Tunnel Vision Magnatism

Tunnel Vision Magnatism

A Story by Steven

an expereince in a tunnel vision.


I still cant believe i lost my pistol. Nothing is more embaricing than getting it- His mind stopped to hear the song of death start with a silent click of a loaded pistol's trigger being played. a hermonic tunnel vision squealed out all sound but one sound from his ears vocabulary. then the hammer cinfiny stroked its first gasp.

then a silver chimed violen began its solo phase. i have never been so slave, i have never seen such slow beauty. watching the solo coming closer to the main courcei started to get distracted past experiences, or seeing my first kiss, seeing my best friends smiles. my instinct focused my intention away further interigation forceing my eyes to break away from its badazzaled state. the sensation was almost untamable that burned somewhere that have never burned before. all i could do was force concentration on the familiar hand of my now unfamiliar partner. accepting the eefects of my resistence to get out of this slow motion magnatism. the now moving to one sound of rushing wind kissed my ear as it cut past.falling hard on my right side wencing in pain, i said "jerry what are you doing?, why did you shoot at me"! jerry cautiously eyes never blinking gun still pointed . hearing my gun hit the floor. turning to see a man callasping to his knees his hands covering a smoking hole in his left lung. hearing his knees hit the cold cement. his head looked like it wieghed a ton the way he was struggleing till he met my gaze in a downward posture.he spoke wih a smile "did you hear a song?" interupting himself with a blood filled cough. slowy surcoming leaning forward he said in a last whisper "let death be said in song and tasted in calm recall. slouching to a final rest. all the while laying on my side letting the warn red iron dribble into the corner of my mouth. i watched as a liquid period mared the end.  

© 2012 Steven

Author's Note

please excuse grammer and spelling

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Added on October 1, 2012
Last Updated on October 16, 2012
Tags: bullet song, tunnel, vision, indepth, short story



havelock, NC

I write stories that will tell me how people are from there questions and responses. don't know how to get this dang picture right side up! more..

10 years 10 years

A Poem by Steven