So...yeah, this poem is kind of messy. Sorry about that. It's far from being perfect, but then again perfection isn't what I was aiming for when writing this poem. I really just let out all my altering of words or phrases. Hope you like it. Feel free to leave me a review with your own thoughts and/or feelings. :)
My Review
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I like this poem a lot. It has truth in it (one of the best qualities in a poem). I really like the line 'He questioned me "Is my love not enough beloved?''. I wish others could understand as you do. But I hope they do through reading your poem Good write.
Often times, we find ourselves looking for love in all the wrong places when God says, His grace is sufficient for us. Patience is a learned virtue and I know I'm still learning, lol. And the second stanza, I definitely understand what it means for something to just not be right. When I feel lonely or frustrated like the first stanza, I often find myself trying to make things work with someone I know is not for me.
I say the same thing, like, okay just cause I have a pretty face does not mean I can have any guy I want. It takes patience, assertiveness, and discernment, things that come with time.
I liked how in the middle of the poem, you redirected your thoughts to Christ because often times we look for others to complete us, but that leads to a dead end. There's a hole made for Christ only.
Really do like this poem. It really isn't that messy, it got the message through perfectly. And a beautiful message as well, sometimes we really don't think about it. His love is enough. Really great poem.
beautiful - so true. i often look for love in places , where ill never find the kind of love that i am looking for and then i realize that only HE cloud love me like that!
This was beautiful, no need for perfection in this piece, in my opinion. I totally agree with the message of this poem. Jesus is king of all and is our true Prince no matter what others say or thing about us. His opinion is the only one that truly matters. Beautiful write my friend, thank you for sharing this. It was honestly something I really needed to read today, so thank you for that.
Small town girl, endless dreamer, devoted friend, beloved daughter, and a baby sister of two. Just turned 22!
My passion is writing and I love sharing it with the world.
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