![]() Chapter 19: The figure in Black.A Chapter by Ashheart15![]() The figure in Black is bad, the new leader of the Peacemakers. However their true identity makes everything so much worse.![]()
Chapter 19: The figure in Black
hadn’t moved in two hours. Sitting on the floor of his ruined apartment, unsure
of what to do. His uncle had always guided him and now he couldn’t. Because the
Peacemakers had taken him away. I have to do something… Sebastian wiped his eyes on his
sleeve and stood up. He was wasting time. He was an Elemental for crying out
loud. There had to be a way to rescue his uncle. Sebastian knew if he’d been
taken his uncle would have done everything in his power to find him. “I’m going
to need a lot of water…” Sebastian didn’t want to have to rely on there being a
water source nearby when he needed it. He slowly reached out with his power
into the ground and drew two strings of water up to the surface. He wrapped
them around his wrist like bracelets. Where he could access them if needed. It wasn’t
much water but in a pinch it might be the difference between life and death.
Now Sebastian could put his hand in the tap water and try to locate his uncle.
He wasn’t sure if it was common knowledge that water Elementals could do this.
He hoped it wasn’t because otherwise the Peacemakers wouldn’t leave water lying
around. He turned on
the faucet and let the cool water run over his hand, it was soothing in a weird
sort of way. He closed his eyes and let the water carry his mind. The water
took him right into the city, far from his house. He knew it was very much in
the heart of Sydney because the water had a metallic tang that spoke of lots
and lots of humans in one place. Darkness. A
single candle flame dimly lighting the room. Sebastian glimpsed his uncle lying
chained to a bed. A figure stood at the end, hidden by the shadows. Dressed all
in black. Not moving, just watching his uncle sleep. There was no
earth inside that building and Water-Sebastian sensed concrete outside. His uncle would not be able to escape on his own. He would need Sebastian to come get
him. The figure
in black was motionless. It made the hair back on Sebastian’s body rise. He
could not see the figure’s face, but he felt the hatred that came off it in
waves. It made him fear for his uncle. It made the rescue that much more
urgent. Sebastian
pulled his hand out of the water. There was no time to waste, now that he knew
where his uncle was. I’m coming, just
wait for me uncle I’m coming! _______________________________________________ Cold. Dark.
No, worse than dark. Daniel couldn’t feel any earth. Dark was the ground around
him in his mind. Concrete, up down and all around. The tinkling when he moved
his arms meant chains. Crap. Daniel
slowly opened his eyes, his head was pounding from the blow that had knocked
him out. Peacemakers, b******s that they were Daniel hadn’t been able to fight
them off. How had they snuck up on him? Did they have Sebastian as well? No, Daniel
didn’t know if Sebastian was safe, without earth to guide him he was
practically powerless. They must have picked this location just to stop Daniel
from using his powers to escape. Only when
Daniel focused on the end of the bed he was tied to, did he realise that there
was someone standing there. A figure half hidden in the shadows and dressed all
in black. So this must be the person who had stepped in to lead the Peacemakers
after Eric’s passing. “I’m glad to
see you’re awake Daniel, I was beginning to think my men hit you harder than I
instructed” fear dried Daniel’s mouth and he felt his hands shaking. That
voice, he knew that voice. He had worked beside that voice; he had welcomed it
into his home. “you really
pulled the wool over our eyes didn’t you girl?!” it was Gabrielle. She was
here, the figure in black. This made no sense, but then again it made perfect
sense. Oh, Sebastian would be so broken when he found out about this. “My father
taught me that you always look for the good in people Daniel, but only I saw
how that could be used against you” she reached up and pulled the hood off her
face. Those golden eyes, it was her. Smiling at Daniel. Oh the elements be damned, what had he
gotten himself into? “You tricked
us…” how much information had she gotten out of him and Sebastian? How many of
their weaknesses did she know? They’d trusted her, Sebastian had trusted her! “Of course I
did, my father was very angry at me when he kidnapped me, so before we made any
kind of agreement he burned me. I knew it would be enough to convince Sebastian
that I was the victim” Daniel remembered that very faintly. Most of his time
had been spent trying to save Sebastian. “Sebastian
nearly died ‘saving’ you, but you were never in danger were you?” Eric was
always very intelligent. He wouldn’t have done any real damage to his heir.
After all, that would defeat the purpose of having her. Pain, hot,
up his leg. It only lasted maybe a second but it had Daniel writhing to escape.
The lightning retreated back into Gabrielle’s hand. Sebastian had trained her.
he’d made the leader of the Peacemakers stronger without even realising it. Not that
Daniel blamed him. He should never have let his nephew near her. He should have
tried harder to keep him away. “That was when my father thought I would work for him, but I’ve never enjoyed being told what to do” she looked at her nails and smirked. Daniel felt his heart twist painfully as he realised he was staring at Eric’s killer. He’d been burnt to death and Gabrielle was so strong. An oversight on Eric’s part that had cost him his life. “You… You
killed him…Eric would never have thought to protect himself from you…” his own
blood, no Eric wouldn’t have thought he was in any danger around her. The
perfect opportunity for Gabrielle to literally strike him down. “Now that
I’ve revealed myself to you, I want to know if there’s any information you have
that I don’t know… And I know how to get it out of you” white flashed across
Daniel’s vision as she struck him in his bad knee. The room span, but there
were secrets that Daniel couldn’t afford for the Peacemakers to know. People he
had to protect. “I can’t… I
won’t…You can’t make me!” it hurt. Oh curse the elements, his bad knee was on
fire again. Just like it had been all those years ago. He couldn’t stand it but
he had to. Unless he wanted them to have the upper hand he had to keep silent. “I’m going
to bet that Sebastian will come to get you Daniel. He’s not the kind to let the
last of his family suffer” Daniel heaved for breath as the pain increased.
Gabrielle didn’t have Sebastian but she wanted him. She was right too; his boy
would come charging in sooner or later with no regard for his own safety. It was time
to summon his back up. He’d always known he might be captured by Eric at some
point. That was why he had double agents within the Peacemakers.
It was time
to call for Shaft. Daniel blew a long whistle. Low enough that only he could
hear the tune. Gabrielle wouldn’t notice it, but he knew that Shaft would. It
was a secret code, it meant ‘Save my a*s’. © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on October 25, 2016 Last Updated on October 25, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing