As the sun eclipsed the moon, Through the midnight sky, Eyes toward it The wind blowing, The eclipse, Its rare Its beautiful. Everyone appreciated the beauty and i appreciated the...... Everything. It was the first time i have experienced it, saw it.. This eclipse made me so entertained I couldn't keep my eyes off it when it was happening. The eclipse completes its time and soon it became to its normal bright sky, and i lose my interest.
Beautiful, quite amazing, I love it! :D
Favorite lines:
"It's rare,
It's beautiful,"
Certainly is beautiful I say! ^.^
"I coudln't keep my eyes off it when it was happening
And soon it became
To it's normal
Bright sky
And I lose my interest,"
Fantastic ending, really is! :D
Gret wisdom here, perhaps life is a type of eclipse that we are about to experience or being experience. We have to enjoy the present part of our life that as the eclipse goes over, past will never come and return again, that is the essence of life perhaps! keep on writing.
What's interesting about this poem is that it can be taken literally, as a view of the eclipse or... (pardon me if I over think), it can also be looked at as the way some treat relationships... when it's brand new it's beautiful, unique, mesmerizing... but once the novelty wears off it becomes mundane, troublesome, boring. And the interest is... lost.
Beautiful, quite amazing, I love it! :D
Favorite lines:
"It's rare,
It's beautiful,"
Certainly is beautiful I say! ^.^
"I coudln't keep my eyes off it when it was happening
And soon it became
To it's normal
Bright sky
And I lose my interest,"
Fantastic ending, really is! :D