![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by CrowThe rain splashed on my face. Tree branches whacked me as I ran. It was hard to see. I jumped over a log and rolled on the ground. I bounced back up and kept moving. Behind me, I heard a voice call out. “Faster, Katasha! And try to be quieter!” The mighty Mage Zachary Calomin needed to learn to stop talking. He didn’t help at all! He just distracted me, which usually made me run slower. I was willing to bet he wasn’t even actually running with me, just making it seem like he was. Tuning him out, I started to run faster. My strong legs pumped faster. I could hear my heart beating rapidly. At least my breath support was good! The edge of the forest was close. Sensing the end of training for the day, I ran faster. I was exhausted. Mage Zachary had been working me all day. You would think that I would be used to it after 14 years, but the Mage kept coming up with new ways to test me. Finally, I burst through the trees into a meadow. The rain had started to let up, and I looked up at the sky as I skidded to a stop. There was a rainbow. It looked so out of place since most of the sky was still grey from the clouds. Relieved that my long day of training was done, I fell into the muddy grass and closed my eyes. My rest was interrupted by Mage Zachary’s low, toneless voice. “You are improving Katasha, but not enough. Try a little harder next time.” Irritated, I sat up. “I am trying as hard as I can! I don’t understand why I have to do this. I am in top physical condition. Most of the guards won't fight me anymore because I always beat them!” “You would be in peak physical condition if you were completely human, yes. You must remember, though, that you are not completely human. You are a Dragonborn.” “You keep saying that, but you’ve never actually told me what it means to be a Dragonborn. Besides having the eye, of course.” “You will know everything when the time is right. At this moment, all you need to care about is making sure you are in the best condition mentally, physically, and magically.” He turned around and started walking away. “Let’s go back to the castle.” He never answers my questions! I thought. Brushing myself off, I followed him. We walked toward the Iron Mountains. The castle was built about 5,000 years ago into the side of a mountain. The largest city in the Kingdom of Thorkia, Kalaross, was built around the mountains and the castle. As we walked, I re-positioned my bangs so they covered my left eye. Mage Zachary told me that it is a symbol of the Dragonborn and I should be proud of it, but how can I take pride in something when I don’t know what it means? Besides, most people aren’t used to seeing a human with a purple dragon’s eye. We came to the edge of the city. I double checked and made sure I had everything. Now was not the best time, but it was better than never. My sword and shield were strapped to my back, and I had a knife in each boot. My rune was still under my shirt. Sighing with relief because nothing had gotten lost, I followed Mage Zachary into the city. I did my best to avoid people. I have no problems dealing with small groups, but bigger ones freak me out. I think part of it is because everyone tends to worship me like a god. Everyone who saw me immediately recognized me and bowed. I wish it was easier for me to fit in. Even if I didn’t have a dragon’s eye, though, I think I would still have some issues. Some things are unavoidable when you are a princess. Sensing my growing discomfort, Mage Zachary started walking faster. We took the more scenic route back to the castle, avoiding areas with a large number of people. I blocked everything out, although it was really hard because everyone was decorating the city for the Festival of Zingi. Everything was royal blue, silver, and yellow. Our flag was being flown proudly from almost every window. Finally, I was able to ignore all of that by focusing on the way Mage Zachary’s white hair moved with a life of its own. “Hail, Princess Katasha! Hail, Mage Zachary!” Said a guard I have never seen as we walked up to the castle gates. He seemed a bit taken back when Mage Zachary ignored him. Not wanting him to be discouraged, I said, “Hail, good sir! Don’t worry about Mage Zachary. He is just tired. How is your day going? Has anything interesting happened today?” “My day’s been alright. The most interesting thing to happen today was definitely the prince.” I raised an eyebrow, curious about what my brother had been doing. “He has been coming by every hour asking if you were back yet.” The guard laughed and I smiled. “Speaking of my brother…” I said. The guard followed my gaze to see my little brother, Luka, running towards me. “Kat!” he yelled. He smiled from ear to ear and his green eyes were filled with joy. I bent down and opened my arms. He ran right into them. I lifted him into the air. Luka laughed as I spun him around. Putting Luka down, I turned to the guard and said, “sorry to take away your only source of entertainment!” “Don’t worry about it, Your Highness. My shift is almost over anyway.” “Come on, Kat!” Luka said, pulling my arm. “I want to show you something!” Luka took me to the castle garden. He pointed at something at the bottom of the pool. It was a golden frog. He said he found it and now he had good luck! Laughing, I corrected him and told him that golden fish gave good luck, not frogs. He stuck his tongue out at me and said that he didn’t care because golden frogs were prettier. “Katasha!” I turned around to see Sif, my best friend, running towards me. Her dark braids were bouncing behind her. She was panting when she reached me. “There you are, Katasha! I have been looking for you. Your father wants you. He is in his study.” “Ok. Thanks, Sif.” Turning to Luka, I said, “Hey! Do you want to play with Sif while I go talk to Father?” “Sure!” Luka grabbed Sif by the hand and dragged her off. I smiled. Luka is adorable. Sif loves him like a brother. I walked back inside the castle. The corridors were filled with servants decorating for the Festival of Zingi. The castle was filled with light and color. I made my way to the king’s study, not stopping to talk to anyone. Usually, I would, but I didn’t want to keep Father waiting. I didn’t bother knocking on the large oak door when I got to the study. I just walked in. Father doesn't really care. If he was doing something important, he would have locked the door. I honestly think he likes it because it means he can stop for a while and talk to me instead. I closed the door behind me and waited for him to look up. I didn’t have to wait long. Almost as soon as he realized I was there, he closed his scroll and looked at me with a smile. “Hello, Katasha. How was your training today?” “That depends on who you are asking.” “Do you see anyone else in this room?” he asked sarcastically. “Well, I see you,” I replied. “Not. Funny.” Yes, it was, I thought. “Training went well. We worked on sword fighting and stamina. “No magic today?” “No. Mage Zachary says I need to be able to fight without magic.” My father thought for a moment. “He’s right. No matter how good you are with it, magic cannot be the first response for everything.” “I know, Father.” Deciding to turn the conversation toward why I had come, I said, “Sif said you wanted to talk to me.” “Oh. Yes. Well…” Father seemed to have a hard figuring out what to say. “I know you have no interest in ruling a kingdom, and I understand that, but, well…” “If you understand, that what’s the problem?” Father started running his fingers through his course, thick red beard. “Your mother has it in her head that you need to learn about politics. I understand where she is coming from. You are the heir to the throne. She doesn't want you to learn from me because she thinks I will let you do what you want. So, we decided that we should send you to another kingdom for a while.” I raised an eyebrow. This was without a doubt the most uncreative way my mother has tried to get me into politics. I wonder if my father is agreeing with her because he actually thought I needed to learn this, or because Mother threatened to dump his mead again. “Of course, Mage Zachary will go with you so you can continue your training. I can even arrange for Sif to go with you if you want.” Father was talking very fast. Mother definitely threatened to dump out his mead. “If I must,” I said. My father sighed with relief and leaned back in his chair. “I hope your mead is safe,” I said as I turned and began to walk out of the room. My father’s face turned as red as his beard. I smiled and walked out, making sure to close the door behind me. I decided to go find Sif and Luka. I’m sure Sif was curious about what Father wanted to tell me. Assuming, of course, she didn’t already know. I also wanted her opinion on the whole thing. Sif is one of the smartest people I know and will help me figure out if there is a way out of this. It was harder to find them than I thought it would be. It was almost dinner time, so everyone was out and about, trying to finish their tasks so they can go home. Most people didn’t notice me and those who did only gave me a polite nod before continuing with their tasks. I finally found them in Luka’s room, playing with his toys. Luka looked really happy. Sif saw me standing in the door out of the corner of her eye. “I’ll be back,” she said to Luka. He nodded and continued to play by himself. Sif pushed me back out into the hallway and closed the door. “Well?” “He wants me to go to another kingdom to learn about politics. It was Mother’s idea.” “What? Why would they send you away? Your father is a king! Can’t you learn from him?” “No. He won’t make me work and Mother knows that.” “What am I supposed to do without you?” Sif made a pouty face. “Father said you can come with me.” Sif smiled brightly. “Just as a heads up, though, Mage Zachary is coming.” Her smile lessened a little bit. Then, it disappeared completely. “What about Luka? He is very attached to both of us. I’m not sure he would handle the separation well.” “He might not. But Sif, keep in mind that he is 7. He needs to start to learn to be independent and not always cling to someone.” Luka opened the door. Sif and I turned around to face him. “Sif? Can we keep playing?” He asked sweetly. “You can join us too, Kat! I have a new game to play!” Sif and I looked at each other and smiled. Neither of us could ever say no to Luka. We followed him into his room. Luka handed each of us a wooden sword. “Sif, you can be my guard. Kat, you get to be a pirate! I am the king.” Sif kneeled before Luka. “My king,” she said. Pretending to burst into the room, I shouted, “Hahahahaha! I, Pirate Queen Katasha, have come to kidnap you, the king of this realm!” I began to wave my sword around menacingly. “You shall not take him!” replied Sif forcefully. Luka and Sif gripped their weapons and started fighting me. Sif and I did most of the fighting, but Luka got some really good swings in. He might have bruised me in a few places. Luka got knocked over. Sif and I jumped onto the bed and continued to fight. We were jumping and twirling, using the poles on the corners to our advantage. I almost had Sif beat when Luka came out of nowhere and tackled me from behind. The force sent me flying forward into Sif, who fell backward. All three of us ended up on the floor in a pile, laughing. “Katasha Rose! Get off the ground! Sif, you get up as well.,” yelled a ringing female voice. “Mother!” I said, surprised. I quickly brushed myself off and stood up. Sif did the same. Luka seemed content on the floor, playing with a wooden block. “Katasha, you are 17 years old. You should not still be rolling around on the floor with wooden toys. This is unacceptable behavior.” “Yes, Mother,” I said quietly. “Same goes for you, Sif,” Mother continued. “You are both training to become warriors and members of the royal court. Behave yourselves!” “Yes, Your Majesty,” Sif said sheepishly. “I’m glad you understand. Now, Katasha, Luka, go wash up for dinner. Sif, go wash up as well. You will be joining us tonight.” Without waiting for a response from anyone, she turned and left, her long skirts swishing. “Sorry I got you both in trouble,” Luka said. “Don’t worry about it, kiddo.” Sif ruffled his hair. “Go wash up like your mother told you to.” Luka nodded. Sif and I walked out if the room. “I’ll see you in a little bit, Sif,” I said. She smiled, nodded, and started walking toward her room. As I was walking to my room, I thought about my trip. Father hadn’t told me where I was going yet, so I had no clue who I would be studying under. I didn’t even know if I was studying under a king or just a lord. And what about Luka? How was he going to handle being alone? He is so shy. I still think he needs to learn to be independent but is this really the best way for it to happen? All of my thoughts disappeared momentarily when I walked into my room. My maid, Olivia, was waiting for me. She was holding a dress. It was pretty, sure, but I didn’t like dresses. I looked at it in disgust. “I’m not wearing that,” I sneered as I took off my breastplate. “Yes, you are,” Olivia insisted. “Now, get undressed. I have a bath ready for you.” Sighing with annoyance, I removed the rest of my armor and my clothes. Then, I went into the bathroom and slipped into the tub. The warm water felt nice against my skin. Olivia came in after a few minutes and started washing me. She combed my hair, pulling roughly whenever there were knots. The water was cold by the time we were done, and I was eager to get out. Olivia held out the dress for me to put on. Reluctantly, I took it. It was a tight-fitting dark green knee-length dress with full-length sleeves. Gold decorated the collar. It fit nicely like all my dresses do. The cloth was so light and thin, I almost didn’t realize it was there. After Olivia laced up my dress, I sat down in front of my mirror so Olivia could do my hair. She brushed it gently, pinning my bangs out of the way so you could see all of my face and put in a pair of emerald earrings. When she was done, she told me that everyone would be waiting for me. I thanked her and left. I walked into the dining hall to see Father and Sif having an arm wrestling contest. I could tell that both of them were trying, but no one was really getting anywhere. Father grit his teeth in determination. Sif’s arm slowly started going down, although she was still fighting back. Luka jumped up and started cheering Sif on excitedly. Mother glared at him disapprovingly, so he sat back down. However, he continued to cheer. “Don’t let Sif beat you again, Father!” I said. He looked at me, losing focus long enough for Sif to pin his arm. “Yes!” She cried, jumping up and down. “You just got beat three times in a row!” “I let you win! If I was really trying, you could never beat me.” “I’m sure you did, your majesty,” Sif said while trying to hide a laugh. Sif moved over so I could sit in between her and Father. However, this also meant that I was across from Mother, who was glancing at me periodically during dinner. I think she was hoping I would bring up my trip, but I wasn’t going to do that! Honestly, I would love it if Mother and Father could forget about the whole thing. It’s not like I would remind them about it… ever. I allowed my mind to wander during dinner. I wondered which kingdom they wanted to send me to. Delvenhime was located to the north of us, and the Jinjoma Empire was just south. The dragon tribes of Kunbar were on the other side of the Iron Mountains, and Flaria was just beyond that. “Katasha, did you hear me?” “What?” I looked up wildly. Sif snorted. “I asked if your father had talked to you yet.” “I already told you that I did!” “Yes, but you also have a habit of saying and not doing. So, Katasha, did he?” I sighed, “He did. I’m still not excited about the whole thing, though.” “What thing?” Luca said, his face full of food. Mother glared at him and said, “First of all, don’t talk with food in your mouth! It’s very rude. Second, your sister is going to be going on a trip.” “Where is Kat going?” “Yeah, Mother. Where exactly am I going? I know I’m going to another kingdom, but that is about it. Mother glared at him and said, "First of all, don't talk with food in your mouth! It's very rude. Second, your sister is going to be going on a trip." "Where is Kat going?" "Yeah, Mother. Where exactly am I going? I know I'm going to another kingdom, but that is about it." "The Jinjoma Empire. Our ambassador needs help settling a trade agreement. Emperor Xi has already agreed to teach you so long as you behave yourself and respect their culture." "But I don't want Kat to go!" Luka whined. "I don't want to go either, buddy. But Mother-" Sif interrupted before I could finish my sentence. "When are we going to be leaving?" "Wait, Sif's leaving too?" Mother ignored him. "You will leave in 3 days." The smile that was always there left Luka's eyes. I knew he wasn't going to be happy, but I didn't think it would be this bad. Sif and I looked at each other and stood up. "Well, I suppose I should start figuring out what the culture in Jinjoma is like," I forced a smile. "And I should start figuring out what to pack," Sif sounded a lot more genuine than I had. Sif bowed in respect to my parents, and we left. I glanced behind me one last time to check on Luka but quickly turned around when I saw his crestfallen face. We walked in silence until it became too much and we needed to talk. "Well, that could've gone worse" Sif chuckled. "True. I mean, I could've been sent to Delvenhime! I don't think I would be able to live underground like that." "Delvenhime isn't all underground, Katasha. They have some cities on the surface, and there are a lot of farms to grow their food. Besides, saying all of Delvenhime is underground because the population is mostly Dwarves is like saying Jinjoma is just a bunch of tree-cities because it is mostly elves." "Hey, Jinjoma might be like that! You never know~" Our laughter rang through the hallways. "Come on, Princess. Let's go to the library so you can actually learn something." I punched her and did my best to hide my smile. © 2019 Crow |
Added on April 11, 2019 Last Updated on August 18, 2019 Author