The Shining Light
A Book by LovelyLuckless
In times both ageless, and long forgotten, dragons have existed in this world. They capture our imaginations, and at times our hearts. !["](
No Chapters
© 2013 LovelyLuckless
Author's Note
![LovelyLuckless]( |
This was co-written by CzatoftheMoon and myself.
Please keep in mind this is being revised.
This is the sequel to "Of Dragon Scales & Trials."
Full Summary:
In times both ageless, and long forgotten, dragons have existed in this world. They capture our imaginations, and at times our hearts. It is the unknown, the delicious tiny idea that something is so far untouched and free, that seems to keep us held tight to their world. For those who walk among them, however, there is only fear and misunderstanding. As with all things, peace is tied to the endless cycle of change. Clashes are inevitable, and loss will drive even the most intelligent to the brink.
LovelyLucklessMinerva, OH
Gosh, golly, laugh!
Now that I've got that out of my system, hello. I'm here to share my writings and peruse others' own as well. I'll be sure to leave a review if I happen across yours. I will gla.. more..