![]() The Wildplanet Part -6 (the First One in the Chronology) {Start Here!}A Story by Michale Rune![]() First draft, and that's (-6) as in, before zero.![]() “Despite your questions we must
finish this last order of business gentlemen; do you confirm or deny that the used
fuel dump procedure has been initiated properly?” Across the rounded graphine table both men
verbally acknowledged and typed in their written concurrences on the routine
fuel dump. A monitor from outside the ship momentarily flickered to life above
the table showing a misting silver trail falling away from the ship at
lightning speed. In moments the manmade comet tail was gone. The three men
turned their attention back to a more pressing if no less necessary matter. The tall man with the bristling
mustache gestured at the curved dome that was being projected above the tabletop. “This can’t be right; the
calculations suggested a tropical climate. Where are the lakes? Where are the
oceans? As far as this thing can tell us it’s just a big, big...” The man
stuttered off into silence, his mustache quivering under the force of his
indignation. “Jungle.” The thin man intoned blandly
as he leaned his elbows on the table and puffed on his sinth-aret. His large
dark eyebrows perched precariously over his eyes as if about to take flight.
They waggled as the thin man glanced around the table. “Well what did you expect? That
they would just give us all this terraforming gear and then waste it on a
planet that didn’t really need it? Do you even have the vaguest idea of what
this mission is really about?” There was a
pregnant pause as the third man ran his hand over his bald head in a nervous gesture.
His white uniform was perfectly ordered but as the mustachioed man began to
glare in his direction the Captain began to adjust his high stiff collar and
pick at his silvery buttons. Under the rage filled stare he burst out: “I don’t know what the hell you are
talking about Dr.; everything so far is going according to our prefilled
mission plan. We will approach the planet well within the Earth year. The
planet is ready for human habitation with minor terraforming. That can be
completed well within the technological time window. Even after most of our
larger instruments have ceased to function reliably the various smaller
equipment will still work once the solar umbrella reaches the level of maximum
charge. Everything, I repeat everything,
gentlemen is going according to the plan.” The mustached man
leaned back in his chair, forehead creased in furious thought. He glared at the
Dr. and back at the Captain. “Captain, if that is so true, then will you tell
me what on God’s Green Earth this is.
And how it fits into the damn plan!” “Well Mr. Masters, You see the
original projections for the planet was that of a class 1H, a planet, as you
know, that is prepared in complete for human habitation. Our mission was fully
equipped with the technology however to deal with a class 3H planet on the
chance that the projection was off. The planet the computer has digitally
analyzed and mapped for us is the Geo-Sphere in question. As it turns out the
planet is a class 2H and therefor well within our range of control. So though
this planet is not the Garden of Eden the mission will continued as planned.” This last speech the captain said in a steady
commanding voice that squished the doubt from his previous tone. His body
language however did not match his imperious voice; Dr. Amberson noticed this
and made his approach carefully. A nervous man has many times throughout
history proven the more deadly than the confident. “And yet something has not quite
added up.” “Dr. what do you mean?” Despite his
blustering and profusion of glares Mr. Masters was quite nervous. His hands
gripped the table until his knuckles turned white. “You see Mr. Masters since the
beginning of the voyage I have felt that something is not quite right with our
mission. Oh yes on the outside the premise seems perfectly logical. Because of
an over population issue the earth government has decided that an expeditionary
colony is necessary. To not waste this opportunities of a “new world” 5,000 of
the world’s finest, and perhaps luckiest, scientists have been chosen to be
part of the mission. On a new planet they can pursue their various fields in
new ways while having a whole planet to experiment and learn from. All the new
information they are able to gleam will be sent by the multi-dimensional
real-time alpha transmitter (MD RAT), or Dr. Rat as it is referred to commonly,
back to Earth.” “Yes, yes get on with it Dr.! Stop
being so damn mellow dramatic.” “Yes, well hmm… Anyways as a
psychologist this whole a*s-backwards situation has intrigued me since well
before the ship left earth. I hadn’t
figured it out completely by the beginning of the voyage, but in the months
that followed I’ve been able to get the general situation together. And after
doing extensive research and running the math through the ships computer I have
come to a startling conclusion. This is not a colony mission. This is a mission
of a whole different breed. A military mission.” “Damn it Amberson don’t screw with
me now. What in the hazy hells are you talking
about!” “Yes Dr., please explain these wild
accusations. You have totally lost me.” The nervousness that didn’t show on his
face came out in the Captain’s desire to constantly smooth his pant legs which
were pristinely creased and wrinkle free. “Thank you Captain, and if I may, I
will do so, in detail.” “As is known to all aboard our
vessel, of the 100,000 passengers 5,000 are the selected men and women chosen
to spend their days on our destination expanding our knowledge of the various
sciences that humanity has in its stunted grasp. These 5,000, as I said
earlier, are selected for their proficiency in their fields. Now to the average
observer that is exactly what these 5,000 are, but I, my friends, am not the
‘average’ observer.” Here he tapped out the synthetic ash from his smoke into
the small tray he pulled out from his pocket. As the tiny red flecks faded to a
dull grey and were harvested by the tray he continued: “These 5,000 men and women are not the best or even the most known in
their fields of expertise. These doctors and business persons are often not
even recognized as active contributors in their fields! In small terms: These
people are not the people the government would choose for such a mission. For
some reason the people who should be on this mission aren’t. Now when I did
case studies of a random selection of these 5,000 I discovered something that
should have been apparent to me right away. These people were probably the smartest
in the world. On the ship I have personally interacted with about three dozen
of these people and though some of them may have apparent social handicaps this
is only because they are so
brilliant. I knew then that I was onto something really big. If I was right and that months of research and data
pointed to this one conclusion then why was the Government sending the world’s
finest stock of geniuses to the end of the universe?” A small buzz
sounded as the ashtray popped out a tiny capsule that looked like a grey rubber
eraser. The Captain twitched at this, a tiny jerking motion of his hand towards
his armpit. His hand relaxed back into a firm fist on the table. Amberson
pretended not to have seen or understood the implications. With a casual motion
the Dr. took the tiny grey cylinder and popped it into the end of his smoke
pushing down the little ash that lingered there deep into the grey tube. With a
flick of his fingers he lit a match and lit the tube and began to pull in the
grey swirling smoke. In seconds the match itself had burned away leaving only a
sulfur dust on his elegant fingers. Amberson wiped his sooty fingers on his pants
and continued, sinth-aret sticking out of the corner of his mouth. “This-” He waved
vaguely around the chamber apparently indicating the ship and the mission. “Is a ruse. A
trap. A snare set by men who will never live to see their prey caught, because
they are still on Earth living and dying as we travel at relativistic speeds.
Think back to the events prior to our departure. Think of the eternal strive
that was happening between the states of the world Government. Remember the
instability of the various departments of the government. Remember the man hunt
that went on for one man. Harrold Maxum.” “Oh great gods, is
that all you're talking about Amberson? Cause if that’s all then I for one am
relieved.” He sat back smugly rolling his eyes. “Harrold Maxum was
considered the deadliest man on the planet earth for six months. He was hunted
in every way the government knew how, and then, nothing. For two years the
government would make no statements. But out of the blue this mission was
created. For only the second time in their history the internal states did not argue
about an idea proposed before them. Soon this idea was adopted by the Union
Council as one of their primary programs. They planned to make a colony at the
farthest corner of space. In the several hundred years that the Union Council
has been holding sessions there has only been one other issue so closely agreed
upon: The decision that Harrold Maxum was the most dangerous man on earth and
that he needed to be found and eliminated.
And I believe that when they figured out how to do that, that’s what
they did. They sent him to the farthest corner of space.” Dr. Amberson bent his head and
stared at the grey shiny surface of the table. “All that we know for sure about
Harrold Maxum is that he is the most brilliant man, or woman, ever to walk the
earth. He erased himself from the information networks. Something that computer
scientists still claim is impossible for an army of hackers to do, let alone a
single one. There was only one piece of information that the government was
able to retain and that was his test scores. Those scores made them very very
nervous. So the question was, is, I guess, how do you catch the world’s
smartest man? It’s like trying to catch just one fish in a lake. And so the
government caught all the fish. They
took the 5,000 smartest people in the world and sent them off of earth. That is
what is referred to in professional terms as a: ‘Damn big net.’ My friends, if
they did what they think they did… then Harrold Maxum is on this ship!” In his reclining chair Mr. Masters
began to choke until tears ran down his eyes. His seat rocked back and forth
and it wasn’t until Dr. Amberson realized that he was laughing that he himself
began to sit down again, disgustedly. “So you, are telling me.”
Choked out Masters. “That you think that the government would spend trillions
of dollars to create a ‘fake’ colony project to catch one man and-“Here his
laughter overtook his speech, but after a few seconds with mustache flapping he
regained his equilibrium. “And that he, Harrold Maxum, is on this ship, NOW?” Fortunately Masters was saved
from another contorting fit of laughter by the utter terror that shot through
him as the Captain drew his pistol from its holster beneath his armpit.
“Yes.” Said the Captain as he
leveled his pistol at the Dr.’s wide eyed face. “And he may be standing before
us.” © 2013 Michale RuneAuthor's Note
Featured Review
2 Reviews Added on September 3, 2013 Last Updated on September 3, 2013 Tags: Foundation, Action, Science Fiction, Mystery, Suspense, New, Space, Empire Author![]() Michale RuneWAAboutI'm a long time reader of Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and interesting Fiction. I like to write when I can, but I have trouble building my stories to conclusions. I hope that joining this site and becoming a memb.. more..Writing