I don't think it's missing a thing since I don' know if there really is a definition of happiness. Is it just a feeling that you know. Can you really define that? This poem really makes you think and brings up a great question. That is what makes it so great, the insight the lingering question and the thoughts the reader is left with after finishing. Nicely done. Thanks for sharing.
I think I know what you mean by "it's missing something." Well, at least part of it. The flow and rhythm is really off as it moves from stanza to stanza. Add more words to some stanzas and remove others. Now, I'm not saying that it has to be "formatted" because I don't think anything is wrong with stanzas 1 and 7. Those two were my favorites. I think you were wanting to theme your poem after how to acquire happiness but you didn't provide an answer of how to achieve it. I think if you added this maybe between the last stanza and the seventh stanza, it'd help. Or break it into two. It's your poem, lol.
"Happiness comes at times in our lives,
laughs we remember and tears we forget,
but even though they pass...
the key to happiness is being content
even with the passing of loved ones,
be strong and of strong faith."
The poem, I like as there is not enough poems about happiness. Way too many poems about love. (I mean, love is nice every now and then. But anyone who thinks poetry is meant to passionate love life or give it color is dead beat wrong.) Poetry is the collaboration of heart and soul, the music of the inner spirit's voice. At least, that's how I define it. So kudos on theme. You could also write it with some rhyming involved. You did a fantastic job otherwise if you do/do not decide to revise it. You are talented and will excel in life as long as you never view yourself in the eyes of fools or elitists. n_n Kudos. Love 'ya. 9.3/10.
Very nice Lucia! Very nice indeed. Happiness truly is one of those things that just can't be explained, but everyone knows it. I love how all the examples mean different things for different people. I smiled while reading this and so did my mom (peeking over my shoulder as always). Very short and sweet and nice flow. As for the answer, I think there is but it only applies to the person. In other words, everyone has their own interpretation. Again, very nice! Keep surprising me! Fighting! XD
this is really amazing and its not missing anything since there really isn't a definition for happiness. I can totally relate to this. It is written really well, everything follows together really good. you should write more things like this because you did an amazing jobthe poem really makes you think and not take anything for granted, keep up the great work
Omg!!!! This is definitely my favorite poem yet! It is so deep, and i love the rhythym to it. It really struck a cord deep within me, and no, i don't think it's missing a thing... The questions posed in the poem are very meaningful, and it really makes you think and really makes you greatful for those everyday, happy occurances!
I don't think it's missing a thing since I don' know if there really is a definition of happiness. Is it just a feeling that you know. Can you really define that? This poem really makes you think and brings up a great question. That is what makes it so great, the insight the lingering question and the thoughts the reader is left with after finishing. Nicely done. Thanks for sharing.
Hello, Lucia here! I'm a girl, sixteen years old, and an (almost Junior) in high school. I am also the youngest in my family...
... Many things I enjoy are writing (obviously), reading, listening .. more..