Emotion Poem

Emotion Poem

A Poem by Vian

The fruits of my creative writing class.


A dirty black sludge sat within suffocatingconstrictingsqueezing my chest

and burnedburnedburned called for action

Furrowed brows, clenched fists, ground teeth tensewoundtight my body did not move

The fire that emanated from within me intheblackness

formed a red redredred haze around me. It buzzed


The haze would mask my actions evilwrongdon’t from myself,

pushed me to spit sharp meanuglynasty insults and barbed hate

cause pain hurtagonydespair

my body pulsated in need, each pulse a tugtugtug

I did it.

© 2014 Vian

Author's Note

I can't think of a title that won't give it away. What emotion do you read this to be?

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Trepidation, most certainly, a tremendous fear that brings forth tremors and shivering and is alike to anticipation in a way, building up. What entices me is what action could have been performed in the ending . . . From what I've gathered, I suspect a tragic suicide or a purging of all the negative held within you. Both are quite fearful, dealing with results that will never give certainty until you go ahead and perform it.
In another note, I've taken a liking to how you present your thoughts, building up slowly and then breaking out into a hyper fit that seems to suggest instability of the mind. Well done, with this piece, I quite enjoyed it and all the thoughts it brought forth.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you, I'm glad you understood the form and it pressed upon you. It was, however, an anger poem... read more
Was the emotion anger? or something alike to anger? It was an interesting and unique form of telling, a creative writing class sounds like fun.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Got it in one, yup, anger. The style is just something I picked up along the way, I might keep it.

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3 Reviews
Added on February 8, 2014
Last Updated on February 8, 2014
Tags: Anger, Hate, Thought, Emotion, Dark, Give in



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