with a smile on his face and a hand of aces.
I gaze at him from afar, playing a game after another, I sit across the room just looking, playing my own game of cards yet not caring enough...
truthfully, I have never played a game of cards, I come to watch 'Pokerface'...
he drinks his Whiskey and plays them one by one, sitting back waiting for my chance to move...
My lips blazing red the color of blood, every one notices but him... why? why, can't he just gaze at me once?
am I not beautiful in his eyes?
but then again he is just a
The boy with the pokerface would never look at someone like me...
But, that would make since, for just a random girl who wants him for looks, although not me, cause you see, I to can play that 'game' too.