Today is a gray day,
Clouds are everywhere.
The rain is coming in the distance,
It's scent comes to meet me.
I see the lightning in the sky outlining every shade,
Every wisp, giving life to the shadows below.
I see the wind moving the leaves, the grass in the field.
Rushing to catch any and all that run from the coming storm.
I feel the chill, my skin comes alive from the cool touch.
The damp in the air, the anticipation of a cleansing to come.
I hear the roar of thunder in the background.
Breathing life into each movement, giving it a purpose of it's destination.
Then It comes,
The rain comes.
The drops fall on my skin as pin pricks,
Soft and delicate, then stronger and stronger.
Running down my skin, leaving roads of liquid deep,
Roads of precious water.
The trees dance wildly to the music of the wind.
The rain swirls and dips to the rhythm of the storm.
I stand and behold this beauty, this show of nature.
I stand and watch this display of power and care.
Today was a gray day, my favorite day of all.
Clouds are everywhere.
The rain is coming in the distance,
It's scent comes to meet me.
I see the lightning in the sky outlining every shade,
Every wisp, giving life to the shadows below.
I see the wind moving the leaves, the grass in the field.
Rushing to catch any and all that run from the coming storm.
I feel the chill, my skin comes alive from the cool touch.
The damp in the air, the anticipation of a cleansing to come.
I hear the roar of thunder in the background.
Breathing life into each movement, giving it a purpose of it's destination.
Then It comes,
The rain comes.
The drops fall on my skin as pin pricks,
Soft and delicate, then stronger and stronger.
Running down my skin, leaving roads of liquid deep,
Roads of precious water.
The trees dance wildly to the music of the wind.
The rain swirls and dips to the rhythm of the storm.
I stand and behold this beauty, this show of nature.
I stand and watch this display of power and care.
Today was a gray day, my favorite day of all.