![]() Chapter ThreeA Chapter by Dark Sea Captain![]() Would you put honor aside to do what is right?![]() Now in the woods sitting around a fire with Crim and Drake, Maxwell watched the burning embers dance while he waited for someone to speak. Clearing his throat Crim sighed and began to speak. " So Maxwell. Ready to meet with someone who will get us an army?" Maxwell looked at Crim with wide eyes. An army? They would have an army? That was wonderful news. " Yes. I am ready. Where is he? " Maxwell asked showing his excitement. Maxwell may have grown over the years but he was still young. Only 20. Maxwell being the youngest person out of the three with Crim being 27 and Drake being 26 Maxwell was allowed to show youth now and then. Crim smirked lightly before standing to his feet. " He is in the cemetery. His name is Dr. Laboon. He is a scientist. So he dabbles in that spooky stuff that most people would deem wrong. But he is the man for the job. He is west of here. Drake will take you to see the good Doctor. But once he gets you there you will be on your own. Dr. Laboon told us that if you are indeed the one that Drake is talking about only you and the good Doctor himself will be able to get the army we need for this rebellion. " Listening to Crim Maxwell couldn't help but wonder about a few things. First being why the hell was this man in a cemetery? And a scientist? Maxwell had heard about these people. Messing with things they shouldn't. Mixing up and playing with the natural order of things. Why did they need a man like this? Was his help that needed? Sighing Maxwell stood up along with Drake. " Very well Crim. I will meet with this...Dr.Laboon. Drake I am ready when you are. " With a nod Drake walked into the darkness of the forest with Maxwell following close behind him. Waving to the two Crim sighed and turned to climb up a tree to hide from the sights of others before putting out the fire.
After Drake and Maxwell were out of the forest they got on there horses and rode off toward the cemetery. While riding toward the cemetery Maxwell looked over at Drake who looked as if he would stay silent for the whole trip. That was until Drake turned to Maxwell and gave a nod. " Maxwell. Be careful around Dr.Laboon. He means well. And he is a man who can be trusted. But he is a little insane. You must keep your sanity when talking to him. For it is said that Dr. Laboon had a gift for making people insane. And I belive him when he says he can get us an army. But this man is a...strange. I have seen men somewhat like him but no where near his level of insanity. Keep your wits about you." With that Drake went silent. And from the look he was giving it was easy to see that he would not be speaking again. So Maxwell would have to think about what Drake told him and go from there. So this scientist was in so many words a mad man. Was this really a good idea? Crim and Drake said they trusted this Dr. Laboon. But now Drake is saying to be careful around him? This was going to be a really interesting meeting. And Maxwell could only hope and pray he didn't lose his life to this mad man. And he couldn't help but wonder why they were meeting at a cemetery. But he would find out soon. For the Cemetery was coming into view.
Once they made it to the Cemetery gates Maxwell got off of his horse and looked at Drake who was already makeing his way back to the forest. " Remember Maxwell. Keep your wits about you!" With that Drake rode off back toward the forest. Leaving Maxwell alone. Turning around Maxwell sighed and hitched his horse to the gates before walking into the cemetery. The resting place gave off a weird feeling the deeper Maxwell walked in. As if the dead knew someone new had entered into there resting spot. Before long Maxwell heard someone talking. Holding a deep conversation with someone. When Maxwell found the man his eyes grew wide when he saw a man talking to himself. Then the man turned to a grave and began to speak to it as if it was a human. " Where is he I ask you. They said he would be here by now. Whats that? You say you feel something? Behind me? You don't say..." Turning around the man gasped and rushed toward Maxwell. He wore a black lab coat and his hair was long and slightly messy. He wore a top hat and reading glasses over his dark baggy eyes. He looked sickly and like he never slept. With patched up black pants, brown dirty shoes this man looked as if he had seen hell and survived it. As he rushed toward Maxwell our young hero tensed up. Who was this crazy man? Gripping his sword Maxwell got ready to strike. But just then the strange man came to a halt. " Your here! Its about time! I have been waiting for hours. Your Maxwell right? The one Crim and Drake spoke of? I am Dr. Laboon. And I must say I am very displeased with your manners sir. Very displeased. " With that the man crossed his arms across his chest and tapped his foot on the ground.
Maxwell could only stare at Dr. Laboon in shock. This was the man who would help them get an army? This crazy man? Sighing Maxwell let go of his sword and shook his head. " Yes my name is Maxwell. I am sorry for making you wait. So we don't waist anymore time what is it that you would have me do? " Dr. Laboon shook his head and turned around before walking off. " Now now my good sir. Manners. Lets not act like barbarians. Lets talk over a cup of tea. If you are indeed the person I have been waiting for then the army we are going to get isn't going anywhere. So follow me young Maxwell. Lets go. Put some jump in that step good sir. " Dr. Laboon laughed while he made his way toward a table he had set up deeper in the cemetery. On the table was a tea pot and two cups. Pulling up a chair Dr. Laboon sat down and let out a sigh of content leaving Maxwell with a look of disbelief on his face. Was he serious? He wanted to drink tea? Sighing Maxwell made his way toward Dr. Laboon sitting down on the other side of the table. Pouring tea for them both Dr. Laboon placed the tea pot down and picked up his cup. A strange wind blew around them as Dr. Laboon took a sip of his tea. Drake was right. This Dr. Laboon was a strange man. And Maxwell was starting to get tired of this little game of the good Doctor.
" I have to say my good fellow you don't talk much. Speak up speak up. Don't be shy. " Placing his cup on the table Dr. Laboon let out a chuckle as watched Maxwell just sit there. Looking into the tea Maxwell heard the good Doctor speak. But he didn't want to talk about hobbies and sip tea. He wanted action. " Doctor Laboon. I can not understand how you can just there while the Kingdom of Lagoon is in such a state. I had a child throw a tomato at me when I was leaving to meet with Crim and Drake. Even the young suffer at the hands of the evil King. Will you just sit there drinking tea? Or will you lead me to this army you say you have." Dr. Laboon smirked and gave a nod. " So rude. So very very rude. Can't even speak to the man before you with out ordering him around. Very well my boy. Let us go. I say let us go. I will show you the army I will help you lead in this rebellion that will make the people of the town rise and fight. " With a sigh of relief Maxwell stood to his feet and waited for the good Doctor to do the same. When Dr. Laboon stood to his feet he began to make his way deeper into the Cemetery. Maxwell followed close behind and was surprised that Dr. Laboon was no longer talking. However he was looking around in a frantic way as if he was looking for something. As if looking for a secret entrance. With that Dr. Laboon came to a complete stop and turned. Pointing to a spot at the end of the cemetary Maxwell turned and rose his eyebrow. A crypt? Thats where he would find the army?
" Your Lucky you came when you did my boy. Oh yes very lucky indeed. Look up at the moon. Its starting to turn red. Do you see? The time is right. The time is now. I will open the crypt. And then we will venture down into the resting place of the dead. Once I am done with the ritual the dead will rise and fight for our cause. Won't it be grand? Our force will out number them greatly. And we will be victorious. Oh such a rush. I have been waiting so long for this." Maxwell looked at Dr. Laboon with a face frozen in shock. They would be summoning the dead? This man was insane. " Are you crazy? You must be. The dead will fight for us? If you are able to do such madness that would mean your a Necromancer." Maxwell watched as the so called scientist laughed. " Bingo. I am indeed a Necromancer. Dr. Laboon Necromancer extraordinaire. I am by far one of the best Necromancers in this vast land. However the dead here are harder to raise. Mainly becuase of the guardian that lurks at the bottom of this crypt. If you are able to kill this guardian then I will be able to get into the area that will let me summon a vast army of the undead. Once our work is down in the Kingdom of Lagoon they will rest in peace yet again. " With that Dr. Laboon opened the crypt and looked back at Maxwell who was still trying to piece things together. Mainly becuase this was all madness.
" Wait a moment Laboon. " Maxwell called out before shaking his head in complete disgust. " Thats Dr. Laboon dear boy. " The good doctor said with a warm smile. " I don't care. I will not be a part of such a vile mission. Raising the dead? That is sick and wrong. The dead should rest in the earth. Not be woken to do the bidding of another man. " Maxwell was so torn. He wanted to save the kingdom of Lagoon but not if it meant raising the dead. " But its the only way Maxie. Think about it. The Kings army is more vast than the peasants. Against such odds the people of Lagoon would never raise there arms agaisnt the King. However if they had an army of there own...well then you can put the rest together can't you? An army that is already dead. Stabbing them will not work. For as long as I have control of them the only way to be rid of them is to kill me. And I will be in the back telling the dead what to do. This is the only way to make the people rise up for there own freedom. " With that Dr. Laboon placed his arm around Maxwell's shoulders and smiled. " The ends justify the means dear boy. So buck up and lets get going shall we? Lets not be late. No no that would be rude. Very rude indeed." Laughing to himself the mad Doctor began to make his way down the crypt.
Maxwell could only sigh. He had no choice. For the Doctor spoke the truth. It would take to long to find there own army that would be enough to fight the Kings men. And by that time more civilians would have died by the hand of King Aragorth. An army of the dead seemed to be the only way. So putting his morals aside for the moment Maxwell followed behind Dr. Laboon down into the deep dark crypt. The further they went into the crypt the darker it got. Soon enough there was no visibility. " Doctor. Its getting rather dark now. Is there a torch or something? It wouldn't be wise to venture further with out light. " Dr. Laboon simply laughed and shook his head. " Scared of the dark there Maxie? Relax boy. Relax. We are almost at the bottom. Once there we will find a torch that will light the way. Man up dear boy. Man up!" Maxwell could only sigh and shake his head at the words of the mad doctor. When they reached the bottom of the crypt Maxwell waited for Dr. Laboon to light the torch so they cold see. Once light filled the room Dr. Laboon grabbed the torch and began to lead Maxwell toward the location of the guardian. " You know dear boy there is much mystery behind you. If Drake is right about you that is. He says you are the one. The chosen one. If thats true then you are indeed the only one who can kill this guardian. You and that sword of yours. " Looking at the Doctor when he spoke of his sword Maxwell rose his eyebrow and placed his hand on Dr. Laboons shoulder. " What do you know about my sword? The sword that belonged to my father. " Maxwell was doing his best to try and figure out what was going on. What did Dr. Laboon know of his fathers sword? Did he know about his father? " Haha. Dear boy. That is a story for another time. " With that said Dr. Laboon kept moving forward leaving Maxwell in his thoughts.
After making there way further into the crypt the smell of death and decay began to overwhelm Maxwell. How could this mad doctor take this smell. When they reached the the end of the hall a large door blocked there path. Chuckling Dr. Laboon nudged Maxwell before pointing at the door. " Well dear boy your up. Take out that guardian and then I can work my magic. Be careful though. If you die then our dreams of taking down the King down with you. Just remember that dear boy. Open the door and fight like your life depends on it. For it just might. " Laughing Dr. Laboon leaned against one of the dusty walls and waited for Maxwell to enter into the next room. Maxwell was done asking questions. He would simply kill this guardian and get this whole ordeal over with. Opening the door and walking into the room the door shut behind him and a locking sound rang through the room. Yet again there was no light. And there was something moving around in the darkness. Maxwell could feel something getting closer and closer. Closing his eyes Maxwell began follow the sounds the creature was making. Just then something hit Maxwell hard in the back sending him flying through a wall. Rolling across the ground Maxwell coughed and moaned in pain as he stood to his feet. Drawing his blade Maxwell closed his eyes again trying to find out where the beast would strike next. Thats when he heard the creature getting closer to him yet again. Without light it would be hard to fight this guardian. Thats when a humming sound began to come from Maxwell's sword. Opening his eyes Maxwell saw that his sword was shining with a bright blue light. The light was so bright that it began to fill the whole room. And there Maxwell saw a giant creature. With the body of a giant snake and the heard of a lion the beast let out a mighty roar.
Now being able to see Maxwell jumped back and held his sword out in front of him. Ready for the beast to strike Maxwell began to circle the half snake half lion guardian before it let out another mighty roar. Swinging its large tail and Maxwell our young hero held up his sword to block the attack. However with the strength the beast held Maxwell was sent flying back into a pile of bones. Most likely they belonged to the people that entered the crypt before Maxwell and failed to beat the beast. But Maxwell would not end up like them. He had to win. And though he didn't know why his fathers blade was shineing bright enough to light up the whole room he would not question it right now. For the moment it was helping him in his fight. And maxwell was going to need all the help he could get. With another mighty roar the guardian rushed toward Maxwell with great speed. Jumping out of the way Maxwell watched as the beast slamed head first right into the wall. Watching as the wall crumbled down on the beast Maxwell backed up slightly. For a few seconds nothing happened. Then the beast came bursting out from the rubble roaring and growling. Filled with rage the beast lunged at Maxwell yet again. Holding his sword in front of him Maxwell prepared for a hard fight. But there was no turning back now. Maxwell would have to keep pushing forward. © 2012 Dark Sea Captain |
Added on June 16, 2012 Last Updated on June 16, 2012 Author![]() Dark Sea CaptainMDAboutI am working on a story at the moment and hope to get it done soon. more..Writing