Beyond The Clouds(Chapter 1)

Beyond The Clouds(Chapter 1)

A Chapter by LuLuIcey

I should be dead in the human world. Fortunately, I didn't. Everything started from the day exactly a week before the forest fire...


Chapter 1

I should be dead in the human world. Fortunately, I didn't. Everything started from the day exactly a week before the forest fire.

Before all that, I should introduce myself first. My name is Icey, with no last name in it. I am a solitary girl in the forest, with no parents or grandparents. I lived in the woods that nobody (except me) visit. There were all kinds of animal that exist in the forest.

I have no stable home, as I only climb up a tree and sleep on the branches. About a year ago, that means when I was 10 years old, I made a hammock near the largest lake of the forest to sleep in. It did feel a lot more comfortable than the branches.

The only question that pop up in your head should be something like where did I came from. Honestly, I had no idea till the adventure ends, till Cloufy told me the reason. For now, there is no need for you to know that.

I was ‘born’ with ability. I know Cloudish when I was born. I know how to make clothing by wool, skin, and feathers from the dead organism. Moreover, I know how to make a fire and hunt when I was born. All that were the basic abilities of mine.

It is time to start the real story. As usual, the light of a summer day always started early. Light shore through my eyes as they called me to wake up. Summer was always the best season of the year, sun shined for more than half a day and it gave me loads of energy to hunt. Not like winter that was freezing cold and animals were finding a hiding place. I often lacked of food in winter.

I rubbed my eyes, yet the sunlight didn't woke me fully. Soon, I made myself sit on the hammock and look around the forest. It is rare that I focus on the surface of the lake, on the reflection of the blue sky. What will be in the clouds? Will I be able to touch them? Why the clouds did often seemed different day by day?

I stared at it for about 5 full minutes. Although I had no idea about those answers, the passion of hunting in summer broke my day dreams. ‘For every minute you wasted, you will get less time for hunting in the woods today!’ I reminded myself.

All I got was a stone knife and 7 spears that made from tiger’s fangs. These were my only weapons for all-the-time. Whenever one of them broke, I needed to make a new one. However, they seldom broke, as I just repaired 3 knifes and 2 spears till now.

I put all the weapons into a small bag. The bag was kept in the back side of my trousers, which I designed it with a hook in order to carry the bag. Whenever I saw a turkey or what else 'eatable', I would take 2 spears from my bag. The first one was use for hitting the enemy’s head and get its attention, and the second one was used for hitting its heart, whom put it to certain death. This way often success, but sometimes when a bunch of boars were attacking me, I need to use the rest of my spears to kill them all.

Usually, I am heading towards the river for fish and toads during hot seasons. Somehow weird, my feet just lead me towards the cave which full of bats and spiders. It is scary and unpleasant as they kept stealing my food, especially summer.

My feet leaded me walking towards the dark cave. Trees past through as I could hardly saw a rabbit or so. It is just …TOO unfortunate to have lack of mat during summer days.

Hours past, as it is high noon. The sun shined just on top of my head, and I easily dehydrate during dry hot seasons.

‘You must find a shield and rest,’ I muttered,’ it is too dizzy if you are working in the sun.’

I glad that the trees are huge as the supply of water is overflow in this area. They have huge leaves and tons of branches which make a terrific shield. Before I built a hammock. I used to sleep on one of those majestic tree. ‘Beyond the forest, like flying through the trees, watching the sunrise and sunset every day.’

This was the first special thing happened. I walked towards the tree that I used to sleep on, which there should be only wild grasses and earth placing on the ground, but something popped up.

A silver crate.

There used to be a lock, I could tell in my previous knowledge. There is a small hole overlapping the cover and the iron. The crate seemed so odd that it was full of soil and rust, which I think it was at least kept for two hundred years. What IS that! I could not even found a piece of metal in my past!

It was just too complicated to stop myself from curiosity. I nearly walked through every spaces in the forest but nothing even shiny shown up. This was the only time that I saw a silver, sparkling crate.

I couldn't wait for one more second! I jerk the cover without any hesitation .The sliver shined from orange to yellow, then slowly turned to grey-white, like the colour of the clouds on which I never touch. It hurt, yet I couldn't see anything for a few minutes. The box seemed to pull me into it, as I felt myself falling from heights. Well, I couldn't tell what was happening throughout those few minutes, because all my sense were blocked by that strong energy. 

The only thing I knew is I fell on to a soft, fluffy earth.

Honestly, it was not a ‘ground’, but it was a piece of cloud.

These were all I remembered.

© 2014 LuLuIcey

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Added on November 5, 2014
Last Updated on November 25, 2014



Well, I am new and I love to write everything in my life,ecspecially about the society. I am an extraordinary girl, in my writings, I am Sky.To be honest, that is my friend' nickname~~BFF That's a.. more..

Why? Indeed. Why? Indeed.

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