

A Poem by Love Is Dead

There are many fears
Everywhere...the whole world
Many people have many fears
they just might not know about it at all
Fears are secretes and once you find them out
You can never cure them...because you have to be brave
to conquer them and some people may not be brave at all

Once i found out that life  was my all time fear,
           all the risks we all have,
           everyday we face death.

But, once you conquer one 
you conquer more and more each and everyday
you learn to be brave whenever you need it
and remember,fears can play with your mind
but you can always keep it away and YOU play with

"It comes and goes and you come and go"

© 2010 Love Is Dead

Author's Note

Love Is Dead
What fears do you have? How did you feel about this poem?

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Aw, it's cute. Liked that you played with the fonts ^.^ and my fears well they're not that many to be honest. Clowns and sharp needles touching my skin... unless it's a shot from a doctors office, but something like getting a tattoo, I won't be able to handle.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 19, 2010
Last Updated on August 2, 2010
Tags: fears, everyone, world, ect.


Love Is Dead
Love Is Dead

For me there's not much to say really.I guess i like writing? I just need some practice though. Im just a poem writer. (/ /) (o.0) .. more..

Magic Magic

A Poem by Love Is Dead