![]() EpilogueA Chapter by Ashheart15![]() Daniel can't give up on Sebastian. No matter what.![]()
Daniel Stone
was in a new apartment. The abandoned one was trashed in the battle against the
Peacemaker army. Who without their leader had completely fallen. Those that
weren’t dead had scattered. It was what happened when you forced people to
fight. Gone. His
nephew was gone. Daniel had been searching for him for the last two months with
no success. You’d think it would be easy locating a water abnormality,
apparently not. He inhaled
deeply and shut his eyes. When he first woke up and found out about the
sacrifice Sebastian had made for him he hadn’t known how to react. Daniel had
killed Gabrielle, and it should have been the last thing he ever did. Only Sebastian would give up his life
for a foolish old man like myself. He had
buried all the bodies, Gabrielle’s included. He hadn’t given her any more
special treatment than any of her soldiers. After all she had done, she didn’t
deserve anything from him. Her father
at least had a headstone on his grave, so Daniel could go and visit and feel
less alone. He hoped his old friend would be glad that this tired war was over. A knock on
the door. He grunted his permission for whoever it was to enter. He’d asked for
his men and Shaft to give him some space and time to recover. No one should
have been able to find him and disturb him. A cold chill
down his spine. Ah, so it was his young shadow. Of course, Darcy of all people
would find Daniel. He didn’t feel warmth contradicting the cold chill. So Alina
must not be with him. Alina had
been quiet since she had woken to find out that she had completely missed the
battle. His poor little light, she had taken a long time to recover from her
injuries. It had not been her fault. “For you,
what he did was noble, even if I don’t really like him” a folded up piece of
paper. No, a map of the world. With a red dot pinpointing the location of
something. Or someone. The middle
of the Pacific Ocean. Completely void of humanity. Daniel
hugged Darcy and it reminded him of all the times when his young shadow had
come crying to him with bad dreams and Daniel had done his best to make it
better. “You found
him! Thank you my shadow! You have no idea what this means to me” it truly
meant so much more than Darcy would ever know. His final link to his sister,
the boy Daniel had kept safe all of these years. The one who had saved Daniel
from certain death. “What will
you do now?” steady and emotionless black eyes watched Daniel stand up off the
bed. Sebastian may never recover from the power he had taken in. There was so
much of it, but Daniel thought he knew a way. “My boy may
be far gone, almost a wild animal with all of this power inside of him. I
believe he retreated out into the sea to protect us all from what he was
becoming” it would likely have been the last human thing that Sebastian was
able to do. What he was
planning was dangerous, for themselves and for Sebastian. If it went wrong,
they could be killed or the power could overwhelm his nephew and he would die.
This would not be done easily. “I am going
to find him, and I believe, that when he sees me. It will bring him back to
himself. He has shown amazing control in the past. I believe he can control the
new level of power he has” Darcy blinked up at him with an expression of
confusion that did not belong on a Nine-year-old. “You are
going alone?” an earth Elemental in the middle of the ocean by himself. That
made it sound like a suicide mission more than a rescue. He took Darcy’s hand
in his own and watched how the candlelight played with the shadows. I am never alone. His sister and his old friend were
beside him always. In spirit, lending their strength and their power. He would
bring his boy home, if it cost the world. Sebastian may be beaten, but he was
not truly gone. Even if you don’t want to be found, I
can always find you. I will bring you home. I will repay you for what you did
for me. I could never leave you to suffer alone. Not after everything you’ve
been through. Water is
ever changing, sometimes violent and terrifying. Yet ever constant, it cannot
be broken. END. © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on October 25, 2016 Last Updated on October 25, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing