Chapter 2-The Ambassador of Tatooine

Chapter 2-The Ambassador of Tatooine

A Chapter by Rebecca

Rebeth and Cryl were in their chamber in the starship. They had squatted on the bed, facing each other and starring in each others eyes. Later both of them closed their eyes, meditating and uniting their Force-signatures. Starina and Vria could feel the strong aura and approached Rebeth's chamber. Starina opened it and noticed that Cryl and Rebeth had perfectly synchronized their breaths and they were meditating.

“They sure are strong. Oh Force...all the memories.” said Vria, who was now 44 years old. Starina smiled.

“I don't know about mr. Cryl, but my mentor is really gifted...especially with Force-lightning. She creates a single, brilliant lightning that shocks the target meters away and sets the target aflame. She's really powerful.” she said. Vria nodded.

“She only lacks in lightsaber battle.” said Vria, who knew Rebeth for a good while.

“Nah, she is perfect in back hand shien and taught me ataru too.” added Starina. Vria looked at Starina and then Rebeth in awe.

“I guess the more you live, the more you learn.” said Vria and patted Starina gently and walked to the lounge where Vria followed her leaving Cryl and Rebeth in their room.


Rebeth with Cryl's assistance landed the Beast (Rebeth's yacht, which was Cryl's gift) on D'Qar, but they were late. Cryl was patted in the back by General Organa, who explained him that Han had everything under control. Cryl sighed and approached Rebeth, who was besides the Tatooine ambassador. He was tall, thin and delicate, unlike most people of Tatooine, he easily fit her Alderaanian standards with his beautiful, blond hair, yet unshaven face. His hair was the same length's of Cryl's when he was young, but the ambassador's were lightly wavy. Rebeth noticed Starina getting lost in his intense, sky blue eyes. Cryl was about to move forward, but Rebeth stopped him.

“Sir !” said Starina and saluted him. He smirked.

“Oh, don't feel that way with me. I'm just an ambassador. What is your name, miss ?” he asked gently.

“Starina Eseva.” she said and he smiled at her.

“I'm Sura Natas...” he said, but Starina interrupted him.

“Yes, general...” she said and she was about to continue, but he interrupted her.

“Ambassador.” he corrected her.

“Oh, I'm sorry, but I just wanted to can I help ? I want to be part of the resistance and after all, we spoke with a Coruscanti agent, who told us...”

“Coruscanti agent ? Who is with you ?” he asked curiously.

“Rebeth Sunwatcher.” said Starina determined.

“Oh, I thought she was dead.” Sura commented.

“No, she's alive. She is my boss, we run a gourmet restaurant in Theed.” replied Starina.

“Ah yes, that's right.” he said. “Was the agent you spoke with Girtin Marqans ?” asked Sura.

“Yes, he said something about a weapon testing area.” she said trying to recall.

“Oh, you mean Siskeen, right ?” said Sura and continued. “Yes, I was desperately in need for someone to infiltrate the base for a new sort of weapon they test. Some kind of gas that dissolves skin. If the imperials ever use that, all species will be doomed, thus we need people to infiltrate and destroy that project.” he finished and then Starina shook her head.

“Consider it done, your highness.” said Starina and took a bow, then she walked away as Rebeth with Cryl were watching.

“I'm not general Organa !” said Sura to himself and followed her. Cryl leered at Rebeth. Yes, it was true; a new generation was growing up, they'd fight. Just as Cryl and Rebeth fought. Cryl was just wishing that no other planet and system would get destroyed and that'd be ok. The war would eventually be won.

Starina entered Rebeth's starship and Sura followed her. The interior didn't impress him as much as the might of Starina to navigate it. It was really old. In 10 ABY that Cryl had gifted it to Rebeth it already was a 5 decade old starship. He walked deeper inside to the lounge and opened a small refrigerator. In it were some really old wines (not as old as to be from Alderaan, as Cryl was keeping when it was his, but still old and tasty). Sura made himself comfortable and poured some wine in a glass, then he put it back in the refrigerator and approached Starina.

“This is excellent. Where did you get that fine Blossom wine ?” he asked and swirled the wine in the glass.

“Rebeth says that it belongs to her husband, this bald guy....Cryn I think is his name ? Hmmm.” she was trying to remember, but Sura replied for her.

“Cryl; he's an excellent chef. I rarely visit Coruscant, since I work in the Embassy of Tatooine in Corulag...” Sura was saying.

“Corulag ?” asked Starina and looked at Sura, who sat on the co-pilot's seat.

“Yes. Corulag.” he repeated. “Do you like Corulag ?” he asked.

“Yes. I grew up on Corulag.” said Starina. “Fasten your seatbelt. I'll jump to lightspeed.” she warned him and after he did as she said.

Eventually they were on Siskeen. Starina got the ornate hilt of her blue lightsaber and carefully approached the imperial labs. Sura followed with his blaster at hand.

“Do you think we can survive this ?” asked Sura worried.

“Trust me. Rebeth taught me well.” said Starina and ran closer to the facilities. As always Sura followed. Starina walked in and the scientists backed off. A stormtrooper dressed in a quarantine body suit approached carrying a crate of that gas and threatened Starina to release it. Starina let the Force flow through her thoroughly. Sura was watching stunned by Starina's calmness. “You will not use the gas.” she said and waved her hand before the stormtrooper.

“I will not use the gas.” he repeated.

Then Starina noticed the scared scientists around. One of them approached her.

“Thank the stars. Can you free us please ?” asked a tall, ginger, human female.

“Be my guests. But before you leave; how can I destroy that gas ?” she asked. The scientists explained her a complex way to turn the gas into radio-isotopes, but Starina got so confused that she gave them a wide grin and blushed in awkwardness. Sura had never before seen a girl take that expression.

“Just please, get rid of the gas and we will take care of the stormtroopers.” said Sura and got his blaster back from his holster. He waved to Starina to follow him and they moved to the turbolift that took them to the landing platform on top of the facility, on which was a narrow, but long room. Two stormtroopers were guarding the large gates. Two at the southern exit, another two at the northern exit and 4 at the main entrance on the west.

“Here we are” said Sura and shot at the two stormtroopers then rushed towards the exit. Starina rushed and tried to open the doors.

“I thought doors work as both exits and entrances.” she said bummed out and snapped her fingers together. Sura thought it was cute and funny and laughed. “Not funny.” she said and decided to cut the door open with her lightsaber.

“It's durasteel. It will take us ages with anything. I will go to the main entrance.” he said and started running along the length of the room. In the middle was the main gate. Starina wanted to tell him that they'd make themselves easy targets, but he had already left. She decided to back him up only to see that walkers were guarding the main gate. Starina tried to calculate the chances she had, but she decided against it, it was a matter of time, not a matter of chances. She rushed with her lightsaber lit and managed to do as much damage as she could at the “ducks” as she was calling the ATSTs. After they were destroyed she joined Sura as he was grinning with blood covering his teeth.

“Oh my Force, what happened to you.” asked Starina worried.

“That guy punched me...I shot him.” he said and pointed at a dead stormtrooper. “...I killed the others without them realizing.” he said and eventually, even if it was distasteful, he spat. Starina went ahead and entered the area, no one seemed to be around and thus she ran all the way towards the one end of the area. Sura ran the opposite way to “spread out”. When Starina reached the closed door of the one end, she Force-pushed it open, but no one was inside. She looked behind her and she noticed that Sura wasn't with her. How bad could her day be ? She decided to yell his name loudly till he'd reply, but instead she heard shots echo in the narrow area and tried to locate where it was coming from.

Sura had to face an Imperial Captain, who was wielding a carbine riffle. He had shot Sura's left shoulder and his right leg as Sura was trying to hide behind the hanger. There was another shot and Sura tried to put his leg behind the hanger too, trying to avoid causing pain to himself.

“You irritate me. Not only are you worthless as an ambassador, but you are also a useless shooter. You are a coward !” exclaimed the captain. In his mind, Sura had killed that man ten times.

“Why are you hiding ambassador ?” asked the man as he was still shooting at Sura. He knew that he was mocking him. He was honestly trying to kill him, but he was all out of power cells. Thankfully though Starina rushed in with her lightsaber ready.

“Are you supposed to be a Jedi ? How pathetic !” he said and he shot at her, but she shot him right back in the head. She caught her breath and looked around for Sura, who was trying to crawl to her. In his trail he left blood and that worried Starina.

“I need bandages.” he rushed her. Starina got his scarf and tied it tightly right above his leg wound to prevent more blood loss. Then she assisted him to get up, but she soon heard loud shooting.

“We better get going. That sounds more than plain blaster fire.” said Sura. Starina rose him with by using the Force. He felt a little nauseus being lifted into the air, but he knew it was for his own good, so he didn't complain.

Soon they were out of the building, but far from their shuttle and the sun was setting. Starina let him down as she tried to look around for anything that could be used for tent. Sura's moan got her back to him though.

“Are you alright ?” she asked him worriedly.

“Ugh ! My leg hurts a lot and I think my leg is swollen.” he said and grit his teeth to bear the pain.

“It's getting infected. Perhaps I need to cauterize it.” she said and got her lightsaber from her coat's pocket.

“DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT !” yelled Sura and tried to move far from her, but he could only drag his leg, which had lost its agility.

“Damn it ! Rebeth never taught me Force-heal. Then again...I'm with her for only 3 years.” she said troubled while trying to excuse herself. Sura moaned again and held his leg. He noticed Starina look at him and he looked away, pretending he wasn't that much in pain. Starina tried to look for something like a stick, so that he'd be able to barely walk. “Can you move ?” she asked.

“No, my leg is too swollen for that.” he replied.

“I'll head back and try to get a first-aid kit.” said Starina and planted a kiss on his cheek. He looked at her confused at her, but then he smirked.

“It was to sooth your pain. I don't know why men get everything wrong.” said Starina and walked away.

“Wait a moment !” he shouted and Starina froze in her steps looking back at him. “Don't let them harm you.” he said. Starina blushed and grinned. He just smiled. “Oh ! And get some power cells.” as he shouted that, he noticed that Starina was a little far, but she heard him and he knew she had heard it.

© 2015 Rebecca

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Added on December 30, 2015
Last Updated on December 30, 2015
Tags: Cryl, Vria, Rebeth Lauranna Sunwatcher, Starina Eseva, Star Wars, The Force Awakens, Aer, Sura



Athens, Attica, Greece

Hello, I'm Revekka :) I moved from deviantart to this lovely site, simply because the site was beyond annoying including the community. I'm sure I will enjoy my stay here. more..
