

A Story by Jason Scott

A small coastal Southern resort town is hit by a category 5 hurricane. In it's wake the violent storm brings with it an evil entity that threatens those who stayed behind.



The category 5 hurricane was the first storm of that magnitude to hit the small Southern coastal resort town. Samantha had endured several hurricanes before, and she had always refused to evacuate. This time was no different. And yet even Samantha had regrets about staying behind this time. But she was protective of her livelihood. She had worked at a quaint resort in town for years.

But this storm was especially bad. The power had been knocked out almost immediately. The howling wind sounded like a demon that had escaped from hell. Her small but sturdy hurricane fortified home creaked and moaned throughout the duration of the nightmare tempest. And when the unrelenting hell storm finally ceased, Samantha dared to venture outside.

She was greeted with ominous gray clouds. The storm had passed but the sky still rumbled angrily, as if to directly threaten Samantha for daring to leave the safety of her home. The gray sky light up as brilliant flashes of light ran through the clouds in a chaotic pattern. And the resulting clap of thunder was so loud it almost knocked Samantha to the ground.

But Samantha was undeterred. As she stubbornly insisted on surveying the damage. The humidity hung heavily in the air, making breathing particularly laborious. She cautiously walked to the Beach. As the volatile sky continued to growl at her like a ferocious beast. Her walk was made all the more arduous as she slipped to and fro in the sand.

When she finally reached the ocean she was shocked. Samantha had never seen the water pulled back so far from the Beach. It gave the Beach a surreal look, like an alien landscape. As she starred out into the vast emptiness where the ocean used to be she was enveloped by a feeling of uneasiness.

But Samantha wasn't the only resident of the small town that refused the mandatory evacuation, there were two others. Her neighbors Gretchen and Bill had stayed behind as well. With that thought in mind Samantha decided to check on Gretchen first. As she trudged through the sand to her neighbors house she could not shake the feeling that something was off.

When she finally reached Gretchen's house she noticed Artemis, one of her neighbor's two German Shepherds lying on the ground. Concerned she knelt down by the dog and discovered she was mortally wounded, attacked by some other animal. She tried to comfort her. But Artemis weakly raised her head and with her last bit of strength lashed out at Samantha, trying to bite her. A bit startled Samantha drew back. Artemis bared her teeth before lying her head back down on the ground and dying.

Samantha stood up and wondered what animal could have done this? As if to answer her question Samantha noticed Apollo. He was the brother of Artemis. Apollo was circling Samantha. His teeth were bared and his growl was deep and guttural. His chest and maw stained a crimson red.

Samantha wondered what could have driven these two sweet lovable dogs to madness. Could it have been the stress of the storm? Apollo crept closer. Samantha started walking slowly to Gretchen's house. Easy boy she said. But Apollo looked like he would charge at her at any second. Realizing this Samantha made a desperate dash to Gretchen's front door.

Apollo immediately gave chase. Samantha prayed her neighbor's door was unlocked. As she approached the door she started yelling for Gretchen. With one last burst of speed Samantha threw herself against the door. It was unlocked. Once inside she quickly slammed the door behind her. Apollo threw himself against the door barking and growling viciously. Samantha leaned up against the door, afraid he would somehow bust it open. Finally after a couple of minutes Apollo suddenly stopped. Samantha let out a sigh of relief.

Gretchen's house was dark, save for the soft glow of the battery operated lantern coming from her living room. Samantha walked in calling out for Gretchen. But she wasn't in there. The living room itself was a bit disheveled. Something that was very uncharacteristic of her neighbor. Puzzled Samantha looked around the room wondering what happened. Was she upstairs? Samantha was about to look elsewhere when Gretchen suddenly appeared in the living room.

This startled Samantha a bit. She asked Gretchen if she was alright. But she only stared back blankly. Samantha then noticed she was grasping a baseball bat. Concerned Samantha was about to ask her what she had that for when Gretchen let out a horrifying scream and charged at her with the bat raised over her head. She swung at the startled Samantha, missing her initially. But the back swing caught Samantha on the side of the head. Gretchen's violent movements were erratic. It almost seemed like she was on puppet strings. She continued to attack . Swinging again Samantha's clumsiness caused her to trip over her own feet. Saving her from what most likely would have been a fatal blow.

Gretchen raised the bat over head and struck Samantha on the thigh. Samantha cried out to Gretchen to stop, that it was her. But to no avail. Samantha desperately rolled around on the ground in a almost comical manner avoiding Gretchen attacks. In a futile attempt to escape Samantha tried to stand up, but Gretchen brought the bat down directly on top of Samantha's head. Samantha slumped over. Her head was spinning and what little she could see in the dimly lit room was blurred.

And then in her disoriented state of mind Samantha wasn't quite sure what happened next. Apollo had somehow gotten inside. He was attacking Gretchen. Samantha gingerly pulled herself to her feet. She was wobbly and her head throbbed. Apollo had Gretchen by the arm but she threw him off and swung at him with the bat. She missed and Apollo leapt upon her. Samantha wasn't going to stick around to see what happened next. As she started to quickly walk away she felt a searing pain in her thigh. She threw herself against the door and ran outside to escape.

As Samantha began to regain her composure she ran harder. Ignoring the pain in her thigh and the pounding in her head. The gray clouds rumbled subtly, as if mocking her despair. She ran into her house and slammed the door behind her.

Samantha contemplated what to do next. She realized that soon the police, fire department, and utility crews would be coming back to town to survey the damage. But she was worried about her neighbor Bill. The only other person she knew that had also stayed behind. She was worried about him and decided to see if he was alright.

Samantha walked to Bill's house. The gray clouds still hung threateningly overhead. She knocked on Bill's door but there was no answer. She tried the knob and the door was unlocked, a habit of the residents of the small town. Samantha walked inside and called out Bill's name.

Bill's house was almost completely dark inside. Samantha used the flashlight on her cell for illumination. She walked around the lower floor of his house calling out for him when she realized he must not be here. Samantha was about to leave when she heard something.

She could not quite make out what it was. Perhaps a whisper or maybe an escaped thought. She felt as though something was in the darkness with her. Then suddenly some kind of entity overcame her. It assaulted her mind and invaded her memories. The pain was intense. First physical, but then manifesting into mental pain as well. It dragged her back to memories she had tried desperately to forget. And brought them forth. Making them live again. As if she was really there.

Samantha was taken back to when she was just 15. Things at home were not good with her and her overly strict parents. So Samantha did what many teens before her had done, she rebelled. Tensions were high and had reached a boiling point with her latest harsh punishment. Samantha had enough. She would show them. She would run away. Something born more out of impulsive spite than rather than a long term intention. Her best friend Hope begged her to let her come along. She too was the product of overly protective parents. It was a common bond that they shared. At first Samantha relented. But gave in to her friends pleading. They joked they would be like Thelma and Louise. Only younger and prettier.

They had little money. But they knew how to use their looks, youth and sob stories to their advantage. They had managed to travel a good distance in a short time. Making it into the next state over. But soon their luck and good fortune would run out.

They found themselves in a bar. Samantha and Hope were flirting with a man well into his thirties. He seemed very friendly, as most predators often do. He made jokes that put the girls minds at ease. His charm and charisma earned him their trust. He said he had no problem giving them a ride to the next town over.

As they got into his clean and pristine van a friend of his joined them. The four of them started a lively and animated conversation. Things were going quite well, but then things abruptly changed. When Hope had pointed out that this did not look like the right way. The man driving, Jack said it was a short cut. They then turned onto a dirt road and the girls became concerned. Hope demanded they stop and let them out. Jack looked over at his friend and nodded. The other man climbed into the backseat and struck both of the girls, knocking them down. Jack told him to grab their cell phones. The man quickly bound and gagged the girls.

After driving several more miles they drove up to a secluded dilapidated cabin. There was another car there with two more men in their late thirties. They dragged the girls out and threw them each down on a mattress on either side of the cabin. Terrified, Hope and Samantha struggled against their bonds as tears streaked down their faces. Their hearts beating with such rapid force they felt they would burst out of their chests. The cabin reeked of mildew and stale sweat. It was littered with garbage and pornographic magazines. The mattress Samantha was thrown on smelled terrible and it was covered in blood and urine stains. She imagined Hope's was just as bad. The girls listened to the men talking outside as they drank beer. They joked about how stupid the girls were. They argued about which one was prettier, and who they were going to do first. They unanimously agreed on Hope. They then argued about who was going to go first. Finally after much bickering one of the men entered the cabin.

He immediately straddled Hope and used a knife to cut her clothes off. She struggled against him. But between her bonds and his body weight there wasn't much she could do. Whoa boys! We got ourselves a fighter! They laughed collectively at this. Samantha wanted to look away but she couldn't bring herself to do so. When he finished he climbed off of her, with the next guy coming in. Well Goddamn Derek! Give me a chance to get decent. This of course lead to more good 'ole boy hooting and hollering. You will like me dollface. I am gentle. Awww isn't that sweet! He's romantic! Yelled one of the men from outside. That remark lead to a spontaneous guffaw. After he was finished he leaned towards Hope and said see now dollface, that wasn't so bad. But Hope surprised him by suddenly sitting up and head butting his face. He shoved her back down hard. You better save your strength Missy. Big Rick is coming next. Oh s**t I heard that! Derek then walked over to Samantha and grabbed by her hair lifting her up. And don't you worry sweetheart we haven't forgotten about you. He then kissed her hard over the gag that covered her mouth before shoving her back down.

Big Rick lumbered into the cabin. Samantha could only watch as she was filled with dread. Vicariously she felt her friends pain and fear, and it was all her fault. She started sobbing but the gag muffled her cries. Big Rick practically crushed Hope when he mounted her. Until one of the men from outside yelled he better not f**k her that way. Frustrated he picked her up and turned her around. He was finished rather quickly and hesitated before going back outside.

It was then Hope started laughing. Hope rolled over on her back. She somehow had gotten the gag off of her mouth. Big Rick huh? She said giggling. More like Big Rick is really quick with a tiny dick! Samantha's eye grew wide. Hope had always had a big mouth. But she couldn't believe she would talk that way now. You better shut up girl! Big Rick slapped her hard. Samantha winced. But Hope didn't stop. Instead she continued to mock Big Rick. Which horrified Samantha. That thing is so tiny its no wonder you have no girlfriend. You could never satisfy a woman. Big Rick's humiliation was exacerbated by his short temper. He grabbed Hope by her head and started slamming it on the floor. The other three men rushed inside in a desperate attempt to stop him. He initially threw them back. But they were eventually able to pull him away, but it was too late.

Hope lay motionless on the filthy cabin floor. Blood trickled from her head. The men stood there in stunned silence. Finally Jack walked up to Hope and checked her pulse and for signs of breathing. Nothing. He stood up and wiped the sweat from his face. She's dead. Are you sure? Yes she is dead! I am no f*****g Doctor but she is dead! The men then then started arguing about what to do next. Shouting, pushing, and shoving like the animals that they were. Samantha stared at her friend. Blood began to ooze from her mouth and nose. Her eyes bore a vapid expression. And Samantha could feel her heart stop for a moment, just before it broke.

And then suddenly the four men left, speeding off in their cars. Samantha realizing she was alone tried to free herself from her bonds. She looked around the squalid cabin floor and found a piece of glass from a broken beer bottle. It took some time but she was finally able to break free.

Samantha immediately cradled Hope's cold body in her arms. She started sobbing uncontrollably. She pressed her best friends head in her chest. Crying out that she was sorry, and begging her to forgive her. Finally she laid Hope's body back down on the mattress. And went outside to look for help. By the time she found it she was a hysterical mess. She happened upon a group of college kids camping. Who immediately brought her to town.

But no amount of therapy could ever ease her guilt. No amount of drugs could take away her pain or stop the nightmares. No amount of consoling could make her forgive herself The despair and memory of that night would forever burn inside of her. Offering no release, no remorse, no forgiveness.

Samantha was losing control of her mind. She could feel it slipping away. The entity viciously ripping it away from her. She dropped to her knees and clasped her hands over her ears as she screamed at the top of her lungs, get the f**k out of my head! And then... silence.

Samantha had control back again. She staggered to her feet and rushed outside. She was momentarily blinded by the sun which had broken free of the clouds. The shock of what just transpired caused her to hyperventilate. So she steadied herself at the railing on the steps leading up to Bill's house. And concentrated on calming down and controlling her breathing.

Samantha was just about stable when from out of nowhere Apollo leaped at her, knocking them both over the railing. Apollo got the worst of it, landing on the concrete sidewalk. But Samantha's fall was broken by shrubbery. Not wasting any time Samantha ran towards Bill's workshop, hoping he was inside.

The door to his shop was left open, slamming it behind her she started calling out for Bill. But he did not answer. She cautiously wandered around his crowded workshop. With tools and equipment hanging everywhere, filling every nook and cranny. He had left his windows open and the blinds that hung over them gently swayed in the breeze, allowing for random illumination. When Samantha was younger she used to love wandering around his workshop. She discovered many a curiosity. Some tools were covered with dust, tucked away into the deepest reaches of his workshop and forgotten about. Samantha sometimes felt like Indiana Jones exploring an ancient temple. Whenever she discovered something particularly odd she would bring it to Bill. Who explain to her what it was used for. And sometimes she would find something so old that even Bill himself could not remember what it was. Which of course delighted Samantha.

She walked around to his office, hoping he would be there. And for a brief moment she thought he was. But is was only the aroma of cigarettes that hung in the air, which reminded her of him. Disappointed Samantha stepped out of his office. She wasn't sure what to do next when she heard something moving around...Apollo.

Somehow Apollo had found a way in. He stopped in his tracks when he saw her and then immediately gave chase. Samantha ran through the cluttered workshop. She knocked over racks of tools, stumbled over a post hole digger, and ducked under a low hanging beam. She purposely pulled a shelf down behind her in a effort to slow down Apollo. But he came around the over way, which startled Samantha. He jumped up on a workbench and was about to leap at Samantha when she backed up and lost her balance. As she fell over she desperately reached out for something to break her fall. She grasped a fishing spear and when Apollo leapt at the flailing Samantha he was impaled upon it.

He let out a agonizing howl as it pierced his chest. Samantha held it firm with her arms shaking from his weight. He slid down the pole, his jaws a mere inch or two from Samantha's face. His claws dug deep into Samantha's flesh ripping it open. He viciously lashed out, trying desperately to rip out her throat. His breath was putrid and foul pus filled mucus splattered on Samantha's face as he snarled at her. Until he finally let out a whimper and moved no more. Samantha threw his body aside. She pulled her knees to her chest, wrapped her arms around them and sobbed.

As Samantha had predicted Police, the fire department, and utility crews began returning to the small resort town. Enter rookie police officer Gordon Brewer. Today would be his last day on the job. His partner had suggested they search Bill's property as he was aware Bill had stayed behind. Officer Brewer started up the narrow debris filled path to Bill's workshop when he was confronted by Samantha.

She stood there motionless brandishing the bloody fishing spear. Startled the officer asked if she was OK. But Samantha only stared back. He asked her again and she raised the spear in a threatening manner. Ma'am it is OK. I am a police officer please put down the weapon.

But Samantha's mind was no longer her own. She had been taken over by the entity that now possessed her. She began to move towards the officer menacingly. Ma'am I need you to drop the weapon! This seemed only to antagonize Samantha as she charged towards him shrieking wildly, the spear held out in front of her. The rookie officer yelled desperately once again for her to drop the weapon as he unholstered his gun. With Samantha only a few feet away he reluctantly fired two rounds. The first pierced her stomach, the 2nd her heart, killing her instantly. At 34 years old Samantha Burton was dead.


© 2019 Jason Scott

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Added on November 18, 2019
Last Updated on November 18, 2019
Tags: Hurricane, entity, rape, possession, evil, kidnapping


Jason Scott
Jason Scott

St. Petersburg, FL

I enjoy short story writing. I welcome criticism. I simply want to share my writing. I initially started posting short stories on Facebook that I called "Snipits" Because they were VERY short in lengt.. more..

Hero Hero

A Story by Jason Scott