![]() Introducing the FriendsA Chapter by LovelyDeath They will clean up all your talking in a menace such as this The last sentence was dragged out and then clapping. I giggled at this, it was Family Guy. I loved Family Guy, especially this episode. I picked up the remote and rewinded, listening to it again. "They're the fellas at the freakin FCC!" I sang out when the line came, laughing so the words didn't make sense. "I shouldn't be so surprised to see this." James laughed from the door, making me curve my neck to look at him. That only made me lose my balance and fall at some twisted angle, hip first. He caught me just before I fell. "That was sort of excepted too." he said, kissing my nose as I smiled up at him. He sat down on the couch, me still in his arms. I ran my fingers through his dark hair as he stared at me with his hands on my hips. "You know you look beautiful." he said, making me smile and kiss him softly. "I love you." I sighed, sinking down and burying my head in his chest as his arms wrapped around me like a blanket. He laughed, kissing my head. "I love you too." he said, just as I passed out on his lap............... ................I sat in my bathroom, slipping on the short dark blue dress that made my eyes look much lighter than they really were. The dress was low in the back, showing off my bare back. It was tight around my upper torso, before loosening right before my hips as it came down in silky layers. I straightened my hair, happy that it kept my back warm if we were outside. I applied midnight blue eyeshadow into the creases of my eyes and almond eyeshadow to make my eyes stand out more. A slight touch of lipgloss,Iwasn't a fan of lipstick. "Sarah, are you ready?" I called out, her and Brian had broken up recently. He had said he didn't want to be with a girl who was fat and didn't act like a normal girl should. She had broken down and when she started talking about being aneroxic, I almost slapped her. "Yep." she called out, surprising me at the fact that her voice wasn't all heavy. I walked out slowly, trying to get used to wearing 3 inch heels instead of flats, but James was like a head taller than me and I wanted to look him in the eye. "You look great!" she said, smiling with glossy pink lips. "I like what you did with your eyes, makes you seem all mysterious." "Thanks." I laughed, before looking her over. She had on a short light pink dress that had one strap. It was tight on her torso and right at the bottom in loosened into slight frills. She was wearing 3 inche black heels just like me, and she had on only almond eyeshadow and a light brown. Her hair was pulled back in a barrette. "You look great too." I smiled at her, moving a piece of her hair back so we could see her pretty blue eyes. The doorbell rang just then and she looked at me for a moment, as if excepting me to go off into a fit because of who could be at the door. "Come on." she said, grabbing my arm and dragging me down the stairs. She didn't give me a chance to worry because she pulled the door open and smiled at James and Darren, his older brother, who was standing there. Darren let out a low whistle aimed at Sarah, who blushed from her neck right up to the line of her blonde hair. James walked forward, wrapping his arms around me and smiling. "You look great right now.Well you always do so..." he trailed off and smirked at me. "Sarah looks great too." he said, winking at her as Darren wrapped his arms around her waist and pulling Sarah too him. I studied him carefully, just to be safe. I didn't think any man was worthy of my best friend, but I might make this slide. Darren had brown hair and deep green eyes set on a bronze face. He was more bulky than James and slightly taller. He caught me staring and smiled at me, showing off his pearly white teeth. "Sorry, was going to just walk off with your gorgeous friend here." he laughed and Sarah flushed again. "Nice to finally meet you face to face, I'm Darren. You must be Freya?" he asked and I nodded. We all climbed into the car, talking as we headed to the resturant where most of our friends were at................. .............When we walked inside, I was quite surprised. The inside was much nicer than the outside that was for sure, the walls were a golden color yet they looked brown in the murky light. The regular part of the place was empty except for a couple and the bar was full apparently because I could hear the noise from the closed double doors that seperated the bar from the regular part. Then, there was a group of people in the middle next to the dance floor. There was four of them, all talking with each other and laughing before glancing around as if looking for someone. There was two girls and two boys, one girl had long brown hair pulled back into a pony tail; she was wearing a strapless black dress that was way to tight for a public place. Then again this place was empty, so i don't think it counted in the public part of the public. The other girl had shoulder length chestnut hair. She was wearing a dark blue dress that showed off her good figure, but looked like she wasn't trying to hard like the other girl was. That's a good thing, I believe. Her hair was hard to notice since she was wearing an Air Force cap on her head, but I could still see her short hair poking out from under it. One guy was wearing a black t-shirt and dark blue jeans; He was wearing a football jersey over that and was smiling at the girl who was wearing the tight black dress. He had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes, total american boy. Blue eyed, blonde haired, football player/jock. The other person was wearing a Air Force uniform and was talking with the pretty short haired girl. (Not that that the other girl wasn't pretty.) He had dark brown hair that was buzz cut and leaf green eyes. "Yo! James!" the football person called out, making the other three stop talking and glance over. "Pull up a chair my man and tell me, which pretty lady is yours or are you with both?" he said, laughing slightly. "No, Justinl. I'm just with this one." He said, tapping my nose and making me smile. "So Darren gets the pretty blonde? By the way, I'm Justin sweet cheeks, call me whenever you wanna dump these guys." he said, winking at me and Sarah. I snorted, rolling my eyes as Sarah laughed. Darren pulled out her seat and held it out for her, before pushing it in when she sat down. "Here." James said, holding out my chair as well. "Okay, lets get the introductions over with. That guy right there is Justin; That one is Miley; " he pointed the Justin and the brunette. "That's Britney and that's Mike....." he said..................... © 2010 LovelyDeath |
Added on June 17, 2010 Last Updated on June 17, 2010 Author![]() LovelyDeathAVC, CAAboutMy name is Miranda, I'm 12 years old and I've been writing for only about a year, but I've read more than 2thousand books since I've learned to read and over 95thousand pages. I love romance novel.. more..Writing