![]() The Moon and the WolfA Chapter by Loveylocks![]() This story is told by each main characters point of view![]() Micheal Her name is Alina. Alina is the moon, illuminating the night sky with her brilliant light, as I am the wolf, howling with longing to be with her soul. If only she would return the vast feelings I held for her. Yet, I only a wolf, but soon day will come, and with it the hunters of darkness. Alina I glanced at the clock beside my desk. 3;45p.m. The door opened, and the blue eyed, ginger haired boy walked through. On time. As always. I smiled a little, pushing my black frame glasses up the bridge of my nose. His face was painted a crimson red as he walked towards me, something hidden behind his back. “Good afternoon Micheal, what brings you here today?” I asked, as was the routine. He let out a nervous chuckle, “I have a book to return, also.. I have something for you.” He set the book down, handing me a neatly gifted box. I took it in my hands, looking at it closely. It was rectangular small box, a shiny blue ribbon holding the white paper in its place. On top right, in calligraphy, was who it was addressed too. "To; Ms. Alina. From; Micheal- I glanced up at Micheal, his eyes were wide with fear as he watched me examine the box, was he afraid I wouldn't like the contents inside? I undid the ribbon, unfolded the paper opening the box. I gasped, a charm bracelet, at the moment only three charms were on it. A little sliver book, representing my love literature. A little soccer ball, I had played varsity in high school and freshman year of college, and a Eiffel Tower. Symbolizing my French heritage. I picked it up in my hand, the charms jiggled a little. I looked up at him, “Micheal this is beautiful!” I exclaimed, he grinned widely, braces glinting off the library's florissant light “but..I can't accept this.. you know I'm married..” I said gently. Michaels beaming face slowly shifted into a look of disappointment and heartache. He looked down, letting out an audible sigh. “I know, but I also know you like bracelets. It's why I got it for you.” He replied, his tone laced with sadness. I looked at the bracelet, “it is very beautiful, but it looks like it was very expensive. I don't want you to go through all this trouble for me. Please Micheal, take it, I am very flattered at the thought.” I set the wrist band back in the box, closing it offering it back. Hesitantly he grabbed it, stuffing it in his string bag. I stamped the book he left on the counter of the desk, sliding it into the returned book slot. “Your book is returned, you're free to pick out another one” I said cheerily trying to lighten his dampened mood, he nodded turning away slightly. He stopped looking at me, “same time tomorrow?” He inquired. I gave a brief nod of my head “same time tomorrow.” I confirmed. He smiled, the a tiny spark of happiness returning to his crystal blue eyes before he walked away, and out of the library. ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ It was bordering evening when I finally got into the drive way. I opened the door, Hershey, a jack russell-Irish terrier mix, was always first to greet me. She ran up to me, yapping excitedly as she ran around in circles. Hershey was a shelter dog, I didn't want to get a pedigree pet because on the inside they were all the same, pure bred genes or not. She had been abused and almost left for dead until the SPCA found her. Her previous owners were cruel, leaving her with open infected wounds and a broken back leg. Luckily I got her before they moved her to another shelter. Hershey had been through hell, with the scars to prove it, but you would have never guessed by all the joyous yapping she did. I laughed as I scooped down, rubbing behind the brown pointed ears atop her head. “Did you miss me? Huh? Did you miss me girl?” As if she understood English, which was quite possible, she yipped in reply, fiercely licking the palm of my hand. I chuckled again, then smelled the air. Spaghetti. I smacked my lips walking into the kitchen. There he was, stirring a pot of tomato sauce, my husband. The kitchen was filled with salsa music, he was swaying his hips, humming in his deep, gruff voice. I watched him, a wide smile made its way across my face. “James.” I called to him, he didn't respond. “James!” His head snapped up as he jumped a little. Head whirling in my direction, his brown eyes lit up as his warm gaze rested on me. “Alina! The love of my life has returned home!” He chuckled setting down the pot of pasta sweeping me up in his tight embrace. He whisked me around the kitchen, sliding his long arm around my waist, intertwining his large fingers with my own. He pressed his lips against mine, kissing my lips passionately. James always took my breath away, he always spoke his mind. He was thoughtful and clever. Those were few of the many things I adored about him. I ran my fingers through his chestnut colored shoulder length hair which he kept up in a sloppy man bun. I pulled away, letting out a huff, “hello to you too!” I giggled. James was passionate about everything, anything he set out to do he poured his soul into. Even when pursuing me. Nine years ago I was fresh out of college, to the pay the bills of a small apartment I was renting, I became a barista. He was a carpenter, working on the shop above us. Every morning he came for a latte and at night for the last cupcake. It was then he started visiting during my break just to talk to me, at first I thought he was just being friendly since our breaks were at the same time, but then he started walking me home. Even though his house was in the opposite direction. Eventually we become close friends, I started to develop feelings, we fell in love. Soon after a year we married and bought a house together. We were waiting a little longer to have kids, although he kept insisting I'd make a great mother. I wanted everything to be perfect before I brought a little life in world. “How was work baby?” He asked setting me down, returning to the pot of red sauce. I opened my mouth, about to tell him about the bracelet Micheal tried to give me earlier, but decided not to. “It was great love, I might be getting a raise soon.” He grinned “that's great Alina!” James suddenly touched my face, he looked deep into my eyes and whispered “I got the loan.” It took me a few seconds to register what he said. I gasped, “the loan? You got the loan!” I squealed happily wrapping my arms around his neck. James was a carpenter, working at the Hammer Time Inc, he was one of the best. I was always insisting he start his own company. A few years ago he has started working on plans to create his business, the first two times he asked the bank for a loan they turned him down. He made a few more changes and went back, this time they said yes! I kissed him again, then smirked as I took his hand leading him upstairs. “The spaghetti can wait, I want to celebrate.”I said in sultry whisper. James soulful brown eyes became clouded with lust. As he closed the door to the bedroom behind he said looked at me, removing his pants and said “hammer time.” Micheal The t.v was blaring when I opened the front door, father was in his usual recliner. A litter of beer cans surrounding his feet. Judging from the beer cans, the smell of trash, and the way he was slumping down in the chair. I assumed he had not gone to work today, again. I sighed setting my book bag down, walking to the kitchen. I collected the disgusting smelling trash, putting it outside in the can. I came back in, “Father, are you hungry?” I asked walking to him. He was fast asleep, snoring quietly. I let out an sigh, I was about to turn away when a flash of light caught my eye. I looked at his hand, he was clutching something. I pried his fingers off of it. I lifted it into the light, it was a picture. A tiny smile was on my lips as I remembered that day. I was eight, it was my birthday. Mother had taken the day off to spend with me, even father had been surprised me at the park by showing up with the bike I had been begging for. We all got ice cream: rocky road, mothers favorite. That day was perfect, but the days following were not. Mother started feeling ill. She dismissed it as the flu, but then it got worse. Weeks went by, she was staying in the hospital more and more. Father didn't have the means to keep up with the bills, we had to sell the house just to manage mothers medical cost. Ever day after school and on the weekends I visited her, each time she looked worse. Her beautiful brown eyes became dull and lifeless. Her usually rosy cheeks were pale and sunken in, and her smile. Mother had the best smile in the whole world. It brightened up an entire room, it made clouds part and let the sunshine through. It's one of the reasons that father married her, he said he wanted to see that smile every morning. It her was birthday, the last day I came to visit her. She was sitting up in bed, which was odd since she rarely did that any more. Her and father were talking like old times, life had returned to her eyes and her room brightening smile was back. I climbed on top of the bed hugging her, she hugged me back as hard as she could. She said to me “my little blue eyes, I will always love you” Our little family was complete again, or so I thought. When I had come back from getting some of her favorite ice cream, a strange man was putting a white sheet over her body. I tried to pull him away, but I was far too little and weak. Father came, pulling me out the room. Tears rolled from his redden eyes, on to his cheeks splashing on to the tile floor. He said mother was sleeping. I didn't understand, I wanted us to the ice cream before it melted. He shook his head, “she's gone Micheal.” From that day on, nothing was the same. Father became withdrawn, spending more and more time at home. Stuck in his own little world. I did practically everything around the house, even got a job to pay the rent and electricity. Once in a while he would come out of his glossy eyed daze and look at me. He would put his hand on my shoulder and say “my son.” In the small moment, I knew he still cared. The window in my room gave me a great view of the glorious moon over head. I had changed out of my clothes into an all black attire. Throwing my pack over my shoulder, I put on a skully, creeping out the back door. There she was, my Alina. Her coca skin was smooth, almost silk like. Long cascades of luxurious black locs fell down her backside, to her large, but firm buttocks. Then he appeared, that dammed husband of hers. Wrapping his arms around her from behind, tenderly kissing her exposed neck. That should be me! I fumed. Alina was everything to me, since the first time I saw her behind the desk at the library I knew she would be mine. Some days, if I gazed at her long enough, she looked similar to mother, which made me feel even closer to her. Yet, that husband of hers was a pesky one. He made her happy, which was a problem since she was mine and that was my job. They must have been celebrating something for today they were very passionate. It made my blood boil to see them tussle around in the sheets, enjoying each other's touch and love. I did not want to see him please her, but I needed some more pictures for my collection. It was a new month, my scrapbook needed an update. I was adjusting the lenses of my camera when I heard soft moan. I instantly looked at the window, was that his moan? There was another, followed by a soft grunt. My eyes widened a bit, those are hers! I closed my eyes, imagining her under me. Her warm, gentle fingers trailing along the side of my body. My pants grew uncomfortably tight, my breath became labored, Alina, Alina. Alina! I bit back a whimper of pleasure as her moaning got constantly louder. I started to rub my inner thigh, a tingling sensation shooting throughout my body. It was clear I was not going to acquire more pictures for my collection tonight. I needed to go home to relive my built up tension. It was a long, awkward walk back to my house. Once in my room, I took out the scrapbook I kept under my bed, and had released some ‘stress’ thinking about my Alina the entire time. Alina The sheets were slightly ripped and very rumbled when I finally awoke the next morning. I opened my eyes, a broad grin stretched across my face as I looked up at James who was sleeping soundly. Last night was amazing. I think it was even better then our honeymoon in the Bahamas. I sat up, rubbing his broad chest while kissing his cheek. “Morning baby.” I say sweetly. James stirred slightly. He smirked, pulling me on top of him wrapping his strong arms around my waist. “Buenos días mi reina hermosa ” I giggled like a school girl. I had heard that phrase so many times, and I loved it. I pressed our foreheads together, “Buenos días mi rey hermoso” I responded. He kissed my nose rolling over so he was on top. “Sleep well?” He asked kissing my neck softly. I nodded, pushing him off me. “Very well, but I’m also very excited! Today is the day!” I said eagerly as I walked into the bathroom. James tilted his head, his long hair spilling over his wide shoulders “the day for what?” He asked still in a slight daze from his heavy slumber. I peeked my head out the bathroom “Today's raise day! Remember! I told you yesterday that I could be getting a raise!” James’s eyes popped, he looked over at me. “Best of luck to you my love.” He said blowing a kiss at me. I roll my eyes a bit “a bit lovey today aren't we?” I tease turning on the shower. He let out a exuberant laugh,”only because my amazing wife and I had even more amazing sex last night.” He walked into the bathroom turning on the sink starting to brush his teeth. Once out the shower, I saw James laying out his attire on the bed, setting some ugly stripped suspenders next to his work pants. I rolled my eyes slightly. “Really James? Suspenders? Where's your monocle and cane.” I snickered walking to the closest. He laughed sarcastically “Ha. Ha. You don't remember these Alina? These are my smug suspenders.” He said walking into the bathroom once more to tie up his hair. As I oiled my legs on the bed, I thought to myself “remember what? That your choice in accessories in terrible?” I chuckled again, putting on some earrings. James looked at my reflection in the bathroom, “I wore those after our first official date. They're called smug suspenders because when ever I accomplish or acquire something amazing I wear them.” He grins broadly putting on his boxers and pants. I slipped on my bra, adjusting my breast in the cups. “Wait, if you wore it after our first date, what did you accomplish or acquire?” He smirks, looking up at me from adjusting his trousers. “You.” The library was always quiet in the morning, for no one but us early bird librarians were around. I walked into the break room, looking around. Leeya, one of my closest friends and co worker, was rummaging through the tiny fridge we kept snacks and our lunches in. Jasmine was a wild child, but you would have never guessed from the quiet professional façade she put on a work. “Morning Lee, what'd you do yesterday?” I asked sitting down at the mahogany colored table. She gave a mischievous snicker “oh you know, ride my motorcycle, bake a quiche, visit Ethan.” I looked up from my chocolate chip muffin. “Ethan? Oh, who's that?” I smirked popping a piece into my mouth. Leeya sat down, opening the silver canteen she always carried around. She took a short swig before responding “he's certainly not a police officer that pulled me over two weeks ago, and we certainly didn't hit it off, and we are certainly not dating.” She said sarcastically. I laughed rolling my eyes, “sure you aren't. Well what's he like? The guy your quote on quote ‘not dating’ ” I said using quotation marks. She sighed dreamily, her eyes having a far off look in them. “He's very funny, he's kind, he's thoughtful, and a runner. He's running in the next marathon.” She took another swig from her canteen again. I never knew what was in the canteen, I didn't want to know either. It could be alcohol, or some other kind of drink but her breath was always fruity. “I saw your little friend yesterday, looked like a nice bracelet.” She said looking at me. I challenged her stare “Leeya, I'm married. Very happily if I might add. Micheal is nineteen and I'm just a temporary crush. You know how teenage boys are.” I say nonchalantly with a small shrug. Leeya snorter rolling her large doe like eyes, “ mmhm, sure.” I checked my watch 7:30 time to get started. I stood up walking to the library's bolted door, opening it as I turned over the - We're open!- sign © 2016 LoveylocksAuthor's Note
Added on December 20, 2016 Last Updated on December 20, 2016 Author![]() LoveylocksNewark, DEAboutI love to write! It's a passion for me, I also love to sing. I've been writing since I knew how to. Tips and advice for writing and greatly appreciated and welcomed! I'm always looking for ways to imp.. more..Writing