![]() SorrowA Chapter by Lu SchneiderSorrow What
is the saying, God will never give you more than you can handle? I have
come to find that saying incomplete.
It should be more like this; God will never give you more than
you can handle without HIM. Things
were getting pretty stretched in our household as Erik’s health began to
rapidly slip away. Micah and I
were both getting edgy with our stress and many times found we snapping at one
another. Natasha began to withdraw
into herself more and more each day.
Despite all our emotions, Erik remained cheerful. He would pat Micah on the shoulder
every time Micah helped Erik to the bathroom. Erik would want to watch as Natasha played video games or
her toys in the living room. He
would want me to just sit with him on the couch when I would get home from
work. In Erik’s own way, he was
trying to be a comfort to each of us. Erik’s
birthday, April 11th, and Easter were approaching. Micah and I made plans for the children
for both. We made sure Erik and
Natasha’s Easter baskets were bought and hidden safely away. Erik’s birthday gifts were all bought,
he had asked for a Game Cube or a Game Boy Advanced. Micah ended up giving Erik the Game Cube early because the
mobility in his hands were getting worse and we wanted him to enjoy the game
while he could. One
day, while we were all sitting in the living room, Natasha spoke up. “I
want my old Erik back,” she said, “I don’t like this new Erik, he can’t do
anything.” I
was taken back a little. Erik
started to cry. Natasha, being
six, still did not understand everything that was going on. Micah, keeping his temper in check,
began to explain to Natasha that we all wished Erik would be back to walking,
running, and playing with her just like he did before. I was getting Erik to calm down, which
would usually take a little bit, and let him know Natasha did not mean it to
sound as bad as it did. It was at
this point that Micah and I decided to tell Erik and Natasha that the doctors
did not expect Erik to get better, but instead he would continue to get worse
and even die. We all began to
cry at that point. Micah and I
told the children that unless God was to work a miracle, then eventually we
would loose Erik. Natasha stayed closer to Erik after that. She would play the video games so he
could watch and help her discover the puzzles. Every now and then Erik would pick up the controller to
place for a little bit until his hand wouldn’t cooperate anymore. Two weeks before Erik’s birthday, his health
took a dive. He was starting to
loose more mobility. Eating had
become really difficult and I would have to give him soft foods that he could
easily swallow, and at the same time make sure he did not choke. His breathing was even more
labored. Erik could no longer sit
up without support. That was what
we could see on the outside, there was no telling what all was happening inside
his body. The PA from the air force base started to stop
by so we did not have to make the long trip into Fairbanks. He would take Erik’s vital signs and
report them back to Dr. McFarland.
Even the PA was worried about Erik’s decline in health. They even hooked Erik up to an IV to
rehydrate him overnight, right there in our living room. It
was during this time that Micah and I got into an argument. Micah’s stress level was to the
breaking point. I was
getting stressed out at work, worrying about Erik, and then coming home to the
stressful emotions in the house.
It was wearing on both of us.
We started to yell at one another until I finally walked out of the
house. I
walked with my hands in the pockets of my light jacket. The snow was still on the ground, but
Spring Break-up was just around the corner. I had no idea where I was going. I just needed to walk.
I found myself at the church steps and decided to go in and sit for a
while. It was late and dark. I didn’t bother turning on any lights,
I did not want anyone to find me.
I walked to the front pew and sat down, tears coming uncontrollably. “Oh
God,” I breathed, “I don’t know what your plans are, but I wish you would do it
soon. I don’t know how much more
our family can handle. Micah is so
stressed being cooped up in the house.
And Erik… Erik is getting worse each day.” I
stopped to see if I could hear anything.
Now would be a good time, God, to say something. “Lord,
I know Erik is in your hands. I
just ask that if you are going to heal Erik please do it soon,” I paused trying
to find the words to say next, “And Father, if you’re going to take Erik from
us please don’t let him suffer any longer.” I
sat in that dark church and cried until no more tears would come. At this point I didn’t care how Erik
was going to walk again, I just wanted it to be soon. I preferred Erik to be walking with us here on Earth, but I
was ready to accept if that was not God’s plan. “Just
be with Micah, whatever you decide, God,” I prayed, “This has been hard for
him. If you take Erik away from
us, Micah will not handle it well.
Please, watch over him. It
will crush Micah, Lord, Erik and him are so close.” The next week,
Erik was not improving. Plans were
being made to take him into the hospital where the nurses and doctors can
monitor him better. I went to the
principal of the school to ask for some days off, so I could spend as much time
in town with Erik. Wednesday,
April 9th, we loaded everyone up in the car to head to the
hospital. Right before Micah came
to get Erik, Natasha and I were sitting with him near the couch, Erik looked over
at Natasha and signed I love you to
her. I smiled at Erik, and then
told Natasha what he said. She
smiled too, but had tears in her eyes.
Micah came in to get Erik, everything else was loaded and ready to
go. Erik laid down in the back
seat of the car with his head in my lap.
We buckled him in the best we could to secure him. We had things to keep Erik entertained
and a small overnight bag for Micah and I depending which one of us stays. Dr.
McFarland met us at the hospital and had our car pull into the ambulance bay so
they could unload Erik. He was
taken up to a room on the second flour, in the children’s wing. Once Micah and I had the car parked and
unloaded all of Erik’s things we found the room he was in and started to make
it more comfortable. Erik was
already hooked up to an IV and all the monitors. Albert
and Barbara came to the hospital to meet us and see about getting some
dinner. Another couple in our
church had shown up also. I
decided to stay with Erik, while everyone else went to find something to
eat. Erik was also hungry, so I
asked the nurse if there was some Jell-O available for Erik. The nurse took me to a room where some
food trays were kept. On one of
them I found a snack cup size of some Jell-O. I took it back to Erik and started to feed him. Erik took two bites and didn’t want
anymore. I
asked Erik if he wanted me to read to him, but he shook his head ‘no’. I turned on the television and tried to
find something interesting for him to watch. I think we finally settled on the news. I sat in the chair next to the bed and
just waited. When
everyone else showed up again we were trying to decide who was going to stay at
the hospital and who was going to head home. I was going to stay, but Natasha should be taken home and
there were some items we had forgot to bring. My hip was starting to act up on me again and I knew I would
be in too much pain by morning.
Micah asked Erik which one he wanted to stay, and Erik pointed to
Micah. It was settled then. On
the drive home I kept thinking of Erik and praying that God would take care of
him. As I looked over the valley I
could see a perfect circle in the sky, the aurora. I was surprised to see it, but there was no mistaking
it. It was dancing along and then
made a circle for a little bit before moving into a strand again. I smiled to myself. Thank you, God. Natasha
slept in the bed with me that night.
I did not sleep very well.
I finally around 6:00 a.m. on April 10th, 2003 Micah called
me to wake me up. “Louie,”
Micah said quietly, “You need to get here as soon as you can.” “Wh…what’s
wrong?” I asked drowsily. “It’s
Erik,” Micah broke up, “I didn’t sleep at all.” “I’ll
be right there…” I began. “Erik
is in a coma,” Micah finally said, “he slipped… he slipped into it early this
morning,” Micah paused, “Louie, he’s not going to make it.” “Oh,
no.” “You
need to come and say good-bye.” “I’ll
be there as soon as I can.” We
hung up the phone and I called Barbara.
She was already awake.
Apparently Micah had called them earlier and Albert was already at the
hospital. I asked Barbara if she
wanted to ride with me, but she said she wasn’t feeling good. I then called my parents and my sister
to tell them what was happening. I
didn’t know if I should drive by myself, so I called a friend from the church
to see if she could ride in with me.
Within an hour, Natasha, our friend Pat, and myself were heading into
Fairbanks to say good-bye to Erik. We arrived in Fairbanks around 9:00 a.m. I was not for sure what to expect as we
rode the elevator up to the second floor and walked towards Erik’s room. Micah and Albert were sitting in the
room. Micah looked haggard. I could tell he had not slept at
all. He barely lifted his head as
Natasha and I went to Erik’s bedside. Erik
was lying perfectly still and looked very pale. He had an oxygen mask covering his face, and his eyes
remained closed. I could only hear
the steady beep of his heart monitor.
I took hold of Erik’s hand; Natasha on the other side grabbed his other
hand. Together we spoke gently to
Erik to let him know we were there and everything was going to be all
right. I noticed tears coming out
of the corner of his eyes, but no movement was made. The
nurse was coming in regularly to check on Erik. They also brought in a tray with coffee and hot tea for
us. Albert and Micah began to talk
about different things that have been said. I tried to listen, but my concentration was on Erik. I noticed on one of the machines his
temperature was being read, and it was pretty high. It was explained to me that that was normal with the oxygen
mask on. Every now and then the
mask was loosened up and his temperature would start to go down. The
counselor for the hospital showed up in the room. We began to share stories about Erik over the last
year. Natasha and I remained by
Erik’s bed. At one time I think
something was mentioned about a birthday cake coming for Erik. I think it was then that I noticed some
Marine Corp pens attached to his garment.
Micah explained that Dr. McFarland’s nurse had put them on Erik. The
alarms sounded on the machines. My
eyes grew big and I looked at Micah, who seemed to know. A nurse came in to check on Erik, and
turned off the alarms. Erik’s
oxygen level was dropping, so his mask was tightened up again. Over the next couple of hours the
alarms started to go off every so often. Around
10:30 a.m. Barbara showed up. Ms.
Kay had brought her into Fairbanks.
At that point Natasha turned long enough to say hi and went back to
holding Erik’s hand. Kay stepped
forward and kissed Erik on the forehead. She then turned to Natasha and asked
if she would like to go home with her.
Natasha hesitated, until I told her it would be all right. I looked at Kay and mouthed thank
you. Natasha did not need to be here
any more. Natasha said good-bye to
Erik and told him she loved him, then turned and took Kay’s hand as they left
the room. Albert
decided he should take Micah and walk around for a little bit. Leaving Barbara, Pat, and myself in the
room with Erik. At some point,
Pat’s husband showed up to get her, after they stayed for about another half an
hour. Dr.
McFarland showed up with her nurse to bring Erik a birthday cake. They both sang “Happy Birthday” to
him. After checking out Erik’s
vital signs, Dr. McFarland asked me what I would like to happen once Erik
stopped breathing. Would I want
him revived, and she explained to me what that would intel. I shook my head, and told her ‘not to
revive him’. Apparently she had
the same conversation with Micah earlier and he gave her the same answer. The
PA from the air force base showed up around that time. He checked in on Erik and talked with
Dr. McFarland. Then I think
somewhere in there Albert and Micah were back in the room. Dr. McFarland stepped out to make her
rounds, but said she would be back. Then
Colonel Lawless showed up, with Sergeant Valdez and First Sergeant Degree. They were up at one of the other bases
for a meeting and decided to swing by to see Erik and the rest of us. I stayed by Erik’s bed as the room
began to fill up with people.
Conversations started up as I held onto Erik’s hand again. We were approaching noontime. The
alarms sounded off again, I was getting use to them. Instantly I looked at the monitors and watched as Erik’s heart
rate and oxygen dropped some more.
His forehead was burning up with fever. I think it was this time that the machines were turned off
and unplugged because they were starting to go off constantly now. I moved to the other side of the bed
while Dr. McFarland checked Erik out again. Barbara was standing at the end of the bed, while all the
men were together near the door to the room. All
the suddenly Erik opened his eyes and began to say something. Dr. McFarland grabbed hold to help sit
him up and her nurse grabbed his other side. I let go of his hand as I stepped back to give room. Micah said something and stepped into
the hallway with Albert. I looked
at Barbara who was pacing at the end of the bed. Erik started to gasp for air. Doctor and nurse worked together to ease Erik and help him
the best they could. I was so
overcome that I turned my back and began to cry. I looked up to see Colonel Lawless, First Sergeant Degree,
and Sergeant Valdez at attention holding their salutes. Erik’s moaning quieted down and the nurse
tapped my shoulder. I turned to
face the bed and Dr. McFarland asked if they were to revive him. “No,” I shook my head with tears coming down my
face, “Let him sleep.” Dr. McFarland called the time of death. Colonel Lawless and his two sergeants
released their salutes and walked out of the room. Silence filled the room. I could hear Micah and Albert out in
the hallway on their phones calling family. Barbara stayed at the end of Erik’s bed as the doctor and nurses
unhooked all the machines. I sat
down in one of the chairs and just watched. It was all I could do.
No more tears fell. I
watched as Erik’s body lay on the bed. He was so peaceful now. It was all over and he was in no more
pain. Micah
began packing up all of Erik’s things and taking them to the car. I don’t know when everyone left, but
soon it was just Micah and I in the room.
At some point our friends from Healy showed up and gave us their
condolences and paid their respects.
I do not know how long we stayed, but eventually there was no reason for
us to be there anymore. Micah and
I gathered our things and we said our final good-byes to Erik before walking
out the room. The
ride back to Anderson was quiet. I
had nothing to say. It was sunny
outside, but all I felt was cold.
When we made it back to Anderson we stopped in at Kay’s house to pick up
Natasha. I remember Natasha asking
where Erik was and Micah telling her Erik was now with Jesus in heaven. We gave Kay our thanks for watching
Natasha and headed to the house. I
noticed the flags at the school and city building were put at half-staff. Kay had told us they sent everyone home
early from the school when the news of Erik’s death came. We
arrived at our house and found a lady from our church there cleaning up for
us. We thanked her and brought in
all our things. I walked into the
bedroom to lay down for a little while, but looked over and saw Erik’s bed. Micah decided we should go over to
Albert and Barbara’s house instead of staying at our house. We headed over there and tried to lay
down there, but sleep was impossible. No
sleep. No
words. No
feelings. No
appetite. Nothing. This
was sorrow. © 2013 Lu Schneider |
Added on June 13, 2013 Last Updated on June 13, 2013 Author