![]() Chapter OneA Chapter by Dark Sea CaptainThe land of Mare. A rich and thriveing land that holds many types of people and creatures. Dragons and many other creaturs call this place home and along with Kings and other nobel men. We find ourselvs in the busy kingdom of Lagon. A kingdom known for its fine warrios and its cruel ways. In this city there is but one rule. Work hard or die. The King is a cruel man who lives high on the hog thanks to the blood, sweat and tears of the people who live below him. Never needing to work a day in his life the King made sure that he and his family would always stay at the top of the food chain. He was not always the King mind you. Before him ruled a kind King who did everything for his people. And beside him stood his Adviser Aragorth Langsly. However one day the king was struck down by Aragorth. And his former adviser rose to the seat of power. Yes. The cruel King is none other than Aragorth Langsly. The so called rightful King of the Kingdom of Lagon. Below the Kingdoms castle lays the dungons. Where the rightful heir to the thron lays weak and near death. Wanting to keep the son of the former king close to him Aragorth made sure not to kill him. The heir to the throns name is Larfic Airheart. And like his father he would have ruled with kindness and a gentle heart. However thanks to King Aragorth that day may never come. But with the passing wind comes change. For a cloacked stranger has found his way into the Kingdom Lagon. His name? Maxwell Lockheart. Maxwell walked the streets of Lagon looking over the map he had obtained from his father so many years ago. Now at the age of twenty Maxwell had deemed himself worthy of seeking out the Two Doors and this man named Red. For years Maxwell has trained himself to become stronger. And now it was time for him to carry out his destiny. While looking over his map Maxwell rubbed his chin before running his finger over a trail that led through the Kingdom of Lagon on the map. He was heading the right way. While walking the road and moving forward Maxwell stopped in his trakes when he heard people speaking amonsgst each other. They were mumbleing about King Aragorth and the rest of the corupt royal family. Walking over to the group of people Maxwell began to listen in on there conversation. " Two years we have had to deal with King Aragorth and his corupt ways. How much longer must we suffer?" A woman asked while sobbing. An elderly man could be seen shakeing his head. " We have it rough yes. But what about Larfic Airheart. I hear stories of that poor boy being locked away in the castle dungon. We may have our problems. But Larfic is starving and no one is aiding him. He may die. I would rather deal with my own problems than be in his shoes. That poor boy." Once the elderly man was done speaking Maxwell looked toward the castle and shook his head. Such a tragic story. " He has lost everything. His father was killed right before his eyes. And now he sits in the dungon waiting for death. Think about that the next time you feel like complaining about coruption." And just like that the crowed dispersed leaving Maxwell to think over what he had just heard. " So this Larfic Airheart lost his father thanks to a corupt King? He and I share a similare fate. " Maxwell said before walking down the path again. Maxwell felt as if he shoudl try and help Larfic. break him free from his shackles. But what coudl Maxwell do? He was only one man. It is true that he had grown in strength but not only were there royal guards but he knew not what this King was capabel of. But Maxwell could not turn a blind eye to the situation. He would have to plan his next move carefully. Placing the map into his satchle Maxwell walked into a near by inn. He would stay here while he thought of a way to help out the true heir to the thron. As soon as he enterd the Inn the room was a buzz with the talk of coruption. It seemed as if everyone was tired of the way the King was treating them. Then why not start a rebelion? It seemed logical. But fear was known to stop even the strongest warriors in there tracks. Prehaps the same could be said for the people of Lagon. They grew tired of being oppressed but they lacked a good leader to lead them into battle. Maybe this was the way Maxwell could help Larfic. By starting a rebelion maybe, just maybe Maxwell could save Larfic and free the Kingdom of Lagon. many would call it idiotic to help a person one did not know. Let alone a whole Kingdom. But for Maxwell it was a diffrent story. He did not just see people he did not know standing before him. He placed himself in there shoes. No one was around to help his family when the men in black cloaks attacked. However Maxwell was here in the peoples time of need. So he would not turn a blind eye to them in there troubled times. Unlike the rest of the world would. Walking up to the inn keeper Maxwell gave a nod to the man and hid his hands within his cloak. " I am in need of a room. I will be staying here for a while. Untill I have cleared up a few things. So I wish to pay for the days in advance. " With that said Maxwell gave the Inn keeper a months worth of rent. A month would be more then enough time to gather up people for a rebelion. At least thats what Maxwell was thinking. He would have to check around the kingdom and see who else is tired of this king and his evil ways. From what he saw and heard from first entering the Kingdom he knew it wouldn't take that long. Once he made his way into his room Maxwell took off his cloak and set it on the bed. On his hip sat a sword. He had found it in his fathers barn and had been useing it since that day. Resting the sword on the bed as well Maxwell sat down on the bed and rubbed his eyes. He knew that finding the two doors would be hard be he never thought that he would be starting a rebelion. Before long Maxwell could hear yelling coming from outside of the Inn. Standing to his feet and making his way toward the window Maxwell's eyes grew wide as he watched the guards cut down the elderly man from before. Why would they do that. Listening to the guard speak Maxwells eyes grew narrow with rage. " Listen and listen well. The great King Aragorth will not tolorate any fowl words retaining his person. All who speak about the King in any manner or speak of the old king will be put to death on the spot. No trial. As orderd by the King. " Once his speach was done the guard left the area. Once the guard left Maxwell walked away from the window and sat on the bed. He knew things were bad from what the people spoke of. But this bad? That you would be put to death in front of everyone around you if you spoke out about the King and his evil ways? Something had to be done. But what. As Maxwell thought a few things over he heard commotion downstairs. Grabbing his blade Maxwell opened the door slightly and looked down to the lower level to see what was happening. To his surprise it was one of the Kings guards. Why was he here? While the guard spoke with the Inn keeper Maxwell watched as the Inn Keeper pointed up to the room Maxwell was in. What was this about? Was the guard asking for Maxwell? Why? Before long the guard began to make his way up the stairs and toward Maxwells room. Closing the door and sitting on the bed Maxwell took out his sword and began to clean it. Acting as if he knew nothing that was about to happen. When the guard enterd the room Maxwell eyed the man and cracked his neck. Ready for anything. Just then the guard handed Maxwell something. It was a roll of paper. Taking the roll of paper the guard stood there at atteion. " The King has asked to see you. He wishes to speak with all peopel who enter his Kingdom. You are to head to the castle at once. Come with your wepons if you wish. That is all." With that the guard left the room and closed the door behind him. Leaving Maxwell there to think about what he should do. How the hell did the King even know that there was someone new in the Kingdom? Word seemed to travle fast in this kingdom. Placing his sword away Maxwell grabbed hsi cloak and got ready for the meeting with the King. Once Maxwell was ready he strapped his blade to his belt and began to make his way down the stairs. Eyeing the Inn keeper Maxwell glared at the man before walking outside. he was angry with the man but in truth Maxwell couldn't stay mad for to long. In this Kingdom it was ether couporate or be killed. So Maxwell could understand the man's choice. As he walked the streets Maxwell was given many look's. Some filled with hope and some filled with fear. A new person in the Kingdom was not always a good thing. With each new stranger trouble could always follow. Once maxwell reached the castle he looked up at the large building and then the steps that would lead him to his destination. The steps were many. They may have in fact nummberd in the hundreds. Looking up in awe Maxwell marveled with at the work before him. Who knew how long it took to make the castle the curent King lived in. Walking up the steps Maxwell rested his hand on his blade and walked toward the guards who were guarding the door. Handing them the roll of paper Maxwell eyed the guards waiting to see what they would do. Looking at each other the guards stepped out of the way and opened the two large doors that would lead Maxwell into the castle. Walking past the two guards yet again Maxwell was in awe at the layout of the castle. This was something Maxwell and his family could never affored. But then again since his family were nothing but farmers they would'nt be able to affored much. Walking through the halls of the castle Maxwell looked around wondering where the King was. Thats when a guard walked up beside him. " This way. I will lead you to the thron room. " With that the guard walked past Maxwell causing Maxwell to follow him. It was time to see this evil King. Maxwells grip around his swords hilt grew tighter as he grew closer and closer toward the end of the hall. Maxwell was ready for anything. Once they reached the end of the hall Maxwell enterd the thron room and the large doors closed behind him. Looking around the room Maxwell could not help but stare in astonishment. Everything looked amazing. Chandalers at the very top of the ceiling, fine wine and food on all the tables, and even silk rugs on the floor. This King was living the life. But outside the people of his kingdom strugled to get by. The Kingdom thrived only becuase the people of the Kingdom made it so. It was ether that or death. " Take a good look boy. For you will never amount to this wealth. So savor its taste." The voice that spoke was full of foolish pride. Looking forward Maxwell saw King Aragorth sitting on his thron laughing down at Maxwell. With a blank face Maxwell looked at the fool King and sighed. " You summond me?" Maxwell asked with narrowed eyes. Looking down at him the King scoffed and clapped his hands twice summoning four guards into the room. They began to circle Maxwell as the King spoke. " Indeed I did boy. Word travles fast in this Kingdom. And I heard that there was a stranger who paied to stay a month in advance in one of my Inn's. Now why would you need to do that boy? Are you trying polt agaisnt me boy?" King Aragorth asked looking down at Maxwell. Maxwell simply tapped his finger on his blade. " I am a simple traveler Your highness. I have been traveling for days now and I grow tired of the journy i'm on. I wished to stay here for a month then leave. That is all." Once Maxwell was done speak the King let out a laugh and shook his head. " Foolish boy. All who stay in my Kingdom must work. I care not if you are a traveler. You will work just like the other worthless fools who serve me. If you have no skills then you are of no use to me." Witht hat King Aragorth clapped his hands again and the guards charged toward Maxwell. With great speed Maxwell rolled out the way and drew his sword. Eyeing the guards carefully Maxwell waited for them to act. When one of the guards did attack Maxwell counterd by blocking the attack and spinning around the man stabbing his sword through the guards back. The guard could only gasp before falling on the ground dead. Looking toward the three remaining guard Maxwell pointed his sword at them and began to circle them. Ignoring the dead man on the floor the guards rushed toward Maxwell with killer intent. However Maxwell was ready. With swift fluid like motion Maxwell moved bettween the guards and cut each of them once. Cleaning the blood from his blade Maxwell kept his back to the guards as they fell to the floor dead. Just then Maxwell heard muskets and crossbows click. Looking back at the door Maxwell saw that there were guards at the ready. All aimed at Maxwell. Placing his sword back in its sheath Maxwell held up his hands showing he would surrender. However he was not met with the sounds of gunshots but with laughter. Turning and faceing the King Maxwell rose his eyerbow. Why the hell was this fool laughing? Becuase he had won and maxwell gave up? " Well done boy. Your skills with that blade are far better than I thought they would be. Who taught you how to fight?" The King asked leaning forward slightly. Maxwell looked up at the King and placed his hands behind his back. " The land of Mare is vast your Highness. There are many races as you know and each have diffrent fightign styles. I learned my fighting style from a Dark elf. He was a master of the water blade style. A style of fighting that allows you to be ever changing like the water. This is how I fight. " Maxwell looked up at the King who simply waved off the exsplanation. " I care not for your life story. I simply wished to knwo where you learned to fight. Yes. You will indeed be usefull. I have a mission for you. Do this task and you can stay in that inn for the month you paid for. Refuse and my men will fire. Understood?" Maxwell could only look at the King with hidden anger in his eyes. " Yes your Highness. I will do as you say. " Smileing at his victory the King clapped his hands causing the guards holding the crossbows and muskets to lower there weapons. " Good boy. To the east of here is a forest. I have heard that there are two men in that forest who wish to see me dead. However they have compleatly bleanded in with the forest. So my guards can do very little. One uses stealth to kill and the other uses a new type of gun I have yet to see. The posibility that you may die is high. But for your sake you better hope that you find and kill them. For if you come back and you have failed then I will will kill you myself." Nodding toward the King Maxwell closed his eyes and held back his anger. So he was to fin and kill the people who were ploting agasint the king? The King knew not what he had done. " You may take one of the horses to make your trip faster. Now go! I do not wish to see you back in my kingdom until the deed is done." With that the King pointed toward the door. Turning his back to the King Maxwell walked past the guards and out of the castle. He would do as the King asked and head toward the forest. But he would do no such thing. Maxwell would try and recruit the two rebles in the forest. That is if Maxwell didn't die thanks to them. Makeing his way toward the stables Maxwell found a strong looking horse and began to get ready. Before long Maxwell was ready to go. Seated on the horse Maxwell rushed off toward the forest ready to confront the two rebles. With his hand gripping his sword and an iron will Maxwell was ready to start a rebelion. © 2012 Dark Sea Captain |
1 Review Added on June 5, 2012 Last Updated on June 5, 2012 Author![]() Dark Sea CaptainMDAboutI am working on a story at the moment and hope to get it done soon. more..Writing