Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Dark Sea Captain

The forest that Maxwell was told to go to soon grew closer. He could see the thick trees and the lush grass. An animals play ground from the looks of it. As Maxwell grew closer towards the entrance of the forest he stopped his horse and watched it go over toward a near by lake. Good. The horse would stay there and drink while Maxwell did what he came to do. With his hand on his sword Maxwell made his way into the forest. Keeping on high guard Maxwell looked around and sighed to himself. The further into the forest he went the darker it got. Which was very bad. Maxwell did no like fighting in the darkness. His eyes were not made for the dark. Since he was only human he would have a very hard time finding the people he was looking for. The rebels really knew what they were doing didn't they? Hiding in the dark and taking out the guards with stealth. Maxwell would have to be ready for anything. After walking for a while Maxwell spotted a clearing. It was well lit and seemed to be right in the middle of the forest. Walking light Maxwell let out a huge sigh. At least he could see well now. However Maxwell had no time to rest. For as soon as he stepped into the light a click could be heard. Looking around the area Maxwell took out his sword ready for a fight. Thats when he heard rustling in the tree's. Someone or something was getting closer to him. This wasn't good. Maxwell beat himself up mentally for now he knew that he had just walked into a trap.


" Show yourself! Hiding in the shadows is a cowards tactic." Maxwell shouted as he looked around him. Silence. Nothing but silence. Then came the sound of gun fire. The bullet hit Maxwell in his right arm causing him to drop his sword. Growling in pain Maxwell gripped his arm and looked around. Here in the open Maxwell was just a huge target. He would have to find a different way of finding the rebels. Running back into the darkness Maxwell began to pant. The King had warned Maxwell about the man with the new type of gun. But he had no idea the shooter would be so precise with his shot. This man had skills. Suddenly there was movement around Maxwell. Light movement. The closer it got the harder it became to hear the person or creature. Thats when Maxwell felt a sword cut his leg. Dropping down Maxwell yelled out in pain. Then another shot fired hitting him right in his left arm. So this was how they killed the guards. The man in the shadows would slowly cut your life away while the man with the gun picked you off with well placed shots. If Maxwell didn't think of something soon he would die. And his training and work so far would have been for nothing. " Wait please! I am not with the king. I came here to ask for your help. Please listen to me!" Maxwell yelled out before limping toward the clearing so he could be in the light yet again.


As soon as Maxwell made it to the center of the clearing he fell to his knees trying to catch his breath. The pain was great. Far greater than anything he had felt before. With a bullet in both arms and a deep cut in his leg things were looking bad for Maxwell. Suddenly a man came out of the darkness. He was holding a new type of gun that Maxwell had never seen before. The man was a human. He wore clothes that let him blend in with his environment. The pants were baggy and the shirt he wore hugged his body but not tightly. He wore an eye patch over his left eye and he seemed to have a calm demeanor about him. He was completely off guard at the moment though. " Names Crim." The man with the gun said as he slung his gun over hsi shoulder. The gun looked like a new version of a sniper rifle. The Land of Mare was indeed a strange land. Some kingdoms were based around medieval times and others were very futuristic. The man named Crim must have been from one of the futuristic Kingdoms. Interesting. Well this was one of the rebels. Where was the other one? Was he still hiding? Was that why Crim was off guard like this? " You say your here to ask for help? Help with what?" Crim asked. Still in great pain Maxwell fell back and sat down on the ground trying to block out the pain. How would he be able to explain why he was here without it sounding like a lie?


Taking a deep breath Maxwell began to speak. " My name is Maxwell. I am a traveler who happened to come across the kingdom of Lagon. Upon arrival I heard of the King and his evil ways. Before I knew it I began thinking of ways to help the people of this kingdom and save the true successor to the thorn. The people of the kingdom fear for there lives. And being the man I am I could not sit by and watch such injustice. Even if I just arrived there. I can not turn a blind eye to injustice. Before I knew it I was summoned to the Kings throne room. After testing my skills he sent me to kill you and the other rebel here. But that was never my intention. I wished to ask your help in taking down the king..." Going silent Maxwell looked up at Crim and waited to see if the man would trust his words. Looking Maxwell over Crim sighed and rubbed the back back of his head. " You heard all that Drake?" Crim called out before placing his hand into his pocket. Just then a Dark elf could be seen walking behind Maxwell. He had been there the whole time. Watching and waiting. In fact he was the one who cut Maxwell when he went back into the darkness. Walking past Maxwell and over to Crim the Dark Elf known as Drake placed his hands into his pockets. He wore a cloak over his lose fitting shirt and his baggy pants. He wore sandals and on his hair flowed down his back. He had a look of determination on his face.

Saying nothing when Crim spoke to him Drake simply looked Maxwell over and growled to himself. Maxwell didn't stand a chance. Not agaisnt the two before him. They had him beat at close range and long range. There was a long silence before anyone spoke up. Drake being the first to speak. " He holds a different aura about him. He tells the truth. He dose not work for the king. And though he is weak compared to you and I he still had fire in his eyes. He may be the one we have been looking for." Drake said before placing his hands behind his back. " You really think so Drake? Hm...Well if your sure then now may be the time to act. Ok. Maxwell right? The King wants you to kill us so you leaving here without something to show that you did the deed won't be good. " With that Crim looked at Drake and he gave a nod. Taking his sword in his hand Drake cut off his left arm and closed his eyes in pain. Yet he did not scream out. Maxwell looked with shock. What the hell? Drake then dropped his sword and used fire magic to seal up his open wound. " Why did you do that? I could have taken a lock of your hair or something." Maxwell stated before stepping back slightly. " The King that sent you here likes body parts. So hair would not have worked. Me and Drake knew what we were getting in to when we decided to fight the King. Besides since we have someone like you here loseing an arm is nothing. I know someone who will fix something like this right up. " With that Crim grabbed Drakes severed arm and tossed it to Maxwell. " Take that to the King and tell him that his deed is done. Then at night come back to us. We have someone you would like to meet. He will help us get an army to stop the King. But he will need someone like you to help him. If Drake is right about you then your the only one who will be able to help him. No go. We all have work to do." Once Crim was done speaking Maxwell stood there in disbelief then turned to leave.


After walking out of the forest Maxwell looked back and then down at the arm that he was carrying. This was all so strange. Would this really work? Shaking his head and ridding all doubts from his brain Maxwell got on his horse and began his long trip to the Kingdom of Lagon. Riding across the lush fields Maxwell couldn't help but look down at the arm again. That Dark Elf Drake was indeed a brave one. Who in the world would cut off there own arm just becuase they thought that someone was in so many words there chosen one? Maxwell could only hope that he lived up to Drakes expectations. After traveling for hours on end Maxwell finally arrived at the Kingdom of Lagon. While slowly riding through the streets of Lagon people flashed him looks of disgust. They began to mutter to each other. Angered that he would work for someone like the King. Yet none of them were any better. They could run there mouths but when it came to action they did nothing for fear of there own life. Having the horse make its way to the stables Maxwell jumped off of the horse and made his way up the stairs that would lead him to the castle. Once he was stopped by the guards Maxwell held up Drakes arm and looked the men in there eyes. " I have done what you all could not. I have killed the rebels in the forest. I'm sure the King would like to see this. So please move aside. " Looking at Maxwell then at each other in shock the two guards moved to the side allowing entry for Maxwell into the castle. Once Maxwell was inside and the door was closed the guards looked at each other and the one standing on the left smiled. " Looks like you owe me five gold coins." With a slight sigh the guard on the right tossed a bag of gold coins to the other guard.


Makeing his way down the hall Maxwell turned opened the large doors in front of him and walked into the throne room. There up on his throne the King could be seen drinking a rather large glass of wine. Looking down at Maxwell and the cuts on his body the King would laugh and drink the rest of his wine. Tossing the cup behind him the King shook his head and raised his hand causing the men in the room to raise there guns and crossbows. " So you couldn't do it huh boy? Thats to bad. You had such talent to. Oh well." However before the King could lower his hand Max tossed Drakes arm in front of the King making the King's eyes grow wide. Calling off his men the King pointed to the arm having one of his men pick it up. Holding it out to the King the man set it down and back away. The King could not belive his eyes. This young man not only did what he was told but he brought back proof that the job was down. Clapping his hands and laughing King Aragorth looked around at his men. " Look before you men. This man is a true warrior. He did what none of you could do. Kill the two rebels in the forest. Not only that but he brought proof. Well done my boy. Well done. Stay at the Inn as long as you can pay. Hahahahaha!" And just like that Maxwell was kicked out of the castle. Indeed this King was a fool. Evil and cruel. After he got his way the King tossed people aside as if they were nothing at all. Indeed this man had to be taken care of. Walking away from the castle Maxwell made his way back to Inn. While walking along the streets the people of the Kingdom of Lagon glared at Maxwell. A man they thought was only the lap dog of the King. Working for him to get what he wanted and nothing more. How wrong they were. Just then a tomato hit Maxwell right in the face. Splattered across his closed eyes and running down his face Maxwell turned and coverd himself with his cloak trying to clean his face.


Once the mess was cleaned up Maxwell looked around to see who had the guts to do such a thing. And there he saw a child. A small child who could be no older than six. Tears filled his eyes as he grit his teeth at Maxwell. Looking down at the boy Maxwell sighed and took a step forward just to be hit with yet another tomato. This one hit him right in the center of his clothes. Then another tomato hit Maxwell right in his arm. The juice began to drip down the bullet holes that showed on his arm. " Get out of our Kingdom! You dog! How could you do the bidding of the King!? Just so you could stay at an Inn? You are no better than him! Your lower than dirt!" One woman called out before lifting her hand to throw another tomato. " It's easy to speak such things when you do nothing to help your Kingdom isn't it?" Maxwell voiced out while stepping forward slowly. The womans eyes grew wide as her hand slowly lowered to her side. " You and the people of this Kingdom are nothing but hypocrites. Speaking about me being a dog for doing something you know nothing of. You do your daily duties that he tells you to so you won't die right? Then how are you and I so different? Its ok for to die but not you? Am I the one who is lower than dirt? Or is it you lot?" With that Maxwell walked past the now sad faced civilians. Walking into the Inn and shutting the door behind him Maxwell sighed and gave a nod to the Inn keeper before making his way up his room. Today had been a long and interesting day. And tonight he had to go back out to meet with Crim and Drake again in order to hear the rest of this plan they were thinking up to overthrow the King.


Taking off his cloak and placing it on the chair that sat by the window Maxwell walked out the room and into the restroom that located back down stairs of the Inn. Grabing the bucket from the restroom and filling it with water Maxwell placed a rag in said bucket before heading back up to his room. Sitting down on the bed and bringing the chair close to him Maxwell grabbed his cloak and began to clean it. He didn't wish for the tomato stain to settle in on his cloak. The clothes on his back were all he had. So he had to take care of them. However thanks to Crim and Drake his clothes were now cut and torn. A bullet hole in his right arm and another in his left. As well as cuts on his leg. Yes when Maxwell found the time he was going to have to go shopping. After cleaning the stain from his cloak Maxwell sighed and gave a nod. Now he had to clean his wounds. Taking his sword from his sheath Maxwell dug the bullets out of his arms. Gritting his teeth from the pain Maxwell placed the bullets in the water filled bucket. Placing his sword on the bed Maxwell dug into his bag that he left in the Inn. It was filled with medical supplies. But not much. Mainly stitching and ointment. After patching his arms and leg up with the stitching Maxwell placed the ointment on his wounds. Once that was down Maxwell let out a huge a sigh before laying beside his sword.


Closing his eyes Maxwell began to drift off to sleep. He would rest until it was time to head out. And while he rested Maxwell began to dream. Of his old farm. Of his old life. Of his mother and father. And of the men in black cloaks. Of the fire and his mothers lifeless body in front of him. Of his fathers last words. And of his quest. Just then a loud shriek echoed in Maxwells head and a ghost like face with a black cloaked hood over its head appeared in Maxwell's dream causing him to wake in fright. Looking around the room Maxwell began to pant hard dripping in a cold sweat. Hunching over and sighing Maxwell washed his face with the water in the bucket before standing up and placing his sword back in its sheath. Placing his cloak back over his body our young hero looked out the window and sighed. It was about to be dark. He had better get a move on soon. So grabbing his back and his sword Maxwell left out his room and made his way out the Inn. Walking to the stables Maxwell got onto a horse and began to make his way towards the woods. Luckily for him the guards were tending to the Kings needs so they paid no mind to Maxwell riding off to the woods. The time had come now. To put this plan into actions. Very soon war would reach the Kingdom of Lagoon. The song of a freedom was ringing through the lands. And the foolish King was to dumb to hear it.

© 2012 Dark Sea Captain

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Added on June 5, 2012
Last Updated on June 5, 2012


Dark Sea Captain
Dark Sea Captain


I am working on a story at the moment and hope to get it done soon. more..

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A Chapter by Dark Sea Captain