Chapter One.

Chapter One.

A Chapter by Kaitlyn

CHAPTER IS COMPLETED. I don't really know if I should keep writing it or not, which is why i decided to post it on here. If anyone likes it this far, then I shall continue. But, if not, I will probably just stop writing it. Also, things are kind of confusing as of right now in this chapter. I meant to write it that way. You need to be just as confused as Kiaree is until the next chapter. I want to leave you guessing. I want you to feel like you are Kiaree, you know?  One more thing, this is UNEDITED and has NOT been proof read yet. So any grammatical errors will be fixed by my later. But anyway. Here we go.
Chapter one

People say that love is the greatest feeling in the world, and while this may be true, it only leads to heart break, which is the worst feeling. I heard nothing and felt nothing. I was nothing. Was I in shock? I really honestly couldn’t tell you. What I did know was that I sat there in a room filled with many people and yet I had never felt so alone. I felt drained of all emotion. I don't know how long I sat there but it must have been a long time because the next time I blinked the room was empty and it was dark outside. I got up and looked outside and the rain began to pour. This normally would have put me in a much better mood, but nothing could anymore. I could never be truly happy again. I went from being the happiest little girl, to barely being able to smile, to having everything, and then back to nothing. He gave me reason, he gave me hope. He showed me what love was and then he proved that all guys were the same. He said he would never leave, and he did. The words he last spoke replayed in my head like a broken record. I didn’t know pain like this existed, but it does. The type of pain that hurts so badly that you wish you could just end it all…and then suddenly you no longer hurt. You just feel nothing. I couldn’t smile, nor could I cry. I already cried all the tears I had. My tear glands were dried up, and my heart was broken. That unimaginable pain that turns into nothing,the pain of losing the one person I knew my future was with. When I lost him, I lost myself.

After an hour of watching the rain fall, I figured I would go for a walk. The rain had slowed down a bit, but I was hoping it would pick back up. I didn’t know where I would go, or even how long it would take. All I knew was that I just had to walk. I told no one and I walked outside. The amazing aroma of rain filled my lungs as I took a deep breath, and even that did nothing. I kept walking, and found nothing. I kept trying to reach my thoughts, but I thought nothing. I felt nothing. I was nothing. I didn’t want to be nothing anymore, for I missed being his everything. How could one guy make me feel like this? How could one single person make me feel like nothing? I took one more step, and that’s when it happened. I finally felt something again. My heart burned and my knees weakened. I fell to the ground, and after that, I couldn’t even tell you what happened.

All I know was that I woke up in a bed, a bed that wasn’t mine. The white walls surrounded me. The beeping of the machine next to me burned my ears. I moved my arm, and realized I was hooked up to that annoying machine, that damn machine. It smelt of old people and medication. How did I get here? The beeping seemed to have gotten louder. I reached over and hit the nurse button. According to the white board in front of me, Nikki should have walked in. Instead, though, a short pudgy man walked in and stared me down.  “Hello Ms.Naruse. I am Doctor Rivalkey. I know you must be confused about what is happening, but it should all make sense soon,” the man said. I opened my mouth to speak but before the words could escape my mouth, my father walked in with a tall man with dark eyes and the strange man held up his finger.

Please, let me explain,” he spoke, “my name is Dameon Night. You see, you were found on the street by a home that belongs to Melissa Carter. She watched you lose your balance and fall to the ground, so she called an ambulance and then your father and myself. Mrs. Carter knows all about you, although you do not know her. You see, Mrs. Carter knew you as an infant, since the day you were born actually, as do I and most of the staff here. We will get back to that later though. You are probably wondering where you are as well. You see, this isn’t just an ordinary hospital. You are no longer in Chicago, nor are you even in the state of Illinois. Your location is only known to a few, the few who know where to look. Once you are released from here, you will never be able to locate this place again, unless you are brought by one of us and even then, you will not remember how you were brought here. Because you are in such a fragile state right now, we need to let you rest. This book, though, will explain nearly everything, and I will need you to read it before we release you back into your father’s care. Please rest up and eat, and when you feel up to it, read this. Then when you are ready, call Nikki.” He handed me the book and I just stared at him. I was at a loss for words, and I had never been so confused in my life, except for when he left me. Before I could even gather my thoughts, everyone left the room, even my father. 

I held the book in my hand and traced the weird symbol on it with my finger. It looked like a heart with a sword through it, but I wasn’t exactly sure. All I knew was that it was pretty odd. The book was old and tattered, so I knew I wasn’t its first owner. As I held the book, though, I got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. It traveled through my body and through my veins and I wish I could explain what happened next. You probably wouldn’t even believe me if I told you. Whatever had happened, though, when it had finally finished, my veins lit up, they turned bright red. The room darkened around me and I lost track of time and sight. I couldn’t see anything in front of me, except the book and my glowing veins. The symbol on the book flickered once, and then just like it had started, it all just stopped. I was suddenly completely aware of my surroundings again, but once again, I was entirely confused. I dropped the book; this was just too much to take in at the time.  It had been a long, confusing day and I just wanted it to end, so I rolled over and closed my eyes tightly.

Morning came as quickly as I had fallen asleep. When I opened my eyes, they burned from the sun rays peeking through the blinds. I rolled over on to my side and there it was " the book. I still didn’t understand a thing that was going on, so hoping it may explain something…I picked up the book and slowly opened the front cover. I flipped through the pages hoping to come across some type of information. The book seemed to be some type of journal, so I decided to skip to the back.

The last entry wasn’t very long and the hand writing was beautiful. The entry read,

 “She is finally here, my little girl. After nine months of pain and weird food cravings, I finally have a daughter to call my own. She is more beautiful than I could have ever imagined. Part of me wishes her father could have been there to see her, but alas the rules cannot be broken. Not until tonight. Tonight I must deliver her to Acrayin. He will take her to her father tonight. I cannot bare to lose my beautiful baby girl, but she can never see this world. She cannot take the throne as I did at eighteen. She cannot get lost between this and reality. She is getting the chance I never got, to live a real life. This was the hardest decision of my life, but it has to be done. Kiaree has to be with her father from now on. Father is coming, I must go.


My eyes grew wide and I read the entry a few more times just to make sense of it all. My name is Kiaree, and according to my father, my mother’s name was Elizabeth. I looked up at the date scribbled at the top, and my birthday was written clear as day. This had to be some type of joke. Throne? My mother couldn’t have been some queen…could she? I flipped back to the front page and began to read.

Once I finally tore myself from the pages in front of me, I looked at the clock and noticed a few hours had gone by since I had read the first entry. I closed the book and tried to make sense of everything. According to the book, my mother took the throne as queen of Rithermit when her mother had passed on. Her father had ruled the land for many years and apparently was not the nicest man. The thing that confused me was that I had never heard of any place called Rithermit. Also, how would a woman like my mother have gotten with someone like my father? This all has to be one sick twisted joke.

I hit the nurse button, and it seemed as if Nikki had gotten there before I even released the button. “Yes, my dear?” she spoke with such happiness in her voice, it made me sick.

“Um, yeah. I was wondering if I could talk to my father?”

I’m sorry miss Nuruse, your father has stepped out for the hour. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Let me out?”

I cannot do that, miss Nuruse. Strict orders.”

Can you please just call me Kiaree? And why can’t I leave?”

You have to stay here until the tests are done.”

What tests?” before she could even answer, a horrible screeching noise came from the room next to me.

I’m sorry Miss Nuruse, I have to go,” and she was gone. Curiosity must have killed the cat, because there I was unplugging my IV and getting out of bed to go investigate the strange noise. Something told me that I wasn’t exactly supposed to get out of bed, so I made sure to be extremely quiet. As I tipped toed to the open door, the noise grew louder.

I looked to my right and saw Nikki and a few other nurses running down the hallway. What could that awful noise be? I put one foot out the door and slowly began to follow. As the noise grew louder, my pace picked up. I had never been heard such an irritating sound before in my entire life. Suddenly I stopped walking. Something was coming down the hall extremely fast. I squinted my eyes to try and figure out what it was, but all I saw was a big black blob. Before I could even move out of the way, I found myself on the ground. The black blob had knocked me down and kept running. The screeching sound became quiet as the black blob turned the corner and disappeared into the distance. All the nurses, except Nikki, went running down the hallway to go and catch it. Nikki stopped at my feet and shook her head. “Miss Nuruse, you have to stay in your room.” She put out a hand to help me up.

“Nikki, what was that thing?” I asked half confused and half amazed.

“That isn't for me to explain, my dear.”

I finally had enough. No one would give me any answers. My father left, the doctor and nurse were no help. I just kept getting more and more confused every minute. I was about to respond when suddenly I felt my legs weaken, and I fell to the ground.

The next time I woke up, I was no longer in a hospital bed. I was back in my own bed, in my own room. The blanket that my grandmother made me was over me, and I was tucked in tightly. I realized that it must have all been a dream. What a relief. I sat up slowly and put my feet on the ground, one foot at a time. The floor was cold, so I slipped on some socks and opened my bedroom door.

The house was quiet, too quiet. I looked over at the clock at it was a little after eleven in the morning. Dad must be at work, I thought to myself. In the kitchen, there was a note on the counter. I picked it up and began to read. “Kiaree, meet me at Grandale park at 12:00. We need to talk. Dad.” As I wondered what was possibly so urgent that he couldn't just wait till after work, I looked back at the clock and decided I would go take a quick shower before I left.

After my shower, I slipped on some clothes, and walked out the door. Grandale park was only a few minutes from the house, so I decided I would just walk. The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. It was a beautiful day out. Grandale park was always my favorite place to go when I was younger. I don't know what it was, but I had always just felt connected to it. My dad use to take me fishing there all the time. I walked to the place we use to fish, and looked around for my father. He was no where to be found. Something moved in the bushes behind me. I quickly turned to investigate. A man was standing there.

The man had a long black trench coat on, and black boots. There was an amulet around his neck that looked strangely familiar. His eyes glared into mine, as a slight grin ran across his face. He took a step forward, never taking an eye off me. Frightened, I began to walk in the opposite direction. Glancing over my shoulder, I could see the man following me. What could he possibly want, I thought. I started to walk a little faster as I turned the corner. I decided to hide behind a tree nearby. I listened carefully as I heard his footsteps coming closer. I saw the man in the distance and he stopped walking. Was he looking for me? He looked around a little and then started to touch the amulet around his neck. He muttered a few strange words under his breath, and suddenly the amulet lit up.

In front of him, a blue light formed near the lake. It grew larger and larger each second. The man looked around once more, and then vanished into the bright light. Once he was gone, I took a few steps away from my tree and tried to look at the light. It was such a bright light, but it was so beautiful. I found myself being drawn to the light. My feet just kept walking forward. I wasn't thinking about anything but that light. My feet finally stopped moving inches away from the blue wonder. I peered into it, and at that very moment, I made the one choice that would change my life forever. I walked forward into the light, and the very next second, the park was gone. The grass had vanished, the trees dissipated, and the beautiful lake that I grew up with, was nothing more than a memory.

The light behind me had vanished, and all that was left was a door. There was nothing else. Nothing was above me, and not a thing below me. I examined the large brass door, and right in the middle of it was the symbol from my dream. The symbol that had been on my mother's book. The beautiful heart with the sword through it. As if curriosity already hadn't gotten enough of me, my hand was on the door knob, with my fingers tightly gripped around it. The door swung open, and in front of me was something I can only explain in one word: Utopia.

© 2017 Kaitlyn

Author's Note

I know I'm not the best writer, but I try. So don't be TOO harsh. Just let me know if I should continue with it our not. :)

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Listen to me now woman. =)
Writeres write when they believe a story needs to be told. Do not abandon Kiaree=) just like I haven't abandoned Aidon and Blair, even when sometimes I feel like it. You have a natural, raw, incredible talent for writingand I do not say that often. I don't believe I am very good either, what writer does? Listen to me when I say this: People will love your writing, you WILL get published, and it WILL make you happy;D. Have a little faith in yourself;D. I do.

Posted 12 Years Ago

It ain't too often that I sit down, neglect what I'm working on, and just... read. LOL. The opening didn't particularly interest the male in me, but by the end, I felt like I wanted to read more. It sounds like its a story worth working on, Kate. That, and you hardly write anything else xD

I look forward to seeing more ^_^

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 2, 2011
Last Updated on October 9, 2017





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