![]() PrologueA Chapter by Ashheart15![]() A young photographer wanders where he was told not to go. A place where the forest works against you.![]() Never look for it. That is the best
advice that I can give to you. Tell your friends, tell your family. Don't let
them search. If they follow my steps they'll end up meeting the same fate I
almost did. I don't want that for anyone. I was a Photographer. Young, looking
for that one shot that nobody else could capture. A picture that would stun
viewers and help me on my rise to fame as one of the world’s best
Photographers. I was travelling a lot chasing after
that picture. That was when I heard about the Crimson Tree. It was supposedly
situated in the middle of dense forest and gave off an eerie red light day and
night. The best part about it was that nobody
had ever gotten a clear shot of it. It wasn't clear why. All the pictures simply
came back blurry. Nothing more than a faint red streak. Their photographers usually came back with
serious paranoia. Or not at all. those who did return were hospitalised. This didn't deter me though. As soon
as I heard about the tree I knew it was what I had been looking for. The photo
that would mark the start of my career. If I got a clear shot, I would be the
first person ever. I stopped in the town that bordered
the forest but the residents weren't very helpful. None of them would talk
about the tree or what happened to the Photographers. The only piece of information I was
able to gather was that it was unwise to go into the forest after dark. They
wouldn't tell me the reason for this. I sat on the threadbare bed in the
rickety motel that was the town’s only accommodation for travellers and gazed
out the window at the forest. I could swear that I saw the red glow of the tree
in the distance. Calling for me. As if in a spell I left the hotel
moving robotically. My legs and arms moved without my control. Camera swinging
from my neck and my breath billowing in the crisp night air. I stumbled into the forest at night.
When I was told not to go. It was dark, I tripped on bushes and bumped into
trees unable to see them looming in front of my face. Slicing through tiny gaps between
trees was that persistent faint red glow. The glow that I used as a guide to
which direction I should go. I didn't have any idea how I was going to get back
without becoming hopelessly lost. As the minutes turned to hours I continued
my hike through the night. To my horror the deeper into the forest I went, the
fainter the glow became. Until it was nothing but the faintest streak of red
amongst the black. The wind hissed through the branches
of the pines around me as I came to a stop. I couldn't see my hand in front of
my face. I was disorientated, I was lost. As I stood there scared that I would
be wandering these woods forever. I realised something. The hissing continued
even when the wind stopped. It grew louder until it became whispers and those
whispers became a voice. "Come to play with me" the
voice was soft and cut through all the noises of the forest. It sounded like a
little boy. It didn't belong out here. In the forest, where the hairs on the
back of my neck were standing up like soldiers. "You can play a game with me. I
get to pick" the voice came from all around me. Above and below and all
around but I couldn't see anybody in the shadows cast by the small amount of
moonlight. I stepped back and stood on a twig. My
gut was telling me that something was wrong. That if I couldn't find the town
or the tree that I should at least get away from here. Now. "Hide and Seek. You hide and I'll
seek. I'm really good at seeking" the trees rustled and no matter how I
strained my eyes I could not see the child anywhere. How can you hide from
someone you can't see? "You get ten seconds before I
come find you. Find you like I found the others" the end of the sentence
was little more than a whisper that made my skin crawl. I began to run through the trees, it
was so incredibly dark that I couldn't really go anywhere fast. Branches and
other unseen obstacles tripped me with almost every step. "One... Two... Three" I
tried to be quiet as I searched frantically for somewhere to hide. I still didn't
know who or what would be seeking me. I had seven seconds before I found out
and I really didn't want to. "Four... Five... Six" I was
far enough away by now that I shouldn't have been able to still hear the voice
but I could. It was like he was right behind me. Like I hadn't even moved from
the spot where I first heard it. "Eight... Nine..." oh God, oh God, oh God. There was a tree
with thick roots that created a small hollow. Not small enough for my whole
body but I could stand in it against the tree. It was the best I could do in
the darkness. "Ten... I hope you’re as easy to
find as the others. They really didn't try very hard" the forest went
silent. I listened for tiny footsteps of the boy searching but heard nothing. Almost nothing. There was a shifting
within the ground. A faint barely audible creaking, and the forest seemed to
lurch. The tree I was standing against came alive. Its roots like snakes wrapped
themselves around my left arm. Trapping me in place, and no matter how hard I
tugged I could not free myself. "Please..." I whispered as I
struggled against the roots but it was no use. They were as thick as my arm was
and twice as strong. Something flickered with red light and the little boy’s
laughter rang through the forest. "We're playing hide and seek,
first you come here to seek me, and then you hide. Because I'm seeking
you" the light shone brighter. Right in my eyes but I could make out the
figure that stood there. It was not a little boy. It wasn't even a man, not really. It
had arms and legs but they were made of roots. It had a face but it was blank
and wooden. It was as if the Crimson Tree was alive. Or possessed. "When the first man found me he
wasn't fun at all. He was trying to figure out how to cut me down. When he
tried one of my branches crushed his son" the roots holding my arm in
place began to slowly tighten their grip. I pulled harder in vain. "That’s when I got a voice.
That’s when I learnt to move. After that anyone who came seeking me had to play
with me" the figure stood to far away for me to clearly process what I was
seeing. Could this be real? "Little David taught me about
hide and seek. I find it really fun. David helps me play with you" the
little boy's voice sounded so, so wrong coming out of the wooden figure. My arm was so tightly held by now that
my pulling was doing nothing at all. Every step the man took towards me made me
tremble that much harder. Until I sank to my knees. Sharp pain from my arm and suddenly I
was able to yank it out of the roots. It was torn to bits hardly considered a
limb at this point. This was my one and only chance to escape. I ran and I didn't look back. The
cries and screams of the wooden man followed me until I could no longer hear
him. I had no doubt in my mind that I had found the Crimson Tree. Or that it
had found me. I ran until my vision started to blur
and then I slowed down to a walk. Which turned into slow walking, which turned
to just barely managing to put one foot in front of the other. Somehow, somewhere, I must have taken
the right turn. I found the town again. I lurched out of the forest and
collapsed on some old lady’s driveway. I don't think I was the first. I woke up in hospital, I had no photo
and no arm. The tree had damaged it beyond recovery. I'm not a fool. I won't be
going looking for that picture again, I had to say something though. If you're curious don't be, if you want
that prize winning photo trust me when I say it isn't worth your life. Stay
away from that forest. The voice still penetrates my nightmares. It is a horror
I wish on no one. © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on October 29, 2016 Last Updated on October 29, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing