The Bonded Heart

The Bonded Heart

A Poem by Lorraine Pearson


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The Bonded Heart
By: Lorraine Pearson
July 2, 2008

Hearts locked up inside a box
For that rainy day
Taken down, off
From the shelf, when it
Seems the time to play.
Yet time is one commodity that
Doesn't wait or store-
Lifetimes travel faster when
The heart has been ignored.
Sooner comes than later does,
And friendships come and go, but
Bonded hearts last till a time
So few have yet to know…

© Lorraine Pearson 2008

© 2008 Lorraine Pearson

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"Bonded hearts last till a time
So few have yet to know�"

I tend to think of the long-term and so many who are looking forward to "that time". To be reunited with friends who've gone before, children, parents, loved ones...

We're never truly alone. Beautifully written!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wow this is certainly an interesting look at how hiding your heart from the world is a quick way to lose precious time that you can never get back... just need to go with the flow of time and love will happen beofre you know it... excellent write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on July 2, 2008


Lorraine Pearson
Lorraine Pearson

Largo, FL

I am a freed soul that enjoys writing as much as reading. Its exciting to be amongst others in a forum such as this where no matter the path I'm on in my journey through life, I know I can express wh.. more..
