Destiny was saying

Destiny was saying

A Story by Lost In Own World

Wife attempts to 'keeping up with Joneses'.

All names, places, and events mentioned are imaginary. The story is inspired by a couple who were my neighbour decades ago.

English is not my first language, so expect some mistakes. I studied British English 3 decades back. I seek apology for any mistakes in advance.

Edited in MS Word.


I waited in the car outside of my home. I had just completed an eleven-hour shift. It was getting cold and I was feeling hungry.

Three hours of overtime is useful money. The economy is killing us all. I don't know how people live while making videos on Youtube or Tiktok. Jose was showing a video about some influencer couple who made enough money to buy a Lamborghini doing nothing but travelling first class all around the world. I don't envy these people. I just doubt them.

I needed to go inside. But I knew as soon as I enter, Nia would start telling what her "dear" friend Destiny was saying.

"Des was saying that Dre is taking her out for dinner." She chirped as soon as I entered inside. She was cooking as usual.

"Really?" I replied and went to check on our kids, Leo and Tia.

"They are going to Moxie," she continued.

"How was the school, guys? Did you have a lot of fun?" I decided to ignore her and focus on kids instead.

"Miss Loona was showing us maps. Do you know Russia is the biggest country?" Leo keeps calling her teacher Loona instead of Luna. But he is otherwise a bright kid.

"Really? I thought Mexico is the biggest," I teased him.

"No, Russia is the biggest," Leo insisted.

"She was telling me that Dre got some bonus." Nia intervened.

"He is really doing well. Leo, you can't be wrong. Russia must be the biggest." Now I focused on Tia, who was demanding her share of importance.

"Carly pushed me. I am not talking with her anymore."

Carly and Tia are best friends one day and sworn enemies the next. Today seems to be the enemy day. I spent some minutes listening to their stories.

"We should also take kids dining to some restaurant someday." Nia was still talking to me.

I decided to slip away for a shower as soon as Nia turned to watch the stove. I needed to wash away hours of grime and avoid talking about Destiny.

Nia was serving curry and looking towards me with a slant eye. I kept avoiding her.

"Ezra, you want more?" she asked me.

"Yes, please. Thanks.

"Then take it yourself."

It seems she was irritated.

"Nia, please. I am tired."

"I am just trying to talk to you. You leave early; you come late. We never get to talk."

"You talk nothing but Des. What she is doing, where she is going, and what she is wearing."

"Well, she is my best friend."

"Mama, I don't want salad," Leo interrupted.

"Salad is good, Leo. Finish it." Nia could play a stern mom when needed.

Leo and Tia both started eating in silence. Nia also decided to give me the silent treatment.

I tucked both kids in their beds and went to our bedroom. Nia had completed all kitchen chores and was lying on the bed already. She was wearing pyjamas -- not a good sign.

"You don't like talking with me?" She asked as we lay side by side, not facing each other.

"Nia, you know that is not true."

"You know I stay home the entire day, Ezra. I spend the entire day, doing one task after another. I hardly get a break. Leo and Tia don't let me sit peacefully for a moment. I get to talk only with Des. You get to discuss things with your work friends. I have got nothing happening here. What can we talk? You want me to tell you about my cooking or cleaning?"

She seems unhappy.

I turned around and held her. She didn't force away my hand. I kissed her neck.

"Not today, Ezra," she said bitterly.

"Not trying anything, Nia. I am too tired anyway."

She sighed loudly.

"Okay, I am sorry that I tried to avoid you. I won't do that again. Now tell me what happened today." I cajoled her.

She promptly turned around herself and started.

"So it seems Dre got a bonus. He is taking Des to Moxie. Des was saying she will buy a new pair of shoes as well."

"Moxie is very costly," I observed.

"Yes, but it is a one-time experience. Des says, When else to enjoy such things if not in our youth?"

"She is not young."

"She is just few months older than me."

"But she looks at least 3 years older than you. And if someone wipes the makeup off her face, people will think you are her daughter."

Nia started laughing and forgot about Destiny. I can be a smooth talker sometimes.


Nia comes from a poor family and is one of six siblings -- two brothers and four sisters. I come from a poor family and am the youngest of five brothers. It seems our parents didn't know about contraceptives. We grew up in a ghetto. It was primarily Black but there were a few Latinos and Whites too. Petty crime was rampant. Drugs, guns, and teenage pregnancies were not uncommon. There were actual gangs.

In such circumstances, we were luckier than most, as we had fathers that stayed with their families.

I was never good at studies or sports. I started interning as an electrician with my father immediately after my school diploma. The rest of my siblings were already working in construction. My father was a very strict man and maintained discipline with his belt.

Nia was not good at studies either. She started working as a cashier in a local grocery shop during high school itself. She was a shy girl and stayed away from partying. Her father loved his girls but had warned all of them, "I catch you with boys or dancing in clubs, and I will kick you to the curb immediately."

To many, our fathers may sound like nightmares. But they were trying to keep us safe in that toxic environment using extreme measures. They had seen enough families getting destroyed in no time.

Our mothers are part of the same church. I don't want to call them nosy, but they spend more time worrying about others' lives than their own families. If matchmaking were an Olympic sport, our mothers would be winning a joint gold medal every time. You can guess who introduced me and Nia.

Nia and I liked each other. She liked me because I didn't smoke, drink, or walk in the wrong crowds and also had a job. I liked her because, although plain looking, she dressed proper, could cook, and never used ghetto language. She was also saving herself for marriage. I respected that.

During dating, she never asked me for gifts or money and never forced me to take her to fancy restaurants. Most of our dates meant movies, walks, and coffee with doughnuts. I never pressured her for any physical intimacy. Kissing was the most adventurous thing we ever did before our wedding.

We both were seeking stability and safety over anything else. We both got what we were looking for. At least that is what I believe.

Our wedding was a simple affair in the church with only families involved. We didn't have money to splurge. Nia used the same wedding dress that two of her elder sisters wore during their own weddings. My suit was rented. We never went on a honeymoon -- we could not afford one anyway.

I work for an electric contractor named Akbar. He pays okay. But he is also one of the nicest boss that you can ask for. He pays on time, allows leaves, and has never tried to steal from us. In fact, he was the only contractor in our city who paid his workers some money even without work during COVID so our families don't starve. He also allows overtime. That money comes in handy.

Nia continued as a cashier till she became pregnant with Leo, and from that point on, she has stayed home and raised the kids. As soon as I could save some money, I purchased a small townhome in a better part of town. The mortgage payment is high and leaves not much for anything else. Most of our relatives thought that we were stupid to move to a White majority suburb. But me and Nia were very glad to escape the ghetto.

Nia is a good woman; I love her. We have been married for 11 years now. She has never made me regret choosing her as my wife and mother of my children.

Destiny is a distant cousin of Nia. She is a very beautiful woman and married to Dre, who is an equally handsome man. I heard they were high school sweethearts and married as Des got pregnant. Dre is also an electrician by profession. I have never worked with him. I know he makes way more money. He is smart and switches contractors and projects depending on pay. Destiny is a stay-at-home mother, just like Nia. I usually see her gossiping around. I don't think she likes me much for some reason. They are our neighbours and the only other Black family nearby.


"Des got her hair and nails done."

"What was wrong with her hair?"

"She is sporting blonde hair. She is saying it looks great on Black women."

"You want to try it?" I was a bit worried. Nia has nice hair.

"No. It is costly. Just nails cost her 300"


Nia wanted to have her nails done too. But she understands we can't manage that kind of money.


"Des was saying they purchased a new TV."

"What was wrong with her older one? Wait, they already have two."

"Those are smaller. This one is 70 inches."

"Why would anyone need such a large TV?"

"I am not saying we need a new one. I saw the picture quality. The colours are so bright."

I didn't want to argue with her.


"Destiny was saying Dre got another bonus. A bigger one. He is taking her and Steve to Niagara." Steve is their son and only child.

"Wow. That must mean some good money."

"Yes. Shouldn't we take children somewhere during the winter holidays? Tia was saying all her friends are going somewhere."

"We will see."

"Why don't you try to join that Dre's contractor? Dre is getting paid a lot more."

"Or maybe he is not saving anything at all."

"Sometimes we should live life as well."

What is happening to her? Nia used to be a very level-headed woman.

Should I talk to Mom? Her mother? I don't want to create family troubles.


"Destiny was saying Dre got their son an Apple Watch."

"But Steve is not even teen?"

"Yes, but it looks good on him. They like to live nicely."

"That they do."

"We should get something for Leo and Tia too."

"We already bought them new shoes during Christmas. Let's wait till their birthdays."

"Spending a bit more on our kids is not wrong."

"They need to learn to live within their means."

"We can't continue living like ghetto people."

"We are not living in a ghetto, Nia. We have everything we need. We are leading a safe and content life. What more do you want?"

"I don't want to feel poor all the time."

We didn't talk that night and the entire next day.


"Destiny was saying they may move to a bigger house."

"Their current house is already bigger than ours. Certainly too big for three people."

"Dre is making really good money, it seems."


"Did you talk with Dre? There may be openings with his contractor."

"Nia -- I am not leaving Akbar. I have worked for him for over 12 years now. He is a great boss."

"He may be nice, but he pays poorly."

"Money is not everything, Nia."

"Extra money is not a bad thing, Ezra."

"Why are you talking like that? You never worried about money before?" I said it loudly.

"I am seeing how everyone around us is moving up. We are still living as if in the ghetto. Have you wondered why no one around us talk to us? Because we are not rich." She responded in kind.

"Stop it, Nia. Why are you always comparing with others? You want me to become Dre? Are you going to become like Destiny?" I immediately regretted saying that.

"I know I am not good-looking. You don't have to remind me. Is that the motivation you are missing, Ez? You are unhappy your wife is ugly?" She was hurt.

"I am sorry, Nia. You know I didn't mean that. I was just saying we are not struggling, and we should not be comparing ourselves with others."

"You always say that. But everyone seems to be doing better than us."

"Dad, why are you shouting?" Leo and Tia were standing at our bedroom door. They must have heard our loud voices.

"Nothing, Leo. Go back to sleep. Let me tuck you in," Nia quickly gathered herself.


"Destiny was saying that Dre is joining a new contractor."

"Is he switching jobs again? I have not seen him in many weeks."

"His current contractor must need a replacement."

"Stop it, Nia. I know what you are trying to say."

"What is wrong in trying? He was certainly getting paid more than you. See how much they are offering?"

We don't argue these days. We don't talk much either. There is a chill around us two. The kids are noticing that. They are behaving extra sweet to make us happy. I feel bad for them.


I was sitting in my car outside our home. I don't want to get inside and listen to Nia. I am avoiding her like a coward.

Maybe she is correct. I am being too naive about sticking to Akbar. Everyone needs money and looks for better opportunities. Akbar may be nice, but I am not going to get rich with him. Does he have any big project for this year? Time is money. The years I am wasting now will never come back. If I can make extra income for the next 5-10 years, it will really change our lives. We can move to a bigger house or at least pay off the current mortgage. We can create a fund for Leo and Tia for university. They are bright children--why should they end up like me or Nia? We can create a nest egg for our old age. I can take Nia on some vacation. She has not seen any place beyond this city in her entire life. She is always in awe of Destiny's holiday photos. I can get her some new dresses -- how long will she keep wearing clothes from Walmart?

I need to make some decisions.

"Miss Loona gave me an A." Leo proudly showed his math worksheet once I entered home. Nia was not in the kitchen for a change.

"Wow, Leo." I kissed his forehead.

"I came second in the race today, Papa." Tia wanted some compliments for her.

"Who came first?"

"I let Carly win. She is my best friend."

"Is she?" I started tickling her, and she ran off screaming.

"Where is Mama?" I asked Leo.

"In her room.".

I went to our room. Nia was lying in the bed with her eyes closed.

"Nia? Baby, are you okay?"

"Yes." A one-word answer.

"Nia. I was thinking about what you were saying."

"Where? While sitting in the car outside?"

"You saw me?"

"Yes. I don't know what you think about me, but I wait for my husband. I worry about him. Especially when he is working extra shifts."

"I was not avoiding you if that is what you are thinking."

"You were avoiding me. Admit it, Ezra. You avoid me a lot these days."

I didn't reply.

"Have I been a bad wife? I make you lunch even if I am sick. I cooked for you even when I was pregnant with Leo and Tia. I always keep the house clean. Children finish homework on time; I walk them to school; I keep them clean; they don't fall sick often. Have I ever demanded money for clothes, makeup, or anything? Have I ever refused you when you wanted my body?"

"You are the most fantastic wife, Nia," I admitted.

"Then why are you behaving this way? Because I talk about Destiny and Dre sometimes. You know what? I will not say anything about her to you anymore. Happy? We can continue living our own way. No need to change anything," she started crying.

We never had an argument before that ended in her crying. We were a happy couple. That night I took her in my arms while sleeping; she let me.

We can't continue like this.


"I am going to check openings at Dre's place." I told her Sunday morning while doing the dishes.

Kids had gone to church with Nia's mom. I don't go to church. Nia was mopping the kitchen floor.

"You are?" She sounded doubtful and hopeful together.

"Yes. I think I should try to make a bit more money. At least for a few more years. It will help in creating a fund for kids as well."

She stopped mopping and looked at me. "It is a nice idea, Ezra."

"You were right, Nia. I should not sit around. I need to show some smartness. I will talk with Dre tomorrow. You said he is leaving his contractor."

"Yes, Destiny was saying he is moving to Miami for a new project. They are paying him a joining bonus too."

"Good for him."

"She was saying she would buy a car for herself from that."

"Why does she need a car? She doesn't go anywhere."

"Well, now she can. Destiny was telling about a driving instructor who taught her. Maybe I should also take driving lessons?"


I informed Akbar that I needed an extra hour during lunchtime. I decided to visit Dre and talk about his replacement. I found him smoking alone near his truck -- some distance from his worksite. He was surprised to see me.

"Yo Ez. Whatchu doing here, man??" He smiled and waved.

I parked my car and walked to him. He hugged me, laughing. I don't mind that.

"Nia was telling you were leaving Alex's company."

"Ya man. This week is my last. A*****e is adamant that I complete a wiring section I started, or he will delay my settlement checks. So I thought, F**k it, one more week."

"You're leaving for Miami?"

"F**k man. Des just can't shut her piehole," he was suddenly irritated.

"Sorry, bro. I didn't know this was secret."

"No, Ez. Not angry at you. But you know these women. I told Des. She told Nia. Nia told you. Des must have told 20 other b*****s as well. The entire city will know in a week." He looked around and continued, "You got some time? I will buy ya a coffee."


We were sitting inside a diner. Dre sipped his coffee a couple of times.

"Do you want to eat something?"

"Nia packed me lunch. Thanks." I admitted a bit embarrassed. People at work make fun of me because Nia always packs my lunch in a school lunch box.

"God. You and Nia!" he laughed.


"You are one lucky son of a b***h, Ez."

I looked at him like an idiot.

"We all envy you, neighbor. Nia packs your lunch, you two never fight, she never gossips, your kids are all so well behaved, and she never seems to spend anything. What do you do with your entire salary, man?"

"Pay mortgage, groceries, savings. The usual"

"That is not usual, Ez," he sounded bitter.

A few more sips, and he had finished his coffee. He somberly started to explain.

"Don't tell anyone, Ez. You are a friend. You are a nice person. I am not joining some company in Miami. I mean, I am moving to Miami, but I am joining a cruise ship as a master electrician. I am in desperate need of money. I have not told everything to Des because then she will want to come with me. She thinks a cruise ship is a year-round holiday."

"Oh wow. But that would mean staying away from home for months."

"I want it that way - I want to stay away from that b***h Des. I am tired of her constant demands. Always pestering me for money. Whatever I earn, she takes no time to spend it. I am broke, Ez. She needs makeup, shoes, bags, dresses, holidays, and dining -- I am tired of her s**t."

I stared at his face.

"What? You thought I was rolling in money? Because Des can't stop bragging about my bonuses?"

"No, but..."

He looked around a couple of times.

"I am not coming back, Ez."


"Once I have some money saved, I am going to leave her. I am going to leave this f*****g city as well."

My jaw fell.

"I am tired of that woman. Unlike your Nia, Destiny sits on her a*s all day. All her time she spends in front of the TV or gossiping or learning to drive. I mean, how long does it take to learn driving? Whatever I make, it is never enough. She is never happy. She has to boast to her friends how rich she is and how fantastic her life is. And what do I get? Her cooch two times a week? I know she has an awesome rack, but tits are tits. I would rather hire a hooker. That will cost me way less."

"I am sorry, Dre. I didn't know."

"Why would you? You work, and you go home. You live a happy life. Your wife loves you. She keeps you happy. I am jealous of you sometimes. I come home late. What does Des do? Nothing. She would be sleeping with her makeup on. No dinner, no talking. Not even a casual 'How was your day?'. She orders takeout or wants me to take her to restaurants. She doesn't even feed Steve sometimes, Ez! What kind of woman doesn't feed her own kid?"

I had not seen him this agitated before. It took him a while to cool down. "Anyway, why did you come this way?"

"I was looking for some work. I thought I would check with you."

"What? Not enough work with Akbar these days?"

"You know what he pays."

"Alex will pay you more. But be warned, he is a class 'A' m**********r. Always ready to screw you."


I reached home late, with the discussion with Dre still in my mind. Nia had cooked some fish. It was delicious as always. Leo and Tia were sleepy and didn't talk much. They were very tired; it seems they had gone out to cycle with friends.

"You met Dre today?" Nia asked while in bed.

"Yes. He told me there are some openings with Alex. I will check with Alex on Thursday if there is some long-term work available."

"I don't want you to change your job just because I asked," she said quietly.

"What happened now? Till yesterday you were after me." I was annoyed.

"I was thinking this afternoon. I realised I am forcing you to do things without thinking about you. We have enough money for us. If you make more, it is good. But that should not come at the cost of your happiness. You have friends in your current job; the commute is less; your boss likes you; and you are happy. I don't want to take all that away for some extra dollars."

"You don't really mean it, Nia."

"I do. I was thinking today that I started feeling poor only since I started comparing myself with Des."

I kissed her. I love this woman so much.

"Since when have you grown so mature?"

"I was always mature," she giggled.

"I was not going to rush Nia. We will think, and the decision will be mutual."

She kissed me.

"Okay. Just a kiss is not enough. I need more."

"Really. What else can I give?" she fluttered her eye lashes comically.

"Here, let me show you." I tickled her as she laughed.


Dre left for Miami. I didn't mention about his relationship problems with Destiny to Nia. Theirs was a tricky situation, and I was not going to wade into that. I had decided to continue with Akbar but discussed with him about a hike. Akbar promised he will answer as soon as the current project is done. He was busy trying to get some new contracts. He has always kept his word, so I believe him.

"Destiny is at the hospital," Nia told me as soon as I entered home.

"What happened? Is she fine?"

"She is okay. Steve fainted while playing at home, it seems."

"Oh god. Is he alright? Does she need any help?" My worry increased.

Her phone rang. "It is Des." She said and stepped away to talk.

She was back in a couple of minutes. "They are back from the ER. Steve is okay now."

Nia suddenly went quiet. Tia had walked in. "Mama, Leo is not sharing cookies with me."

Later at night, Nia disclosed that Steve had fainted because of weakness. It seems with Dre away, Destiny had stopped cooking altogether and was ordering deliveries. Steve was not eating enough, as he was not liking the food. He was lacking vitamins too. The doctor scolded Destiny.

"I will prepare lunch for Steve too. I make for Leo and Tia anyway," Nia said.

"That is a very nice thought, Nia. But for how long? I love Steve too, but he is not our kid. We can't feed him like this. Destiny has to take care."

"Maybe I will talk with her," she pondered.

"I don't think it is a very good idea." I wanted to avoid getting involved.

"She is my friend. She will listen."

Destiny didn't listen to Nia's advice. She in fact became angry that Nia thought of sending lunch.

"What are you trying to say, Nia? That I can't feed my own baby?"

Nia was taken aback.

Friendship between Nia and Destiny suffered a bit.


"You look happy." Nia asked me. I was on time for once. Nia doesn't talk much about Destiny these days.

"The work at the Plaza building is officially complete, and Akbar has promised a bonus to all. Plus, he got wiring work for an entire office building downtown. Guess who will be the head electrician there?"

"Wow. Really?" She sounded happy. She hugged me. Leo and Tia started laughing without understanding much.

"But there is something bigger?"

"What?" Now she was curious like a kid.

"After dinner, I will tell you," I decided to torment her.

"What? Why?"

I rushed to take a shower before she could pout more.

She was unable to digest her curiosity even during dinner. I kept talking with Leo and Tia, ignoring Nia's pleading to tell her.

"You have to tell me now? Or I will not let you sleep."

"How are you going to keep me awake?" I winked.

She laughed. "Come on. Tell me.

"Akbar has me promised me an extra bonus next year. An additional bonus. Fifteen thousand dollars. Guess he is afraid of losing me to a competitor."

Her jaw fell. "Fifteen thousand!! This is big, Ezra. This is huge."

"I am taking you all to Disneyland next year."

We hugged each other. I felt happy. Good news increases manifold when your loved ones are happy with you.


I reached back home late one night. I was still doing extra shifts. As I entered, I saw Destiny crying as Nia was consoling her. Both looked at me together.

"What happened? Are you alright, Des?"

She stood up, wiped her tears, and said to Nia, "I need to go to my sister's. Can you keep Steve here tonight?"

"Of course, Des. I can bring some food for you later."

"I am not hungry," and she left without making eye contact with me.

I looked towards Nia, and she mouthed, "Later".

I put an extra cot in Leo's room for Steve. Once all the kids were asleep, Nia came to bed.

"Destiny found that Dre is cheating."

"What? How? Who told her?"

"She was unable to talk with Dre for a few days. When she called his office, she got to know he was working on a cruise ship."

She looked closely into my eyes. "You knew that, didn't you?"

"I knew that he was working for a shipping company. Most likely he will be asked to work on a ship." I decided to play it safe. I don't like lying to her, but I don't want to start drama either. "So what if he is working on a ship? Doesn't mean he is cheating."

"Destiny was searching for that cruise ship on the internet, and she found this," Nia opened Instagram on her phone to show me some pictures.

Dre was with a cute-looking short Asian girl. Both looked too comfortable and friendly with each other.

"They may be colleagues, Nia. Maybe she is a guest and flirting with Dre. You know he is a very handsome person."

"You're trying to defend him because he is your friend? She works on that cruise as a cook. It is mentioned in her profile. You don't sit around with your colleague when she is flaunting bikinis. Do you?" She showed me a couple more pictures. In one photo, the girl was sitting in Dre's lap while dressed in a black bikini. Dre looked dashing as usual and very happy. The photo was clearly taken at some beach.

"Okay, this looks wrong. What is Des going to do?"

"She is angry and sad. She cried a lot. I don't know what she is thinking."

"Well, it is sad."

"Maybe she should not have allowed Dre to go alone."

I chose silence. We didn't talk anymore about them that night.


Events unfolded pretty rapidly after that. Dre and Destiny fought over phone. She accused him of moving to Miami only for new p***y. He accused her of whoring behind his back. The parents were involved, friends were involved, and even the reverend was asked to interfere. Things only went downhill, and Dre filed for divorce from Miami itself. Little Steve had no idea what was going on. Des would come frequently to Nia looking for sympathy while I avoided any discussion.

The divorce was finalised pretty quickly. Destiny moved to a different part of the city. She got full custody of Steve, and Nia told me that Dre didn't even contest for visiting rights. Their house was sold.

Destiny moved with her driving instructor. This started a lot of gossip. Dre's mother was adamant that Destiny's cheating led to Dre's departure to Miami. Last I heard from my buddies, Dre had moved in with his new girlfriend.


Leo and Tia were in the queue for a ride. I got an ice cream for Nia. She was wearing a sundress and looked very young in it. This was her first time out of the city and she was enjoying it more than the kids.

"Just one?"

"You know I avoid such food."

"Ez, if you are trying to save money this way, I am going to..."

"I just don't like ice cream, and you know it. I can splurge on rib later if you want me to."

She snorted while licking it. I stared at her naughtily.

"Don't look at me like that. People are watching," she elbowed me.

"Can I taste it then?"

"Here," she extended her hand and let me take a bite.

"I was hoping to get it from your lips."

"Stop it. There are families around us."

We watched as Leo and Tia rode the mini-rollercoaster, screaming happily with other kids.

"You think we would have ended up like them?"

"Like whom? What are you talking about?" I knew what she was asking but wanted to avoid the discussion.

"Like Des and Dre? If I had kept pushing you for job change, do you think you would have left me someday and given up on our kids? You think I would have started an affair with my driving instructor if I had met one?" Nia was looking at my face.

"I don't know."


"I don't know if that would have happened. But it is unlikely."

"Because we are not like them?" She was trying to sound positive.

"Yes." I took her hand in mine. "We are different. Everyone is different. Each has their own way of handling a situation based on their circumstances. I am not as handsome as Dre--I will not attract anyone at this age. You are not as vain as Des--you will not cheat. We care about each other even when we are angry at each other. We have common goals. Our relation was not a fluke. It was built on solid ground."

"You are going to add a 'but' now? Don't you?"

"The fact is we are also human. They get corrupted. They may cheat. They may stop loving. But we have not reached that point, and I will make sure we never do."

"They are getting out," she pointed towards Leo and Tia waving at us from the exit.

"Let's go to a restaurant."


We never talked about Dre or Des again. I heard nothing about Dre anymore. Nia and Des don't communicate anymore. A new immigrant family has moved into their old house. They are nice, and their kids are the same age as Tia. They even invited us for a lunch.

Nia continues to be a wonderful wife, and I am still the loyal and hard-working husband. We shower love on Leo and Tia. They are the nicest children anyone can ask. We still live in our "small" house. Nia has made a few new friends in the neighbourhood, but she doesn't talk about them with me much. I have stopped working extra hours. Nia insisted we spend more time together. I agreed.

Is there a tinge of fear within our hearts? Yes, there is. But I am confident that fear stands no chance given our love for each other.


PS: Real Ezra and Nia are retired and living a content and happy life.

© 2025 Lost In Own World

Author's Note

Lost In Own World
I am a new writer. I also have started writing in Literotica (non-erotic stories only). This story is published there as well. Story contains no mention erotic passages.

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I have read your story, and I am deeply impressed by it. I am curious to read more and would like to help you with my skills as an artist. I have some ideas that I want to share with you and would like to work with you for your next story.If it's possible for you to connect on another channel so we can chat there freely.

Posted 1 Month Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 8, 2025
Last Updated on January 8, 2025
Tags: husband, wife, jealousy, reconciliation, love, black, poverty, comparison


Lost In Own World
Lost In Own World

English is not my first language but I am using it to reach a wider readership. more..
