![]() AfterlifeA Story by LordNero![]() Just a short story I wrote a few years ago when bored.![]() You look all around and yet theirs nothing to see here. Everywhere in the pitch black of this void are sparkling lights, orbs of great brilliance. You pass one and wonder to yourself, did I know that one? Was that my wife or husband, father or mother, son or daughter, did I even have a family? Everywhere thoughts are abound, we wander around aimlessly, nothing to do, nothing to say, were all here, yet we have no one to talk to. It’s a bleak existence, but that’s all death could be. In life we all wonder what its like on the other side, what the afterlife has in store for us, what’s death like? Once that occurs however, the thought changes, and we wonder, what’s life like? After you die, you have no recollection of your life, or what its even like, to us, death is life, this is existence, but im not like them, I know this is death, its those of us like myself that get taking away. Wow, look at that, more darkness, another orb passes by, maybe that one was my uncle, but more then likely it was just another face in the crowd, or as I say now, another orb in the dark. I long for life, for this escape. Religions state that if your good, you go to heaven, or paradise, or whatever the specific religion calls it, and if your bad, you go to hell. Fools. There is no difference in where you go, no matter how many people you kill, women you rape, puppies you mutilate, nothing at all, we all end up here. Wait, what’s that? That light isn’t a orb, but something different, should I go near it? Another orb approaches, and now its gone, the orb and the light, I wonder what that was about? Oh well, doesn’t concern me, even if it was my high school sweetheart, but I doubt that. There is no race here, were all the same size, the same color, the same bullshit light. But im sure every KKK member would be happy to know were all a bright white light, heh, but who knows, even I might have been one. Or maybe I was black, or asian, or even middle eastern, praise Allah right? Theirs no gangs or shoot-outs, no poverty or disease, no pain or corruption, just a bunch of mindless orbs wondering about without care or reason, are they even happy being like that? You wanted to know what death was like, and that’s your answer. Another light, and this one is right by me, what is that? Its getting too bright, I need to get away! I wont let you take me! Leave me! …….Where am I? Huh? I have hands now, and a body, what the hell is going on? Oh s**t, another light. I feel so compelled to go into this one, but why must I? Wait, im being pushed now, damnit, I have to go. Just a little more…… im out! Wha…. Who’s holding me, ahhh, im upside down! F**k, why’d you just spank me their!? Great, now im crying, this man in white, if I wasn’t so weak, id kill him….. wait, man, pain, hands and body…… im alive again. I’ve been reborn, im a baby again. Its getting so hard to think now, why is it getting so hard? …….. Im forgetting, leaving the old life behind so I can start anew, I guess that’s just how things work. Give in, and take it all in. ……..Im hungry.
© 2012 LordNero |
Added on January 14, 2012 Last Updated on January 14, 2012 Author