![]() Chapter 17: CrumblingA Chapter by Ashheart15![]() Daniel remembers the day he lost his sister, but gained a companion, a friend, perhaps even a son.![]()
Chapter 17: Crumbling
Daniel Stone
sat with his back on the wall and his head in his hands. He’d brought Sebastian
home, and now he had to go back to work. But he didn’t want to, his thoughts
kept going back to his Sister. Today was a
hard day for both him and Sebastian. Sebastian,
the elements knew this day was so hard for him. It was no wonder he’d lost
control earlier. It was hard
for Daniel to though, Loretta was his sister, she could get her big brother to
do anything for her and she never cared when the neighbourhood kids laughed and
called him “Freak”, “Monster”, and who knew what else. He should
have taken Sebastian away from her the moment he opened those damned blue eyes
but Loretta loved being a mother and she loved Sebastian with all her heart. So
he let him stay until the day came when it was too late to save her. He
remembered when he had arrived at his sister’s house that day for what would be
his final visit. He was going
to surprise Loretta with a present for Sebastian, all Nine-year old’s liked
football cards didn’t they? As he walked down the street he caught a whiff of
smoke in the air but dismissed it. Loretta and Daniel had worked hard to throw
The Peacemakers off track and so far, it was working. When he
turned the corner of the street and he saw that Loretta’s house was on fire he
thought he was going to cause an Earthquake of immeasurable proportions. The
power had swelled under his skin as the realisation that Loretta was probably
in the house swept over him. The only
thing that had stopped him from releasing his pain on the city was the fact
that Sebastian might still be alive in there and somehow Daniel had to get him
out. He had
gritted his teeth and clenched his fists forbidding his power to seep out into
the ground. The green light of his earth power rebelled against his command. It was
thirsty for disaster and the human lives they would end if they got into the
ground. Daniel had held on though and refused to let even a single drop out. No, I’ve hurt enough people, I will not hurt
the people who live in this city. I will not hurt Sebastian. When he felt
like he had at least some control back he began to make his way closer to the
house. Past the human firefighters and up to the gate trying to determine if
there was any chance Sebastian might still be alive. He was the
only one who noticed the young boy standing in the smoke near the front door.
Sebastian had grown since his uncle had last laid eyes on him but that shock of
black hair could only belong to one person. The boy’s
fists were pounding on the front door and he was shouting, his blue and white
school uniform was streaked with soot so he must have arrived home just before
Daniel showed up. “Sebastian!”
Daniel shouted over the fence but the boy didn’t seem to hear him he just kept
hitting the door and yelling for his Mum and Dad. Daniel knew who had most
likely set this fire and that he needed to get Sebastian away from here but he
could do nothing but watch the boy weep. There was a
groan from within the house and Daniel realised it was on the verge on
collapsing. Sebastian was unaware of the danger and he was still at the front
door but Daniel would be damned if he would lose his nephew to the Peacemakers
now. With
strength he didn’t know he still possessed Daniel jumped over the fence. As his
feet touched the ground he saw beams under the house beginning to break. He ran
forward and grabbed young Sebastian around the waist, hauling him away from the
house as he continued to scream. “Mummy!” the
boy wailed as with a shudder the house fell in on itself and was devoured by
the flames. The force of it knocked Daniel to his knees and he let go of
Sebastian trying to keep his balance. The boy
kneeled in front of his burning house and sobbed his little heart out as the
sky around him began to darken. Daniel felt his arm hairs lift as with a crash
it began to rain so hard that Daniel could barely see. The boy’s
grief and pain was triggering this storm and as the firefighters ran for the
cover of their trucks Daniel knew the only way to stop Sebastian from drowning
them all was to reassure him and calm him down. Groping
blindly Daniel managed to locate Sebastian, who was still crying and pull him
to his chest. He hugged him even though he wasn’t really someone who gave many
hugs because in that moment both Daniel and the boy needed comforting. “It will be
ok Sebastian, it will, it will” he whispered to his nephew as tears blurred
what little he could see through the rain. Sebastian was all that Daniel had
left in the world, the Peacemakers had destroyed what was left of both their
families but at least they had each other. Sebastian
slowly calmed and the rain stopped as suddenly as it had started. When Daniel looked
down he had a sleeping nine-year-old in his arms and a chest heavy with pain.
It was for both their sakes that they left the city and never looked back. It
reminded them both of things they would rather forget. © 2016 Ashheart15Author's Note
Added on October 25, 2016 Last Updated on October 25, 2016 Author![]() Ashheart15Perth, Western Australia, AustraliaAboutI am a 20 year old writer from sunny Western Australia. I enjoy drinking a ridiculous amount of coffee and staring at blank Word documents. Otherwise I write horror short stories and have just comp.. more..Writing