![]() Chapter 10A Chapter by Ashheart15![]() The final chapter. Major Elemental Spoilers. You know the drill by now.![]() We’ve almost
caught up to my life at this moment. The life of me sitting by candlelight
recording my past. For anyone who may care to read about it. I know one day
I’ll be gone. I want something to be left of me that tells the truth. When people
look at me they are usually afraid, they see a man in black. White hair
streaming behind him as he holds fire in his hands. They see red eyes and
untouchable power. They don’t
see what used to be. They don’t see the orange that as I write this is crawling
up my chest. I know, because I received word from my spies. This has affected
Daniel, as I suspected it would. We do have similar levels of power. Other than
what my spies tell me, I know nothing about his life now. I know where he is,
but I wouldn’t dare approach him. I’ve been rather
cryptic about what exactly my plan was. The crucial one that would make Daniel
hate me. If he didn’t already, the promise that I broke. It needed to be done,
but all I feel is regret because it didn’t go as planned. On a
completely average day, in a completely average and human neighbourhood. Death came calling. Only he was a fire
Elemental named Eric Fairless. Who had only the worst of intentions that day. The
Elemental gene is a tricky thing, it isn’t always passed Father to Son.
Sometimes it appears in other places. In grandchildren of humans whose parents
had the power. In second cousins and nieces. Today, I was
paying a visit to Loretta Stone. I hadn’t seen her in years, because I had no
reason to. When Daniel and I first became friends, I told him I would stay away
from her because after all, she was only human. I promised not to hurt her. She had a
husband now, which I couldn’t care less about. However, she also had a son, and
I cared very much about that. Daniel had done his best to hide the boy from me
and my men… But it couldn’t stay a secret forever. I made a
personal trip to see his death, because not only was he Daniel’s nephew but he
was also a Water Elemental. Common before I started killing and kill them I
did. Personally. I remembered the one who had attacked me as a boy. I do not
forgive. Loretta was
on the phone, her husband upstairs in his office. I hadn’t seen the boy but I
assumed he was also in the house. With barely a second to silently hope Daniel
hadn’t figured it out yet. I set the house ablaze. Loretta
smelled the smoke first, I remember the panic in her blue eyes as she called
for Charles to come down from upstairs. I think even then she knew I was there.
She knew what I had done. “Charles!
Call the fire brigade! I think the house is on fire!” by that point it was
already too late. My fire was eating away at the walls. Climbing higher and
higher. Barricading her in the kitchen. Separating her and her husband. As she began
to sob, I felt pity for her. Dying alone in her own home. Not even her husband
by her side. So focused
on her was I that I never bothered to confirm the boy was here. I assumed he
was quiet having passed out from smoke inhalation. I didn’t think or I would
have checked. I stepped
through the fire to join Loretta. It wouldn’t hurt me and if it tried I was
capable of fending it off long enough to escape. I don’t know why I didn’t
decide to remain hidden. I suppose once again I wasn’t thinking. “Eric! Eric
No! You can’t do this!” she saw me, and I knew that I was now a monster in her
eyes. I would be the last thing she ever saw. That, that is the way it had to
be. “I can, and
I will. I can’t let a boy as strong as your son survive” he may grow to be
strong enough to face me in battle. I may have relished the challenge once, but
the way things are I can’t afford to waste energy in that way. Not anymore. Loretta’s
husband could hear her shouting, but I imagine that the crackling of flames
would have made it hard for him to hear what she was saying. He was trying to
reassure her that everything would be alright. I love the optimism of humans. “No! Not
Sebastian! Not my baby boy! Run, Sebastian run!” she seemed to be aware that
she wouldn’t escape. If Daniel could have seen how his sister faced death and
didn’t think about her own safety. Only that of her son. He would have been
proud, I think. “You took a
gamble when you decided to have him, but you know that already” the house was
beginning to shudder. My fire eating away at the supports. It wouldn’t be safe
any longer. “Goodbye
Loretta… I am sorry” I left her there and I am aware that you will all think me
a coward for doing so. It was a good thing that I left when I did. Daniel was
already on the scene, and I likely would have perished if he had seen me there. I thought I
was done, that the boy was dead along with his parents. Until Daniel started to
move every couple of months. As if he had something worth hiding from me. As
though after his sister’s death he was trying to out manoeuvre me. When I found
out the truth, they had nothing to bury of the agent who told me but his
charred clothing. The boy wasn’t in the house that day, he was at school when I
set his house on fire. Murdering his parents, but leaving him to escape my
grasp. Daniel had
the child now, and they were fleeing. I knew that getting him wouldn’t be easy.
In fact, it may even cost me my life. So, while I do intend to kill the boy. I
haven’t pursed it very urgently. It’s been
almost six years since I watched Loretta die. My daughter and Daniel’s nephew
happen to be around the same age. I think she’s about fourteen now. I recently…
Got back in contact with her. By that I
mean, she’s in one of my prison cells. She is a feisty one, and I don’t want to put her
or my men in danger. She reminds me so much of myself that it is almost
uncanny. Then again, I suppose that is the power of genetics. I did encounter a young Elemental while I was picking her up, and would you believe I’m almost certain it was Daniel’s nephew. He’s still meddling in my plans. That Hard Headed Earth Shaking Pain in the Backside. That dream
that I once had, of Gabrielle and I standing side by side on the battlefield.
It may come true. I couldn’t be happier and… My door. No one should dare to
knock on it. My men know better to interrupt me when I’m working. I will crisp
the idiot who interrupted me, and then I will put this away. It wouldn’t do for
one of my men to find out that I am a man with thoughts after all I… My
Father will not stand by my side. Lightning works alone. Hot headed fool. He
deserved the death of a man who couldn’t see the game being set up around him as it really
was. Checkmate. © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on December 6, 2016 Last Updated on December 6, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing