![]() Chapter 8A Chapter by Asylum Dormouse![]() Misty's POV![]() Misty Chapter 8 She awoke to the steady drip of water landing on her cheek, feeling it slide down and hearing it thud onto the floor near her ear. Slowly she became aware of her surroundings, the echo of footsteps behind her, the rustlings of leaves in front and to the right of her, the crackling of a small fire, and the distant soothing sound of rain. She was in a cave or sorts, lying on a makeshift bed of leaves and hides. She had been neatly bandages and cared for, a cool cloth wrapped around her forehead and a light hide pulled over her body. She opened her eyes to the slightest degree, turning her head barely to the side, and looked around.
She nearly gave herself away at what she saw. A girl, not too far from her own age, sat in a corner of the cave, glaring and almost snarling at her. The girl was not so different from herself, except for a few disturbing facts. Where her own ears curved out the girls were flatter to her head, and the where her own nails were strong and sharp, the girls were flat and fragile looking. The girls eyes were very wide, where her own were narrow, and her skin had none of her own blue tint. She was strange, but indeed a Sapien like herself. They stared at each other for a long while, Misty thinking it over. She was in a cave with two strange sapiens, one who glared at her maliciously, the other out of her view. To what purpose did they heal and care for her? What did they plan for her upon waking? Surely something terrible, they clearly didn’t do it out of the kindness of their hearts. Perhaps they were Bandits, slavers here to pick of the remnants of whatever race once thrived here. Yes, that made sense. They only healed her to make their fortune out of selling her to some sick b*****d. She would not accept this, she would not be sold off and enslaved, not while she still had the ability to fight, run, or escape. No, she would formulate a plan. To her knowledge she could feel that the idiots had left on her the knives in her boots and on her back, an amateur mistake that they would not forget again. No matter how much she wanted to, she ruled out the possibility of fighting her way out and killing these slavers, even if it were to save the lives of people captured in the future. She was simply too injured, and by the look of the vicious one and the sword at her side, they were trained in combat. No, this would be a quick escape. She couldn’t give them time to draw their weapons; better yet they should not even realize what has happened till she is gone. It would take all her strength, and it would most likely hurt to move as quickly as she wanted, but it seemed the only path to a successful escape. She lay still for a time, steadying her breathing, tensing her muscles and relaxing them, waiting for the perfect moment, and with patience, it came. The vicious one looked away from her, and that was all she needed. With propulsion from both legs and arms she shot herself toward the exit, turning up right in mid-leap. At last she saw the second Sapien, black haired, blue eyed, muscular, rounded ears, rounded fragile nails, she took this all in as he tried to leap in front of her hands out, not reaching for the hilt of his own sword. He was defenseless, and probably the fool who had left her with her blades. With a blade in hand she decided on mercy and simply slit his cheek, watching his shocked expression turn into a grimace as she flew past him and into the forest beyond, running as fast as her legs could carry her.
The trees flashed past as she ran, barely paying attention to where she was going. She didn’t know if they would pursue her, but she wouldn’t take any chances. She began to pay closer attention to her surroundings, searching for a good hiding place. It really all looked the same, tree after strange tree. Some even had little green needled growing out of them. Nothing like home at all. Where would she hide? Slowing slightly, she listened. Close by to her right she heard the loud rush of water, a river as she found it. She could follow it, and possibly even find a hiding place. Stopping only to take a drink, she continued down the river. Eventually she found an almost completely invisible hollow under a tree, only seen for the fact that a small creature had run out of it in the corner of her vision. Peering in, she saw that it had been lived in recently by some creature, but seemed to now be abandoned. She squeezed herself in, gasping as some of the bandage tore away from her skin, and leaned back against the wall of dirt and roots. Soon thereafter she fell into a restless doze. © 2012 Asylum DormouseAuthor's Note
Added on August 13, 2012 Last Updated on August 13, 2012 Author![]() Asylum DormouseMIAboutI write poetry and stuff... I love Emilie Autumn and the Victorian era, my current project is a fantasy series that I am writing with my friend. more..Writing