Eyes which do not see evil

Eyes which do not see evil

A Poem by Loney tunes

Amidst the mien of subdued bitterness

two lighthouses lie,

engrossed in the perpetuity of darkness

where all that is mundane die.

A maroon, a stranger

from an existence of ennui,

surviviving through lofty clairvoyance,

in the luxury of  covert sagacity.

piercing with it’s lance,

through uncertainty with ferocity.

Though vanity seduces

their colour remains green,

jealousy is subdued

under the stoic grin.

© 2012 Loney tunes

Author's Note

Loney tunes
in the midst of those who claim to see
i choose to remain blind

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Added on January 15, 2012
Last Updated on April 15, 2012
Tags: blindness, uniqueness, evil, sadness, isolation