![]() Chapter 20: MonsterA Chapter by Ashheart15![]() No one can hurt Sebastian's family and get away with it. No one.![]()
Chapter 20: Monster
was dumb. Sebastian was an idiot. Sebastian had not thought this through at all
before he did it and now he was sincerely regretting it. He was in the air vents;
he had gotten there with the help of a shove from a water wave. Except now he
couldn’t move. Because
vents are noisy and every time Sebastian moved even a little bit it echoed and
that would get him found out. Everything
was about to get worse, much worse. Because while Sebastian sat half bent over
in the vent. He heard two different sounds, and neither of them were good. The first
was raw and painful screaming. The kind that would shred your voice for days
afterwards. My-soul-is-in-pain screaming, I’m-dying-much-to-slowly screaming.
It made the hairs on the back of Sebastian’s neck stand straight up. The second
sound was the sound of rumbling water, filling the vents. What Sebastian had
mistaken for air vents were in fact meant to be filled with water. To muffle
the screaming, so that the humans outside wouldn’t hear it and think something
was wrong. Sound
doesn’t cut through water very well. So the vents were filling up and the flaps
like the one Sebastian had entered from were shutting. Any human in Sebastian’s
situation would most likely drown. Sebastian
was an Elemental, with the power of water woven like silk into his very DNA. Yes,
he needed to breathe as humans do. But he could hold his breath much longer and
his eyesight was unhindered by being underwater. Sebastian
took a big gulp of air as the water reached his neck, if the Peacemakers had
known he was inside the vents they would never have filled them. It was like
feeding a fire. Or in this case giving Sebastian exactly what he needed. He ran his
hands over the shiny metal of the vents and closed his eyes as the coolness of
the water went over his head. The vents were now completely filled. The water
hummed in Sebastian’s mind, it was happy to see him. It felt like meeting an
old friend after a long time. Through the
water, Sebastian could also see and hear what was going on in the building. He
followed the sound of the screaming, it might lead him to his uncle. Sebastian
refused to consider that it might be his uncle. He couldn’t think of it because
that might make it true. Sebastian’s
mind reached the part of the vents where the screaming was loudest. A tiny
crack in the metal was enough for Sebastian to see through to the room below.
It was the same dark room that Sebastian had seen in his vision. Dark brown
almost black carpet and walls smeared with what Sebastian hoped was not blood.
Movement to the left of him, the figure in black wielding something that was so
bright Sebastian couldn’t make out what it was. The
screaming started again and Sebastian saw his uncle writhing on the bed where
he was chained. Blood ran down his face from a head wound and his eyes were
glazed with pain. The figure in black was jabbing Daniel in his bad knee with
the bright thing. Suddenly
Sebastian wasn’t water inside the vents, instead he was back in his body and he
was falling into the dark room. He hit the floor and felt his limbs bruise from
the ungraceful landing. How did I… Get here? That’s never happened before… “I told you
he would come charging in Daniel, and he didn’t even figure out that I could
sense the electrical activity of his mind in the water…” time seemed to freeze
as Sebastian stared at the figure in black. That voice…
It was… It couldn’t be… Not her, oh Please not her. Not the one person he
trusted as much as his uncle. Who understood him and stood by his side,
lighting up the darkness. Sebastian almost heard his own heart breaking again.
Right in the same place that had started to heal after his parent’s death. She pulled
off her hood, and it was her. He knew those golden eyes as well as his own. How
could she do this to him? he loved
her, he taught her everything! He opened up his stone cold heart to her and
she… She betrayed him! “Light…
Please… Why?” his brain couldn’t even process what he was seeing. He saw her
but he couldn’t comprehend that the person who had kidnapped his uncle was
Gabrielle. There was an
explosion to Sebastian’s left and he turned to see one of the walls had caved
in. Out of the hole came Shaft. Specks of dust littered her black jumper and
jeans. It clung to her purple hair as she deflected a blast of lightning from
Gabrielle. “I’m here to
spring you Boss! Sorry I’m a bit late!” Shaft was busy unchaining Daniel who
must have called her to come and help him. Sebastian felt his anger rise and
the sizzle of his power running through his veins. When he looked down at his
arm he saw his veins glowing blue. “You…
Betrayed… Me! You used me! How could you do this?!” Sebastian had the water
from the vents at his disposal but he was worried about hurting his uncle or
Shaft. If he let go, and let his power do whatever it wanted they might be
harmed. “Sebastian!
Come with us! If you lose control you may never get it back!” uncle was calling
for him. He knew he should go, but… He felt the
beat of his power humming to be used. He wanted revenge and so it knew. It was
begging him like a toddler who desperately wanted a toy. “LEAVE!”
Sebastian created a bubble of water and pushed his uncle and Shaft into it.
Once they were safely enclosed he sent them out of the building and away. He
didn’t care where they went as long as it was away. He needed them to be safe
from what he was about to do. Sebastian
took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Last time he lost control it had been
painful. Because he had resisted it in a vain attempt to keep his power in
check. Now he acknowledged the fierce power of tidal waves and deadly seas. He
sank into the blue fizzing pool and let it take over. _______________________________________________ Sebastian
was no longer completely conscious. Nor was he able to see himself, but his
uncle injured though he was had not left. He was watching. Shaft supported him
as he stood outside the building and observed the flashes of blue and white
clashing together. “I didn’t
want to do this… But even if Sebastian defeats Gabrielle which is unlikely,
we’ll need help to bring him back to himself… I think it’s time we let Ying and
Yang out to stretch their legs” Shaft gasped and stared at Daniel, but Daniel
was certain. Though he would protect this particular secret with his life it
was needed now. “Are you
sure Boss? I mean they aren’t exactly ready…” he held up his hand to stop Shaft
in her tracks. They would be fine; Daniel had invested a lot of time into
preparing them. They were strong enough for this, stronger even than Sebastian. “No more
arguing, we need to fetch them quickly” Daniel was in no state to fight, his
head was pounding and he could feel himself trembling. He didn’t want Sebastian
to be consumed by his power, this was the only option they had left. “Tell them
that under no circumstances may they harm my nephew, but they may do whatever
is necessary to contain him” Sebastian would not want to give up, if Gabrielle
escaped he would want to tear the city apart to find her. If she died, he would
seek out the rest of the Peacemakers.
The scariest thing about monsters, is
not what they can do or the fact that they are monsters. It’s that anyone can
become one. Daniel
had stood by and let it happen to Eric. He would not make the same mistake
again. © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on October 25, 2016 Last Updated on October 25, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing