![]() VacayA Story by Jason Scott![]() Four first year college friends take a vacation to a foreign country. However it isn't long before their vacation takes a sinister turn.![]() VACAY
“In the morning when we get up to start our day, we identify as teachers, nurses, office workers, and retail clerks. But when we look into the mirror and we see that face staring back at us, do we actually look deeply into ourselves? Do we really see who we are beneath our superficial exteriors? And for those of us that do, can we honestly accept what we truly are?”
The sun began to peak over the horizon causing the ocean waves to glimmer as Luna Pier slowly came to life. Lazy pelicans floated in the bobbing waves, hoping to steal a catch from the early morning fishermen. Others were far more brazen as they had perched themselves on the pier itself. The popular tourist destination was at it's seasons peak. And it wouldn't be long before Luna pier was teeming with people from all walks of life.
Vendors prepared their shops for opening as the sun's rays began to fall upon the pier. Street performers found their usual spots as they set up their equipment and among these many performers was Benny. Benny had been performing on the pier for years and was quite talented. His nimble fingers effortlessly strummed his guitar as his mastery of the stringed instrument was nothing short of extraordinary. Though he was well into his thirties Benny could easily pass for a man in his twenties. He not only looked much younger than his actual age but acted that way as well, and he used this to his advantage.
As the pier began to swell with tourists vendors eagerly peddled their overpriced wares to naive travelers. While other tourists struggled to take ocean view pictures with their families. Rollerbladers weaved skillfully through the endless throngs of people, and skateboarders recklessly showed off their stunt work. A trolley driver impatiently beeped his horn as vacationers reluctantly opened up a path for him.
And among the endless sea of tourists were four first year college students from America. They saved all semester long for their South American excursion. Lauren was the responsible one of the group having taken care of most of the planning. Katie was her best friend, a petite and somewhat naive girl. Brett and Mike were the stereotypical tall, fit, and handsome jocks. They both rode an athletic scholarship into college and got by through the tutoring of the bookish Lauren.
As the four friends worked their way through the overcrowded pier Mike and Brett were seemingly unimpressed. Katie was in awe as she couldn't possibly take everything in. But Lauren stayed focused on making it to the end of the pier which promised a grand view, perfect for breathtaking photos.
Unfortunately taking such a photo proved to be quite difficult. As the relentless throngs of tourists provided no such opportunity. Lauren was jostled and shoved as she tried in vain to take at least one good photo. But Mike was tiring of watching Lauren's fruitless attempts at taking a picture. Finally Mike snatched the camera from Lauren's hands. Using his height and intimidating build Mike walked straight to the edge of the pier, causing people to bump off of his solid body. Mike snapped a few photos as he rudely shoved people aside. Causing one man to berate Mike in a foreign language, which he completely ignored.
“Mike!” Shouted an exasperated Lauren. “ That was really rude!” “Not any more or less than any of these d*********s.” Mike shot back as he returned the camera to Lauren. Lauren peered into her camera and noticed the photos Mike had taken were actually quite good. She smiled at Mike gratefully.
The four friends walked away from the edge of the pier. They stood in a small circle as they decided what to do next. “The Beach!” Katie squealed with eager anticipation. Both Mike and Brett nodded their heads in agreement. And Lauren couldn't possibly disagree as it was a beautiful sunny day. “OK, but what about after? Asked Lauren. “We need to find some bar or club for tonight!” Shouted Brett. “Hell yeah!” Answered Mike immediately. “We so got to hook up bro!”
Katie rolled her eyes while Lauren gave them a stern look. “Remember guys we are to stick together on this trip.” Said Lauren “Of course!” Brett shouted jubilantly as he put his arms around both girls. “You didn't think we would leave you girls out of an orgy would you? Mike burst out laughing while Katie elbowed Brett in the side. “I am serious guys.” Repeated Lauren with concern in her voice.
“Perhaps I can suggest a place?” Said Benny who was taking a break from playing and overheard their entire conversation. “Really? And why should we listen to you?” Questioned Katie in a musing tone. Benny who was vaping, exhaled the sweet smelling smoke from his pipe. As he stood he picked up his guitar and skillfully twirled it around in his hands coming to a rest in a playing position. Katie let out an impressed sounding “Oh!” Lauren raised her eyebrows, but the guys just rolled their eyes.
“I am a resident here and I tend to know the best places to eat, hang out, and get wasted.” Answered Benny with a friendly smile. “So I would suggest the Viper Pit.” “That sounds like a biker bar.” Lauren remarked. “Actually it is pretty popular with twenty something tourists.” Answered Benny. Katie looked up the bar on her cell. “Yeah, it does look cool.” Said Katie as she swiped on the pics of the Viper Pit. Mike and Brett nodded in agreement while glancing over her shoulder.
“OK, I guess we will check it out.” Said Lauren somewhat nervously. Noticing Lauren's less than enthusiastic tone Benny was quick to respond. “Hey don't worry! You will have a great time. And when you get there, make sure you tell them Benny sent you I know the bartenders there they will hook you up!” “All right! Shouted Mike and Brett in unison.
Just then a small child let out a shrill scream, causing the startled Lauren to turn suddenly in that direction. The child had turned her back for only a second on her small basket of waffle fries when several seagulls ravenously devoured the food, leaving her with nothing. Benny let out a chuckle. “You can't let your guard down out here for a second.” He remarked. “OK, Viper Pit it is.” Lauren said reluctantly as she shrugged her shoulders. Her response resulted in a cheer from her friends and a smile from Benny.
After leaving Luna Pier the four college friends made a beeline for the Beach. It was packed with tourists and they were lucky to find a spot on the Beach. The hot bright sun made the cool ocean waves even more inviting as the friends frolicked in the water. Katie playfully squealed as Brett snatched off her bikini top. Mike had taken to playing a friendly game of Beach soccer with some kids. But Lauren was more content with stretching out on a Beach chair as she basked in the sun's radiant glow.
Overcome with hunger the friends had lunch at a inviting seafood restaurant right on the Beach. Sitting on the patio the friends dined on crisp greens and fresh seafood as they were engulfed by a warm salty breeze. They chatted excitedly while watching windsurfers wipe out on the ocean waves.
Returning to the Beach the friends found themselves engaged in one competitive volleyball match after another. Fueled by the vigor found only in youth, they played until the sun began to set. Not wanting to miss out the friends quickly gathered on a fishing pier and the view was a spectacular one. They watched as the ember like sun dipped into the tranquil water, turning the ocean to a warm orange glow. With the Beach now enveloped in darkness and their tan bodies slightly singed, the four friends made their way to the hotel.
Finally they arrived at the Viper Pit and it was extremely busy. Loud thumping bass blared from the inside of the club while purple searchlights crisscrossed high into the night sky. Valet parking was backed up as the clubs employees desperately tried to keep up.
Lauren somewhat apprehensively approached the club's entrance. She hesitated before she walked in, causing the overly eager Mike and Brett to walk into her. “Look guys, let's please stick together.” Lauren asked pleadingly. “Sure.” Replied Mike and Brett in unison. But the expression on their faces was like that of ravenous wolves. Lauren looked over at Katie, who smiled at her and held her hand to reassure her. Finally they entered the Viper Pit.
And what a spectacle it was. The club was accented by a bright purple hue with dry ice providing a fog effect on the impossibly crowded dance floor. Erotic dancers were suspended in cages that hung from the ceiling, and their seductive gyrations drew lascivious staring from men and women. The Viper Pit was teeming with twenty somethings and stoic club security lurked among them. And almost unbelievably, a gigantic shark tank presided in the center of the club, with a large hammerhead shark swimming tirelessly inside its aquatic prison. The music was so loud that it was virtually impossible to communicate verbally, and Lauren could feel the thumping bass reverberating through her body. The overall vibe of the club was of a restrained aggression and lechery, leaving Lauren feeling somewhat intimidated.
Brett and Mike sandwiched Lauren and Katie, a move that made both girls feel safe. The guys led them directly to the bar. There wasn't a free spot, but both Mike and Brett used their muscular bulk to create one. It was then that Brett spoke into Lauren's ear. “Let's see if this Benny was for real.” Mike somehow managed to get the attention of one of the bartenders. She leaned all the way over as Mike shouted “Benny sent us!” “Oh Benny!” Was the jubilant response of the hyper mixologist. She enthusiastically reached for the top shelf liquor, needing a stepping stool to do so.
The bartender produced four shot glasses and zealously filled each one. Mike and Brett wasted no time slamming down the shots. “Would you boys like another?” She asked coyly with a sweet smile. “Hell yeah!” Was the immediate response from both men. The bartender quickly filled their shot glasses, but accidentally dribbled a little on her finger tip. “Oops!” She giggled. “It is alright doll face.” Brett reassured her. The bartender seductively stuck her finger in her mouth while starring back at Brett through blue eyes hidden behind black bangs. Seemingly unamused Lauren only sighed.
“Maybe you guys should slow down a bit?” Suggested Lauren. “Chill out Lauren we are on vacay!” Brett answered flippantly. “Hey!” Shouted Mike as he pointed to the only empty table. “Let's grab it!” “I will grab us another round, you guys get the table.” Said Brett. Lauren, Katie, and Mike quickly left the bar and made their way to the table.
Mike was the first to make it to the table. However a couple of other guys tried to steal it. Mike simply put his hand up and shook his head at them. Not wanting any trouble the two guys turned away. Surrounded by other tables the friends found they had to squeeze into the seats.
The three of them took in their surroundings while waiting for Brett. They had never before seen so many people in such a large club. The dance floor was packed, making dancing nearly impossible. The body heat from so many revelers hung in the air, causing it to be a bit stifling. Almost everyone seemed to be drunk, high, or both. “What do you think is keeping Brett so long?” Katie wondered while she craned her neck trying to locate Brett at the bar. “Maybe he hooked up with that hot bartender.” Mike replied with a sly smirk. Lauren rolled her eyes at Mike's comment. Just then a tall attractive brunette passed by their table and she made direct eye contact with Mike.
Her long thick locks fell over her alluring cleavage. She wore a short tight dress that clung to her tone body and showed off her tan athletic thighs. She beckoned Mike to join her out on the dance floor, swaying her body alluringly. Mike did not waste anytime and got up almost immediately as the captivating young women smiled back at him. “You two just wait here for Brett, I will be back.” Mike said without even looking at Lauren or Katie. The girls could do nothing but sit there exasperated.
Getting increasingly impatient Katie again glanced over at the bar trying to spot Brett. But she just couldn't find him. “Lauren I really need to use the restroom, hold our table.” Katie said as she got up quickly. Lauren attempted to go with her, but Katie insisted she wait otherwise they would lose their table. And just like that Lauren was alone.
Lauren threw down her shot, and actually gagged a bit. It was good stuff, but strong. Lauren found herself looking over her shoulder at the bar, but no Brett. She lost sight of Mike on the dance floor, as he and that girl were lost in a mass of bodies. Lauren didn't like sitting by herself, it made her uncomfortable. She began to wonder why it was taking Katie so long to get back from the restroom. Lauren fidgeted nervously for a few more minutes, her impatience turning to worry. Where was Katie? Finally she said screw it to herself and got up to look for her in the restroom.
The ladies room was just as crowded as the dance floor, and it was a mess. With young women gossiping as they applied make up. They talked about how pathetic men were as they gleefully used them for a night out. A quick check of the stalls revealed a girl holding her best friends hair back as she puked. Another girl sat on a toilet crying as she tried to speak into her cell phone. Her makeup had run down her stressed face. But there was no Katie.
Frustrated Lauren started searching for Katie and the guys in the club. It seemed even more crowded now as Lauren gingerly made her way through the droves of inebriated partiers. As Lauren looked around for her friends she could feel the affects of the alcohol beginning to take their toll on her body. Lauren made her way over to the bar, every seat was taken and there was a wall of people on the other side of her. Lauren felt boxed in and increasingly uncomfortable.
Her worry began to manifest into fear. She was starting to have trouble walking as she looked for her friends, just how strong was that drink? She called out for Katie, but her voice was lost in a cacophony of bass and sexualized song lyrics. As Lauren meandered her way around the bar a sense of real fear and desperation came over her. Most people just ignored her. Those that did notice Lauren offered no empathy. Women leered at her disapprovingly. Men nudged their buddies laughing at her. “She is ready for you bro!”
Tears began to stream down Lauren's face. She could barely keep walking as her legs wanted to give out under her. The club seemed even more crowded and she felt like she was being suffocated by a mob of sweaty bodies. As panic began to take over her psyche, Lauren was finding it difficult to breathe. She desperately gasped Katie's name once more, but she doubted her name ever made it past her lips.
But then rather suddenly, a man approached Lauren. “I think I may know where your friend is.” He was an older man dressed in black with a headset, likely club security. “Where!?!” Lauren shouted with desperate exuberance. “Follow me.” Said the man calmly. Lauren fell in behind the man.
He led her on a route full of twists and turns that took her outside of the Viper Pit. Lauren found herself behind the club and staring into a long dark alley. But there close by was a large black SUV, and sitting in the back was Katie. “Katie!” Shouted Lauren at the top of her lungs. Lauren more stumbled than ran as she approached the SUV. She threw the door open and climbed inside.
“Katie!” She shouted once again at her friend. But Katie was almost completely out of it. Her eyes weakly fluttered open for a just a second. A fragile smile spread across her delicate features before she gently slumped over, her head coming to rest on Lauren's bosom.
Lauren's mind raced with thoughts of Brett and Mike. Brett, was last seen at the bar. But after just a couple of drinks with the bartender he passed out cold. Security then quietly and discretely removed him from the club. Mike was helplessly captivated by the young woman who had led him out onto the dance floor. The seductive siren had Mike under a spell of blind lust, and she guided him deep into the bowels of the Viper Pit. With his guard down Mike was easy prey for the hit man that shot and killed him execution style. The organs of two young healthy American men would fetch a lucrative profit on the black market.
A sense of dread and unexplained clairvoyance rushed through Lauren as she tried desperately to shake Katie awake. But the only response to come out of the barely conscious Katie was “Uhhh...” Panic grabbed a hold of Lauren as she tried to pull Katie out by her arm. But just then three large men got into the SUV. One went into the drivers seat. The other two men sandwiched Katie and Lauren. As they slammed the doors shut, the man next to Lauren barked out an order to the man behind the wheel in a language Lauren didn't understand.
Lauren began to sob uncontrollably. As she pulled Katie close to her, the SUV pulled away the from the Viper Pit and deep into the empty black void of night.
Benny was up early this particular morning. Yesterdays acquisitions had netted him a especially tidy payday. Benny readied himself for another day at Luna Pier. Before he left he caught a glimpse of himself in his bathroom mirror. Pleased with his appearance he couldn't help but give himself a narcissistic wink.
© 2023 Jason Scott |
Added on January 21, 2023 Last Updated on January 21, 2023 Tags: Vacation, Friends, Foreign Country, Night Club Author![]() Jason ScottSt. Petersburg, FLAboutI enjoy short story writing. I welcome criticism. I simply want to share my writing. I initially started posting short stories on Facebook that I called "Snipits" Because they were VERY short in lengt.. more..Writing