Winter Makes friends Of Us All

Winter Makes friends Of Us All

A Chapter by Louis McKraker

(2018 Lineville, Alabama)


When the winds go cold,

then our friends grow bold.

Friends we’ve never even known.

It’s in our nature, of course,

to go to links to protect our source.

But I can’t help but see now,

it’s ingrained in us also to reach out.

Just looking around,

from a bench downtown,

while some may frown,

I think my own heart is found…

I see a woman buying cold medicine

for a child any people-watcher can tell is not hers.

She does it without even thinking of the sin

it would be if she didn’t ease his hurt.

Growing up Hebrew, I’ve never really understood

Christmas, presents, the market, the must;

but I do understand how even thunder would

change its tone, if it saw what we just.

Later, a homeless woman named Carol,

whom I see a lot in this city,

asked me could I please spare a

few bucks for a bottle of whiskey.

I said I can’t do that,

but you can have my coat and hat.

I’m not stingy about money,

like many of my creed are said to be;

but,in truth, a coat and hat is what you need.

It’ll keep you warm longer than a bottle of whiskey.

No longer having my coat or hat,

I couldn’t sit there much longer than that

(my bones are thin, if you get my gist).

Just long enough to consider this:

We become great photographers in the Fall,

but the Winter somehow makes friends of us all.

© 2019 Louis McKraker

My Review

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A wonderful poem shared my friend. I agree with your logic. Winter is a time when we need to help others if we can. Thank you for sharing the outstanding poetry.

Posted 5 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Louis McKraker

5 Years Ago

In truth, helping people is the greatest present you can give anyone.
And thank you, Coyote, .. read more
Coyote Poetry

5 Years Ago

Is my pleasure and you are welcome my friend.

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1 Review
Added on November 19, 2018
Last Updated on January 10, 2019
Tags: Winter, Holidays, Friendship, Humanity, Love, Peace, Poetry, Seasonal


Louis McKraker
Louis McKraker


My name is Louis McKraker. I was born in Central Alabama and began writing at age nine. I don't have much to say about myself, except I'm a Piscean. I prefer poetry over prose. I love storytelling... more..

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A Chapter by Louis McKraker

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A Chapter by Louis McKraker

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A Chapter by Louis McKraker