![]() DivaricationA Story by Crow![]() Casimir and Edmund are twins in a world where twins are telepathically linked. When a killer has been loose for 3 months, Casimir decides to take matters into his own hands, and Edmund doesn't approve![]() “Cas? Can you drive me home?” Casimir looked around wildly at the sound of his brother’s voice, only to find that his office was still empty. He sighed, cursing the telepathic link between him and his brother. Glancing outside his window, he saw that the sun had started to set. The pinks, blues, and yellows were breathtaking against the city skyline. “First of all, don’t do that. You know I don’t appreciate it when you enter my mind without warning, especially when I am busy. Secondly, can’t you drive yourself home?” “Not really. My car broke down again.” Casimir sighed in frustration. This was the third time this month that the stupid car had died. “This wouldn’t happen if you just got a new car, Ed.” “But I like my car! And before you ask, I refuse to take a cab or catch the bus.” “I know, I know.” Casimir stood up and smoothed out his dark blue suit jacket. “Where are you?” “I’m at Wolf Point. Also, can you bring a spare jacket? It’s getting cold.” “Alright. I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” “Thanks, bro!” Casimir rolled his eyes. Sometimes he wondered how he and Edmund were related, much less twins. He walked out of his office and locked the wooden door. Tucking his laptop under his arm, Casimir walked through the pristine hallways and down the stairs to the lobby. “Are you leaving for the day, Mr. Hart?” The young girl working at the front desk asked, fidgeting nervously in her seat. Casimir hadn’t seen her before; she was probably new. “I am. Make sure you alert security when you leave, and lock the front door.” “I will. Have a good weekend, Mr. Hart!” Casimir was greeted by a blast of cool, autumn wind as soon as he stepped outside. The wind tore through his caramel colored hair. No wonder Edmund wanted me to bring a jacket, he thought. It’s getting really cold! “No kidding!” Edmund interrupted his thoughts once again. “Hurry up, please!” “Calm down. I’m on my way.” Casimir looked up and down the busy street, trying to remember where he parked his car. He finally found it next to an ash tree with beautiful amber and scarlet leaves. He opened the trunk, took out his spare jacket, placed his computer in a corner, and closed the lid. He brushed some leaves off the hood and climbed in, patting himself down to find his keys. The engine roared to life, and Casimir started to drive. It didn’t take him long to reach the park. It did, however, take a while to find Edmund. Edmund, where are you? I’m here! He got no response. He reached out his mind, hoping that his brother was paying attention to his surroundings. Perhaps he was near a landmark of somesort. “I bet Lady Elizabeth did it. She has the most opportunity, and her motives are pretty good. I mean, I would probably kill Sebastian too if I believed he was putting my fiance in danger. Although, Charles Gray and William T. Spears both made it painfully obvious that they both held a great disdain for the man. What if the two of them were working together? Or maybe it was all three of them!” Casimir shook his head. It seemed that Edmund was too engrossed in his book to notice anything going on around him. He decided to wander around for a while. It was dark by the time he found Edmund. Casimir had to take out his phone and turn on the flashlight. Edmund was sitting under a large oak tree, reading by the dim light of a nearby lamp. “Hey. You ready to go home now?” Edmund finally tore his eyes away from his book. “Hey! I thought you would never get here!” “I actually got here a while ago. I just couldn’t find you.” Casimir tossed his brother the jacket he had brought with, which Edmund accepted gratefully. The brothers walked briskly back to the car in silence, admiring the beauty of Wolf Point at night. It was the largest park in the area, and arguably the best maintained as well. Even in the dark, you could still make out the details on almost every rock and tree thanks to the floating lights spread throughout the park. The moon and stars reflected off of the many ponds, creating the perfect environment for relaxing. “I can’t believe you’re still driving that roller skate,” Edmund laughed when they reached the car. “It’s still better than that pile of junk you have,” Casimir growled. “Hey, now! The Ford Thunderbird is a classic! Mine just has a few minor issues.” “Sure. Just some ‘minor’ problems.” Edmund stuck his tongue out while Casimir smirked at him. “Come on, dork. Get in the car.” The city was almost completely empty at night. Most buildings had their lights off, and there were few cars on the roads. Finding a place to park was going to be difficult, though. Cars of all shapes, sizes, and colors were lined up seemingly without end in front of every apartment building. “How about I just drop you off in front of your building?” “No way! It’s Friday, Cas. You need some time to relax, and what better way to unwind than spending time with your favorite brother!” “You’re my only brother, Ed.” “All the more reason to spend some quality time with me! Come on, I have a new two player game I really want to try.” “Alright. How could I say no to a chance to beat you in yet another video game?” “You wish!” After driving around for a while longer, Casimir found an open spot close enough to the building where he wouldn’t get lost trying to find his car later. Edmund practically jumped out of the car and took off. “Last one to my apartment has to do the dishes!” “I am NOT going to do your dishes again!” Casimir tore off after his brother, catching up relatively quickly. The two burst through the doors, pushing and shoving all the way to Edmund’s apartment on the 5th floor. Casimir was the first one inside the room. “I win! Now you actually have to do your own dishes!” “You only won because I had to unlock the door. If it wasn’t for that, I would have beat you!” Edmund panted heavily. “Whatever you say, little brother.” Edmund lightly punched Casimir. “Ow, that hurt so much!” Casimir said dramatically. “When did you get so strong?” He pretended to admire Edmund’s imaginary muscles, causing both of them to burst into a fit of laughter. “Go get changed, you big ugly brute. Don’t want you messing up your suit any more than it already is.” “You still have some of my clothes in your closet, right?” “Yep. They’re exactly where you left them last time.” “What, haven’t you washed them?” “Maybe I have, maybe I haven’t. The world may never know!” “You really are an insufferable twit.” “I know. It’s part of why you love me.” “Keep telling yourself that.” Casimir turned away from his brother entered the single bedroom and was greeted by papers strewn across the floor. Most of them had incoherent scribbles on them, but a few of them had character designs. The wooden nightstand next to his bed was cluttered with empty food wrappers and plates. His writing desk contained more paper and several empty mugs, presumably ones that had held coffee during one of Edmund’s late night writing sprees. Ignoring the mess, Casimir started digging through the closet to find his gray hoodie and a pair of jeans. After he finished changing, Casimir made sure his gun had the safety lock on, and then walked out into the living room to see Edmund sitting on the floor in front of the TV, setting up the game console. There was a bowl of popcorn on the stained coffee table in the center of the square room, as well as two cans of root beer. Casimir sat down on the ancient couch. “So, what are we playing?” “It’s the new Alien vs. Predator game.” Edmund finished setting up and threw Casimir one of the controllers. “I just picked it up today.” Edmund took a seat next to Casimir and they started to play. They laughed and taunted each other; it felt as though they were children once again. Casimir won the majority of the matches, although neither twin was surprised. “Whoo. I’m done for the night,” Casimir said, putting down the controller. “Same,” Edmund ran a hand through his wavy hair. “It’s kinda late. Do you just want to stay over tonight?” Casimir looked at the time. It was 12:30. “Why not. It’s not like I have work in the morning.” “Great! Let’s get the couch cleared off for you.” Casimir moved some papers from off the couch and got pillows while Edmund went to get some blankets. “Do you want to watch something before we go to bed, Cas?” “Nah. I wouldn’t mind just talking with you for a bit, though.” “Okay!” Edmund cuddled up close to his brother on the makeshift bed. “Nights like this are nice. I feel as if I don’t get to see you a lot anymore.” “I know. Work keeps me pretty busy these days. And it’s much harder to talk because you never know when I’m in a meeting.” “Well, I do know when you’re in a meeting because all you’re thinking of is numbers and charts and stuff.” “Hey! I think about a lot more than just numbers and charts during meetings.” “I know. That’s why I also said ‘stuff’. But it’s definitely not the same as when we were younger. Remember when you would ask me for help while you were taking a test because I was in a different class and could look up the answer?” Casimir laughed. “Oh my gosh, yes! I still can’t believe the teachers never figured out we were doing it. They knew we were twins, and it’s not as though the power is exclusive to us.” “Believe it or not, I miss high school.” “Really? While we were there, you absolutely hated it. I clearly remember you describing it as ‘a prison for both the mind and the body’.” “Yeah, well, I may or may not have been a bit emo at the time.” “A bit?” Casimir snorted. “Alright, old man, I think it’s time for bed.” Edmund got up and started walking towards his bedroom door. “I’m only 2 minutes older than you!” “Exactly!” Edmund said with a smile as he closed the door. “I love you, Cas.” “I love you too, Ed.” Once he was sure his brother was asleep, Casimir found the remote under the coffee table and turned the TV on so he could watch the news. “There was another shooting today; this time it was in an elementary school. 20 students were injured in the attack, and 5 teachers died protecting their students. The suspect, a man known only by the name Alucard, has yet to be caught by police. Schools across the area will be closed until Alucard is caught and police warn citizens to be on the lookout and to try to travel with at least one other person at all times.” Casimir felt the burning rage rising inside of him. Not just at Alucard, who dared to think for even a moment that his actions were acceptable, but also at the community leaders for not doing enough to stop him. This is Alucard’s 10th attack in the span of three months, and they are just now deciding to shut down schools! Not to mention if there was any competent person in the police department he would’ve been caught by now. But no, three months have gone by, and he’s still out there! If I was in charge, there wouldn’t be this issue. I would’ve made sure he got caught within the first week! “... In other news, the Ravens have been having issues lately, as their star player got injured…” And then they completely gloss over it afterwards! They go on as if nothing is wrong except a stupid basketball player getting injured! Casimir turned off the TV and threw the remote against a wall. He had dealt with enough for the day. Climbing under the blankets, he rolled over and fell into a fitful sleep.
***** Is that bacon? Casimir woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes, accompanied by his brother singing with the radio. Edmund had a beautiful voice; the few people who heard it often described it as fruity and silvery. “Too bad you never got over your stage fright, Ed. You could’ve been a world class musician,” Casimir mused as he sat down at the kitchen table. “That’s what everyone says. But I really enjoy being an author!” Edmund slid Casimir a plate full of food before sitting down himself. “Oh, and I hung your suit up by the door so you can take it when you’re ready to leave.” Once back at his own home, Casimir thought about the things he had been seeing on the news. No one was doing a good enough job, except the one man he wanted to fail. Alucard was excellent at wreaking havoc, and even better at avoiding capture. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him. What if he hurts Edmund? The longer he remains uncaught, the greater the risk my brother is in danger! I can’t let those idiots in charge continue to sit around and do nothing, but I also can’t openly say that. They have the support of the city, and it would be bad for business if I started acting on personal beliefs. Perhaps there is a loophole in the system… some way I can pull the strings without anyone realizing anything has happened… Casimir booted up his computer and started going through every legal file he could find, searching for any loophole, no matter how small, that would allow him control. Finally, he found it. Yes! This is exactly what I need. Slowly, he started formulating a plan. Elections are approaching fast. I can back up one of the mayor’s competitors, help them win the election. Once they do win, I can give them suggestions on what to do. I can try to guilt them into listening to me. After all, I helped them win the election, and I can help them again if they do what I want. I can make financial donations, one in the name of Hart Enterprises, and one in my own name. Perhaps I can even host some fundraising parties. Now it’s just a matter of which one… Casimir’s fingers flew across his computer keyboard as he researched each of the candidates. This looks promising… He scanned the page of the youngest candidate, Elle Mendoza. She’s never held a political office before, and she has no experience with law. I can use her! With my guidance, she will be able to do anything. Perhaps I should dig up some dirt on her as well, just in case. Casimir smiled wickedly. No one will be able to stop me, and if anything goes wrong, Elle will take the fall! I can make the world a better place. Everything will be perfect. I’ll be able to take down pricks like Alucard. Maybe if this goes well, I’ll see if I can get the governor on my side, and possibly even the president! “Cas, this is a terrible idea! You shouldn’t abuse the system. Not to mention, your speech is akin to a cliche villain monologue. I would know, I’ve written plenty of them.” “Edmund! How many times have I told you not to read my mind unless it is an emergency!” “Sorry. I just wanted to tell you that you left your phone…” “Couldn’t you just text me?” “Ummm… no. Your phone is at my place!” “Oh, yeah. Anyway, how much of that did you hear?” “Pretty much all of it… And it confirms what I have known all along. You’re an idiot.” “Look, I’m doing this to protect you, okay? No one seems to know how to do their job, and consequently a murderer has been on the loose for three months. THREE months, Edmund!” “So? If you want to cause change, you should go about it in an honest way, not by manipulating people! Puppets can only do so much…” “Just trust me, okay?” “Fine. What about your phone, though?” “You can just drop it off in the lobby.” Casimir ran his hands through his hair as he sank into the fluffy cushions of his favorite chair. Edmund should not have found out about this. Although Edmund’s intentions were good, he had a bad habit of messing up Casimir’s plans and getting him in trouble. He still hadn’t forgiven him for busting the senior prank. Casimir was going to set up a bunch of red string so all the hallways were similar to the laser fields seen in movies protecting important things. Edmund said it could be dangerous, but the rest of the class ignored him and decided to do it. Edmund told the principle and so when they came back to school that night, their principle was waiting for them. She made them clean the entire school. I won’t let my brother stop me this time. I’m doing this for his own good, as well as the good of the city! I’ll talk to Elle sometime this week, and then make an official announcement about my donation on Friday. Friday came too soon for Casimir. Edmund was still mad at him for even considering doing this, let alone actually following through with his plan. Elle Mendoza was waiting for Casimir when he walked into his office, fidgeting nervously. “Ah, Mr. Hart! So good to see you. I’m so glad you decided to show your support. You have no idea how much it means to me to have you back me up.” “Oh, you don’t need me backing you up, Miss Mendoza,” Casimir chuckled. “The people already seem to love you!” “That’s what they say now, but they may change their mind on election day. It’s always best to have extra support.” “I suppose that’s true,” Casimir looked out the window. If only I had my brother’s support. “May I ask you something, Mr. Hart?” “Call me Casimir. And by all means, go ahead.” “Why are you deciding to back me? You and your company have always been relatively impartial in elections.” “I’m worried about the city, like every other citizen. Mayor Thompson is far from perfect, and the crime rate has gone up significantly with her in office. We need someone new, someone with different ideas on how to run things.” He looked into her curious bright blue eyes. “We need you, and I’m the perfect person to help you.” Elle eyed him suspiciously. “Help me with what?” “What else would someone in your position need help with? Winning the election! I am a businessman, Miss Mendoza. It’s part of my job to keep an eye on politics and what other companies are doing about it, such as who they’re supporting. Therefore, it has come to my attention that several of your supporters have pulled their funding for your campaign. I don’t know why, and I don’t know exactly how many, but I do know that you can’t win without a campaign, no matter how much people appreciate you now. So, you need my financial support to win, and I need you to make sure Alucard gets caught.” Before Elle could respond, my secretary opened the door. “Miss Mendoza? Mr. Hart? They’re ready for you downstairs.” “Shall we?” “After you,” Casimir said, gesturing toward the door. The lobby was overflowing with people. Reporters started yelling as soon as they spotted Casimir with Elle while cameras flashed with blinding lights. Casimir straightened out his suit and stepped up to the podium, flashing his best smile. “Thank you all so much for coming today. As you are all aware, it is election season. Normally, I keep my political beliefs to myself, but this election means something more than it usually does. The crime rate has been going up, and I believe that we need someone new to try and run things. While I have a lot of respect for Mayor Thompson, she has been in office for several terms at this point and it seems like nothing has been done about any of the problems facing our great city. I believe that Elle Mendoza is the perfect person to take over. She is young, intelligent, and, from what I can tell from previous conversations with her, she has a lot of ideas that hold potential. Because of this, my company and I are donating to her campaign and I personally pledge my vote to her.” Reporters started yelling over each other, trying to get Casimir’s attention. He ignored them and returned to his office. As much as I would love to stay and answer your questions, he thought as he left, I have a business to run. A few nights later, Casimir was lounging in his chair, flipping between channels on the TV. Normally, he would talk to Edmund until his brother fell asleep, but Ed had been ignoring him since the announcement. “It seems the Hart twins are on opposite sides of the election this year.” Casimir stopped scrolling through channels, confused. How were he and Edmund on opposite sides of the election? “Earlier this week, Casimir Hart, CEO of Hart Enterprises, announced his support of Elle Mendoza, claiming that there needs to be new management in office in order for things to get better. His brother, Edmund Hart, posted an article on his blog, Authors Write, expressing his support of the current mayor, Emelia Thompson. He claimed that ‘right now, there is no room for someone with zero experience. While new ideas aren’t a terrible idea, we are at a point where whoever is in charge should have held at least one other office before running for this one.’” Casimir stared dumbfounded at the TV as the news anchor continued talking. “Edmund!” He called out, hoping that Ed was done ignoring him. “What do you want, Cas.” “Did you really make that post?” “Which one? I make a lot of posts.” “The one about the election!” “Oh. That post. Yes, I made that.” “Why?” “Why not? You’ve decided to make your political views known, so why can’t I?” “Ed, I’m trying to make sure you stay safe. I don’t trust other people, and recent events have only continued to prove me right. Sometimes, you have to do things yourself. I would run for office myself, but I refuse to give up my business.” Edmund was silent for a moment. “This is about Alucard, isn’t it?” “Partially.” “What do you mean ‘partially’? What else is it?” “Look, Ed, I just want to protect you. If I’m being honest, I’m afraid that Alucard, or someone else like him, could hurt you, whether intentional or not. It seems as though nothing has been done to stop him, and I want to change that.” “Cas, I appreciate you trying to protect me like this, but there are better ways. You have a brilliant mind. You could use it to give the police strategic advice about where he might attack next based on patterns in his previous behavior. Besides, I’m an adult. There is no need to protect me.” “Whatever, Edmund. You just need to trust me.” Casimir got no response. Why won’t he trust me? He sighed. I suppose it doesn't matter. I’m going through with my plan anyway. Campaign season raged on. Casimir and Edmund had even less time to spend together, although that didn’t bother either of them. Casimir hosted numerous lavish parties of various sorts for Elle’s campaign and helped her write speeches, as well as spending time with her in general. After all, Casimir thought, she’s more likely to trust my advice in general if she knows me. Meanwhile, Edmund was writing his political views on his blog, continuing to express his support of the mayor and his concern for his twin’s newfound interest in politics. ***** Election day approached fast. Casimir had cast his vote early in the day, and was anxiously watching the polls, hoping to determine the outcome soon. It was a tight race, and all the news sources in the area had different predictions on who would win. Casimir would not look away from his computer screen for any reason, not even to eat. It was late by the time the final vote had been cast and the winner decided. Almost all of Casimir’s staff had gone home, and an eerie silence had fallen over the city. “No!” Casimir yelled, standing up with such force that his chair tipped over. “How could I lose? Everything was going perfectly!” A dark shadow crossed in front of his eyes as he realized the answer. Edmund has ruined my plans again! Casimir raced to his car and speed off to Edmund’s apartment, ignoring all street signs and traffic lights. Outside the building, he parked his car haphazardly and he stormed inside. “Edmund!” He yelled, yanking the door open. Edmund looked up from his game. “Hold on, guys. I’m going AFK.” He moved his headphones so they hung around his neck and put down the controller. “What’s up?” “What’s up? Really? You know what’s up! You messed everything up again!” “What do you mean? What did I mess up?” “The election! Everything was going perfectly, and then you just had to open your big mouth and I lost!” “Cas, chill out. It’s just an election.” Edmund turned back to his game. “No, Ed, it’s not just an election! I was going to fix everything! You would be safe, and so would everyone else. I was going to eradicate homelessness and unemployment!” “Cas, I love you and all of your ambition, but even you couldn’t have done all of that.” “I could’ve done it. But now I can’t!” Without thinking, Casimir took his gun out from his jacket and took off the safety lock. “You ruined everything, just like you always have!” “Casimir, calm down!” Edmund yelled, standing up. “I didn’t ruin anything! You’re just overreacting.” “No, I’m not. You ruined this, just like you ruined my chance of getting onto the student council in high school and the senior prank!” Edmund started walking forward. “Put the gun down, Cas. We can talk. Everything will be okay!” Blinded by rage, Casimir pulled the trigger. BAM! Edmund stumbled backwards and leaned against the wall. Looking down, he saw a red stain spreading across his golden hoodie. With shaking hands, he touched the wound in his abdomen. He looked his twin in the eye, face growing pale. “Cas…” he whispered. “Ed? Edmund!” Casimir dropped the gun and ran to Edmund’s side. “No. No, no, no, no! I’m sorry, Ed! I didn’t mean it!” Casimir held his brother close, sobbing into his shoulder. Casimir tried to reach out with his mind for Edmund, but nothing was there. Time seemed to come to a halt. Casimir had no idea how long he was there, and he didn’t care. I killed him… I killed my brother… Edmund, I’m so sorry… You were right… I overreacted… and it cost you your life… His mourning was interrupted by police sirens blaring from outside. He jumped up, startled. Crap! Someone must’ve called the cops… Casimir looked at Edmund’s dead body. I’ve got to get out of here. Casimir ran crept down the stairs, doing his best not to be noticed. He tried going through the front door, only to find it swarming with police officers. His eyes widened as he slowly backed up, racking his brain to remember where the other exit was. “Hey, stop!” One of the police officers yelled. “We need to ask you some questions.” I can’t let them ask me anything! They’ll find out what happened. My life will be ruined! Casimir started to panic. After deciding he had no other option, Casimir ran forward, plowing his way through the police like they were bowling pins. Someone tried to grab his arm, but he kicked them, forcing them to let go. “Stop him!” Casimir continued running through the dark streets, but now he had several cops following him. Every time one caught up to him, he fought them off. Adrenaline kept pushing him forward, even though his breaths were ragged. BANG! Casimir stopped, pain growing in his stomach. He looked down and saw a wound similar to the one he left on Edmund. He fell forward and lay on the cold sidewalk under a streetlight. I’m sorry, he thought as he closed his eyes for the last time.© 2019 Crow |
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