Beyond the Clouds(Chapter 2)

Beyond the Clouds(Chapter 2)

A Chapter by LuLuIcey

At first, it was in pale white, soon, it became blurred in white, the same as the colour of clouds.


Chapter 2

After a certain period of time, my senses were back to normal. I opened my eyes slowly in order to avoid hurting them again. At first, it was in pale white, soon, it became blurred in white, the same colour which I saw from the strong energy. After waiting for a minute to recover, the picture was clear, which showed a sparkling, grey white horn.

The horn moved, and soon it appeared an image of a unicorn. That pure white unicorn with grey fur was just like, just like the god of the sky, a pure heart with no depression in it. The horn shined through the sky and like in leader of the fluffy clouds.

I could tell you with no doubt, it must be a unicorn that never exist in the forest. In my knowledge, a unicorn is a horse with magical power and a horn, but well, it was too surreal that I could not believe I am alive or not.

I looked around. The area was full of pure, white clouds. I should be heavens, I thought, there is no other places that I could thought of. I doubt if I am an honest and caring girl, but if I am in this situation, I had no doubt of what I am. I am died, it should be the answer.

Before confirming if I was in heaven or I was just day dreaming and wasted loads of the sunlight, I pulled my checks, and it hurts as much as I am on the ground. It was not the heaven nor day dreaming, these all did exist!

The whole scenery was unique. All I could find was the unicorn and the puffy clouds. I grabbed a small portion of cloud tried to squeezes it, it vanish in to smaller pieces. However, I had no idea where I am and even what I am, so I asked the unicorn’ Hey, uni, did you know where here is?’

The unicorn turned around and looked through my eyes. His light blue sparkling dazzling eyes flicker a million times which told me he was confuse and shock. The scene freeze for a short while, and end up by questioning him again. ‘Did you know what I was talking about? 

Did I use a wrong language?’ I asked.

He nod, showing he totally understand what I was questioning. He muttered,’ Well, did you hear me now? Are you a human?’

I nod, and I was shocked too. I have no idea about his thought, but this is the only way to reply him. However, the answer seemed to help him much more than I thought.

The unicorn walked few steps forward, and his expression changed from shock to jovial. His eyes stopped flickering like stars but like what he used to be. He cried, ‘You had just slept for about 5 minutes, and you fell from the sky when I was flying nearby. I glad that you are fine now… Oh! You are in Cloufy, the world of clouds.’

‘WHAT?!’ I was perplexed,’Cloufy? It is NOT heaven? How cloud I get back the forest? Am I died or alive? And who are you?’

‘Sorry, but I have no idea about how to return to your “forest”. Maybe you need you spend your rest of your life here. I am sorry to tell this…’ His expression told that his think heart was in it, but my heart was still full of confusion. ‘However’, He changed his voice,’ you can stay with me during the time you stayed at Cloufy. My name is Apthy, one of the two magicians when Cloufy was here.’

‘Cloufy? Isn’t that the name of the “world”?’ I asked.

‘Well, it is, but I was talking about the one who create the world’

‘So…you were an important character before “Cloufy” dies…You must be heartbroken about that.’

Apthy’ emotion said that she wasn't please to share his experience. He must be through a hard time before she could fly again. ‘Yes’ his eyes stop tracking me, ’after she disappearance, a war began. The other magician, Cloudie, had tell all the citizens to build their own BRAND NEW world and forgot about the past. Therefore, I tried to stop them and fight for Cloufy’ sake.’

‘Apthy, before I leave Cloufy world, may I fight with you to protect the original Cloufy world?’ I asked. I was not sure if I could be back to the woods. Well, but at least, I got my first partner in this Cloufy.

‘Sure!’ Apthy cried with no hesitation. He gave me a warm smile that break through my fear. ‘I glad to hear you that! From now on, we are allies…no, but friends.’

Friends? This world seemed much unique any another word in my dictionary. Maybe I should ask Apthy about it. However, would it be too annoying to ask THAT word? It was meaningless to ask about that, everyone should have ‘friends’ or else they should be died, or hopeless.

‘You are confuse about the word “friends”, was it?’ Apthy voice broke my confusion. He was so caring that he even know what I was thinking. This should be his power, his unusual ability when staying with ‘friends’.’ Friend means organisms whom both care and trust others, it is like neighbourhoods, or allies.  In my way, I even treat my magic power as my friends, because I trust and I care them. Try your best to understand it!’ Again, he gave me a warm bright smile.

I was hopeless and fear took more than I thought. I couldn't imagine why a unicorn have its friends where I was solitary and helpless, who live in darkness for so long and never wanted to leave that place. My fear covered my soul. ‘I didn't mean that! I am alone in the forest, and there are not eve a human or organism that knew my language! This IS the first time for me to hear other using my language!’

Apthy eyes flicker as stars again. I could tell it was not weird if you were shocked when you look in to my eyes, an ignorance that never communicate with others. He must think I was lying, I could not get out of my fear. To be honest, the forest was like a sphere that whenever you walked towards a direction for serial days, you will back to the original position.

 ‘Are you crazy?’ shouted Apthy, ‘I thought the human world was crowded with HUMAN EVERYWHERE, but IS THAT POSSIBLE TO HAVE ONLY ONE HUMAN IN THE PLANET?! It is IMPOSSIBLE! It MUST be surreal!!! You are weird!’

Apthy eyes told me that he had much more to say, but he skipped it. A human (which seemed to be a vampire to him) which can communicate with Apthy seemed to be a disaster. Maybe I should give him spaces to think but not peppering him with questions.

As I had told you guys, I have no idea how do I learnt my language. I never use it much except writing signs and maps of the woods. No one ever communicate with me, however, I still get this ability to ‘using’ this ‘language’.

‘I had no idea about how I learnt this language…’ I muttered,’ I knew it since I was born, and the right words always pop up in my mind… For me, it is a miracle too.’

Apthy seemed to know what I meant. His expression changed so as his eyes. He said, ‘thanks for telling me that. You are an extraordinary kid who know Cloudish, a language that should ONLY appears on Cloufy citizens’ mouth. Let’s just keep away from this topic first...can I be your best friend? Your first best friend? But well,I was just rude a minute ago.’

I nod my head, ‘Sure Apthy!  As well as thanks for being my first friend!’

We smiled and pump or heads on to another. ‘From now on, WE ARE FRIENDS! FOREVER!’ My heart felt as warm as the sun.

We giggled, and this is the end of the first ‘day’.

© 2015 LuLuIcey

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Added on November 9, 2014
Last Updated on January 9, 2015



Well, I am new and I love to write everything in my life,ecspecially about the society. I am an extraordinary girl, in my writings, I am Sky.To be honest, that is my friend' nickname~~BFF That's a.. more..

Why? Indeed. Why? Indeed.

A Story by LuLuIcey

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A Story by LuLuIcey