![]() Father RabbitA Story by IdealisticTom![]() Father Rabbit is a farmer Rabbit who gains insight towards future from a bad dream. He sets out to change the course of time through his determination.![]()
Father Rabbit farmed his land, for he did not know when the storm would come. He looked over the horizon, past the mountains, and saw its dark clouds slowly approaching. He would have to hurry. If he wanted to harvest all the carrots, he could waste no time. With stubborn resilience and a need to feed his family, the rabbit threw his hat in the air and stabbed the ground with his rake. He harvested, and harvested, until his bucket was full of the carrots dug of his land.
Father Rabbit’s breath flowed out into the approaching darkness, and the harsh chill of the evening began to settle underneath his fur. He picked up his bucket and walked quickly back to his cottage. As he walked, his over-worked muscles protested for a slower pace. Father Rabbit did not slow, for in his gut, he felt a deep tension. Nervousness began to spread up into his ears, and they pricked forward, alert for approaching danger. His pace quickened, for he had only one last hill before he climbed the mountain and he could see his house.
As he reached the top of the mountain, his burning muscles froze. His eyes stared at his cottage. It was burning. Flames wove in and out of the wood that he had used to make his roof, and his porch was splintered and caved in from the fire. His ears lowered, and panic surged through his body as he ran towards the house, faster than he ever had before.
When he reached his house, he saw his wife sprawled out on the soft door. Her neck was broken, and a bloody puddle surrounded her mouth. Father rabbit’s heart turned into a blizzard, and a cold despair flowed throughout his heart. His screamed rattled the night, and surged to a new level when he discovered his only son slaughtered in half, guts spilling on the floor. He dropped to his knees and wept for his family, all those he had loved.
The screams woke Mother Rabbit. She reached towards Father Rabbit and woke him gently. “Its okay, you’re alright.” She crooned. Father Rabbit’s tears continued to flow as he hugged his wife tightly. “I had a terrible dream, where you were dead.” Mother Rabbit tried to hush him, to let him forget the terrible nightmare. Father Rabbit’s eyes were haunted yet persistent. “Our son was murdered… and our house was set afire.” It was almost real, the flames flickered, and the colors of it reflected your dead body. Our son’s blood stained the ground, and the coolness of the air. It was like a vision.” Father rabbit covered his face with his paws. Mother Rabbit’s concern shined through her eyes and she held him close, hoping to ease his worries through the closeness they shared.
The next day Father Rabbit woke early, and made his way to the kitchen. Mother Rabbit was making fresh carrots from the night before. He sat down rather abruptly. He sat with his shoulders hunched and his mind elsewhere. Mother Rabbit frustration was evident, as she nearly dropped the bowl of carrots. She could do nothing to ease her husband’s memory of the nightmare and she could not understand his persistent worries. “It was just a dream, was it not?” She wanted to be logical, for they had to be practical in their life. Hard work replaced laziness, and hard work brought food. Father Rabbit must support them, and his brooding was out of his character. He suddenly stood, defiance flashing in his eyes. He spoke with clarity and sureness, foreign to his past despair “I will gather weapons to ward off the evil that will come.”
Father Rabbit walked out side into the cool air. A brief recognition flashed across his face, and his pace increased. He headed towards his shed, which held his garden tools. He reached for the hoe, and shovels and made haste towards the woods. He spent a time gathering strong sturdy branches, which he cut slowly with his dull shovel. Hours went by, and his muscles began to burn like in his dream. Except this time he was preparing for the agony, to prevent it, and his cold fear and hatred transformed into a renewed energy to protect his family, whatever the costs. He briefly set aside the shovel, and sat on a nearby stump. His thoughts began to wander, to think of his family, the memories. The day his son had been born, his joy at seeing his nose on a small helpless lad, his wife’s small but stubborn ears always seeming alert. He remembered the day he met his wife, the soft melody of her voice and the softness of her fur against his chest. All these memories became a melancholy reminder of his past, and who he was. He sat up and gathered his sharpened branches and made toward the farm, his breath puffing out in the cold air, and the sun dropping fast towards the horizon.
When he reached the house, he went directly to his shed once more. He gathered dried root, and bundled the sharp sticks together to form a crude shield. He broke the tip of his hoe, and sharpened the edge, a makeshift spear. He got his brown hat, and snuggled it tightly against his bare head. He marched towards the porch, looked inside to see his family nervously sitting in the living room. Mother rabbit threw him a questioning glance, but was immediately disturbed by a loud boom. Father Rabbit looked at Mother Rabbit and Mother Rabbit knew she could only stay inside and protects their son. Father Rabbit nodded, saw the pride mixed with fear in his wife's eyes, smiled slightly and he sprang outside. He looked towards the hill in the distance. There was a small group of large rabbits, each with standard legion battle armor. Father rabbit's anger was fueled by the intruders; he knew with a feral instinct that these were the men that had haunted his nightmare by their cruel intentions. No longer was his anger lost in the frustration of his own hopeless, but he had intruders to vest it upon. He walked slowly down his steps, his shoulders held high as he waited for the soldiers to approach.
Tense minutes went by, each minute feeling an eternity for Father rabbit, and his family. Father rabbit's muscles were coiled, and pumping with adrenaline. He feared for his safety, but he was exited to protect those that he loved. Finally the intruders paused before the Father. They examined him, from head to toe, his makeshift armor and weapons. There was clear distaste in their eyes, for they held no respect for Father Rabbit. One rabbit with gold spiraling underneath his eyes made a step forward. Father rabbit tensed, and readied his spear and shield in a defensive stance. He had the muscles of a farmer, strong from raking for hours and pulling large carrots from the earth of which he loved. These men had skill and battle-trained readiness, but Father Rabbit and will, and the love for his family and his land.
The Rabbit with golden spirals, said "Listen hear you beggar. We have orders from the king, to collect all the harvest and the youngest son of each family." Father Rabbit’s eyes blazed with hatred, and he practically spat his words”Why do you need my son?" The spiraled Rabbit snickered, and then replied “We need slaves. Who else will do our work?" The three other rabbits laughed and Father Rabbit lunged. His spear pierced the air, and puncturing the spiraled Rabbit's armor. Blood gargled out of the spiraled Rabbit, and Father Rabbit kicked him away. He was not a killer, and distaste was evident in his features. He almost threw up, but remembered the ever present threat. Without a thought, Father Rabbit ducked quickly, as a sharp short sword cleaved the air he use to stand in. He shifted his foot, and charged the closest rabbit. The rabbit was stunned, and surprised by the ferocious determination of a farmer Rabbit. He was spiked from the sticks of Father Rabbits shield. Blood splashed into Father Rabbits face once more, and a battle roar issued from his throat. His eyes were crazed with fury and desperation, and he rolled towards the remaining two Battle Rabbits. The Battle Rabbit with white wisps on the ends of his ears jumped aside, and wiped his spear across Father Rabbit’s legs. Father Rabbit reared in pain, and a stinging fire temporarily dissolved his anger. The other Battle Rabbit took advantage and scissored Father Rabbit’s stomach. Father Rabbit screamed in agony, for blood came out in great bursts, covering his hands. He dropped his shield, and picked up his fallen spear. Trying to ignore the pain that rippled throughout his insides, Father Rabbit lurched to his feet and swung downward with sideways with all his might towards both Battle Rabbits. The white eared Battle Rabbit parried, while the other sprang backwards, barely avoiding the ferocious sweep. White ear swung his sword down towards Father Rabbit, attempting to end the battle and end the gory bloodshed. Father Rabbit snapped his hand up, grasping the blade of the bloody sword. It bit into his hand, and Father Rabbit screamed once more, mad with pain and agony. He pulled White Ears towards him, leaning on his knee, and impaled him with his spear. He cried out, and his breath racked through the air, showing the bitter cold. The last Battle Rabbit feared Father Rabbit, for he saw the destruction he had brought against his comrades. He looked toward their corpses, and at last his eyes fell upon Father Rabbit's pained expression. He saw fear, desperation, love, and terror. He saw true emotion that scarred his innocence. He saw an equal, a fellow rabbit, defending their land and home. The Battle Rabbit dropped his sword, and walked slowly away. Shame rode across his features, but he did not turn back to see the bloodshed that he and his comrades had brought upon innocent victims, for their tyrant king. © 2009 IdealisticTomAuthor's Note
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Added on December 10, 2009Author![]() IdealisticTomMiami, FLAboutI am a teen in high school and like most, I am discovering who I am. I am discovering my passions, and interests and I have often thought that creative writing might become my major in college. more.. |